
  • 网络the economic base and the superstructure
  1. 经济学必须从生产力与生产关系、经济基础与上层建筑的矛盾运动中全面地研究生产关系,既研究组织经济关系,又研究社会经济关系。

    The study of economics must probe into production relations from the perspective of the contradictory motions of the productive forces and the production relations as well as the economic base and the superstructure . Both the organizational economic relations and the social economic relations should be studied .

  2. 社会基本矛盾主要是生产力与生产关系之间的矛盾,经济基础与上层建筑之间虽然存在着矛盾,但不构成社会基本矛盾或基本矛盾的一部分。

    The social basic contradiction is the contradiction between productive force and productive relationship .

  3. 经济基础与上层建筑的关系;

    Economic base and superstructure ;

  4. 经济基础与上层建筑之间的矛盾则类似于本质与现象的矛盾关系。因此,即使经济基础与上层建筑之间存在着一定的矛盾关系,它们也不会成为社会基本矛盾。

    Therefore , the relationship between economic foundation and superstructure is just like the relationship between essence and phenomenon .

  5. 从存在与意识、经济基础与上层建筑的角度,论证了环境对思想道德教育的制约;

    The environmental restriction to moral education was analyzed from the aspects of social being and consciousness , economic basis and superstructure .

  6. 生产力与生产关系、经济基础与上层建筑的矛盾,构成社会的基本矛盾。

    The contradictions between productive forces and the relations of production and between economic base and superstructure constitute the basic social contradiction .

  7. 实现我国海洋管理工作的和谐发展&海洋管理中经济基础与上层建筑

    ACHIEVEMENT OF HARMONIOUS DEVELOPMENT OF MARINE MANAGEMENT IN CHINA & From the point of view of economic base and superstructure of marine management

  8. 根据历史唯物主义的观点所揭示的经济基础与上层建筑之间的关系,传统的乡土社会格局也将在此大背景之下获得革新。

    According to the relationship between economic base and superstructure , Marx revealed the traditional pattern of rural society would be innovated in this context .

  9. 马列文论中的不平衡说,讲的是经济基础与上层建筑关系中的特殊规律而不是普遍规律。

    In Marxist Leninist literature , a well known viewpoint disequilibrium theory interprets the special laws concerning the relationship between economic basis and superstructure instead of its universal laws .

  10. 随着生产力与生产关系、经济基础与上层建筑的矛盾运动,社会稳定的合法形态也经历着一个辩证发展的过程。

    Along with the productive forces and production relations , economic foundation and superstructure contradictory movement , social stability of the legal form also going through a dialectical development process .

  11. 研究表明经济基础与上层建筑之间有着本质的联系,上层建筑的改革一定要适合经济基础状况的规律。

    Studies show that there is intrinsical link between the economic base and superstructure , the reform of superstructure must be suitable for the character and law of economic base .

  12. 正是这一原因,这种政治规划彻底地抛弃了马克思主义的经济基础与上层建筑之分、阶级斗争等核心理论。

    It is this reason that this political program completely abandons the key theories of Marxism , that is , the distinction of the economic basis and superstructures , and class struggles , etc.

  13. 历史唯物主义认为,生产力和生产关系的矛盾、经济基础与上层建筑的矛盾是人类社会的两大基本矛盾。

    Historical materialism believes that the two basic social contradictions in the human society are the contradiction between the productive force and relations of production and the contradiction between the economic basis and superstructure .

  14. 重农抑工商思想形成于战国时期,这和当时生产力、生产关系,经济基础与上层建筑的发展变化是密切相关的。

    Advocating the development of agriculture but restraining the development of industry and commerce theory took shape in the Warring States Period and had relations with the change of Productivity and Relations of production .

  15. 第二章,依据马克思主义制度分析理论,把制度的变迁看作是以生产力与生产关系、经济基础与上层建筑矛盾运动为中心的综合动力系统。

    Chapter two , based on Marxist system analysis theory , regards changes of system as an integrated power system driven by the contradiction of productive forces and productive relations , economic base and superstructure .

  16. 依照马克思的观点,死刑的产生终究还是社会基本矛盾,即生产力和生产关系、经济基础与上层建筑的矛盾的结果。

    According to Marx , the production of the death penalty , after all , basic social contradictions , that is productive forces and production relations , the economic base and superstructure of the conflicting results .

  17. 这与唯物史观从经济基础与上层建筑的统一来定位社会形态和历史时代的原则相去甚远,对此我们不能盲目认同,但我们也不能对之虚无主义地完全排斥。

    This thesis is far away from the perspective of historical materialism which defines a form of society and the nature of an era from the view of the unity between the economic base and the political superstructure .

  18. 人类社会发展的基本矛盾不只是生产力与生产关系、经济基础与上层建筑的矛盾,还有人类生存和发展的内在要求与社会生产力的矛盾。

    Basic contradictions of human social Development include not only those between productive force and production relations , economic foundation and superstructure , but also that of the international requirements of human existence and development and social productive force ;

  19. 认识和分析文化产业及艺术生产的产业化转向,必须从生产力与生产关系、经济基础与上层建筑的矛盾运动中去寻求解释。

    Understanding and analyzing the industrialized transformation of cultural industry and artistic production , it is necessary to find the truth through the interaction between productivity and relations of production as well as the relationship between economic base and superstructure .

  20. 斯大林否认社会主义社会存在生产力与生产关系、经济基础与上层建筑之间的矛盾,提出了完全适合动力论;

    Stalin denied that the contradiction of productive forces and production relatives 、 economic base and superstructure existed in socialism society and put forward " fitful completely power theory " . What we want to construct is a socialist harmonious society .

  21. 但随着生产力与生产关系、经济基础与上层建筑之间矛盾的不断发展,阶级斗争就会愈演愈烈,人类社会的和平时期就会被战争给打破和中断。

    But with the continuous development of the contradiction between productive forces and production relations , economic base and superstructure , class struggle will be intensified , and the peace of human society period will be broken and interrupted by the war .

  22. 马克思发现的唯物史观科学地阐明了人类社会发展的一般性规律,解释了生产力与生产关系及经济基础与上层建筑的矛盾运动是人类社会发展的动力。

    The Historical materialism scientifically elaborated the common law of the development of human society , and explained that the driving power of the development of human society is the contradictive movements between productivity and relations of production , or economic foundation and superstructure .

  23. 外因即技术系统所存在的社会大系统,是经济基础与上层建筑的总和,属于环境的因素,因为最终决定于经济基础,也可以归结为人的因素。

    The external factor is the social macro - system of technology system existence , and the accumulation of the economic base and superstructure , belonging to environmental factor , because eventually it is determined by the economic base , and can be classified into human factor .

  24. 敬业是社会生活的反映,随着社会生产力和生产关系,经济基础与上层建筑的矛盾运动以及社会形态的更替,敬业的内涵和外延也不断的发展、变化。

    Professional dedication is the reflection of social life . With the replacement of social formation , the contradictory motions between social productive forces and productive relationship and the interactive operation between economic infrastructure and superstructure , the meaning of professional dedication is also developing and changing gradually .

  25. 他运用经济基础与上层建筑关系的理论,去分析后现代主义文化和第三世界文学,认为后现代主义文化是晚期资本主义经济结构的反映,民族寓言是第三世界文学的基本特征。

    Using the theory of relationship between economic basis and superstructure , he has analyzed the postmodernism culture and the third world literature . He thinks that postmodernism is the reflection of economic structure of late capitalism and the national fable is the basic character of the third world literature .

  26. 指出从唯物史观的角度看,社会主义和谐社会是和谐生产力与和谐生产关系、和谐经济基础与和谐上层建筑的统一;

    From the angle of materialist conception of history , the socialist harmonious society is the unity of harmonious productive forces and harmonious production relations and harmonious economic basis and harmonious superstructure ;

  27. 再次,深刻分析总结历史发展的规律,得出科学认识和结论,认为生产力和生产关系相适应,经济基础必须与上层建筑相适应,经济和社会协调发展的结论。

    Again , the analysis of the regularity of the historical development of the productive forces and production relations , the economic base and superstructure adaptation , coordinated economic and social development of the idea .

  28. 道德危机的本质是社会经济基础的变化与道德上层建筑变化的非同步性。

    Its essence is the unsynchronicity of the changes between social economic basis and moral superstructure .

  29. 航运法是随社会经济和航运发展到一定阶段才出现的,是经济基础与上层建筑矛盾运动的产物,是历史的、必然的。

    Shipping law does not appear until the development of social economy and shipping industry reach a certain stage . It is the result of the contradictory movement between the economic basis and superstructure and so it is historical and inevitable .