
  1. WTO经贸谈判实质上就是经贸活动中的跨文化交际。

    WTO negotiation is , substantially , intercultural communication in international business activities .

  2. WTO经贸谈判与跨文化交际

    WTO Trade Negotiation and Intercultural Communication

  3. 为避免文化上的冲突,有效的沟通方式为:对自身文化的深刻体会,了解文化上的差异并接受文化的多样性,提高跨文化交际的能力。WTO经贸谈判与跨文化交际

    In order to achieve effective intercultural negotiation , the improvement of self-knowledge , understanding cultural differences , tolerance to diversity , and communicative competence are recommended . WTO Trade Negotiation and Intercultural Communication

  4. 以服务贸易这一国际经贸谈判难点为例,两国管理体制大相径庭,彼此各有核心关切。

    Take trade in services for example , which is a stumbling block in international trade negotiations . The two countries have vastly different administrative regimes and core concerns .

  5. 商界人士和分析师表示,这也是两岸政府持续已久的经贸谈判取得进展的重要迹象,有望扩大海峡两岸的商业往来,并推动更多大陆和台湾企业结盟。

    It is also an important sign of progress in long-running trade talks between the two governments that could expand cross-strait business and lead to new tie-ups between Chinese and Taiwanese companies , businessmen and analysts said .

  6. 第四,通过多边和双边经贸谈判,以及参与有关经贸组织,为本地企业争取更佳的进入境外市场条件,并且联同有关机构和组织,协助本地企业开拓境外市场;

    Fourthly , securing more favourable market access for the local enterprises through multilateral and bilateral economic and trade negotiations and participation in relevant economic and trade organisations ; and , in conjunction with the appropriate organisations , also assisting local enterprises to promote their products outside Hong kong ;