
  • 网络economic appendages
  1. 道德在沦为经济附庸的同时丧失自己的高贵品位。

    The moral dignity is lost while becoming the economic dependency .

  2. 这将让意大利与如今的希腊一样成为德国的经济附庸。

    Italy , like Greece today , would become an economic vassal of Germany .

  3. 抗战时期我国沦陷区经济地位附庸问题再探讨

    Further discussion on enemy-occupied areas ' economic " appendage status " in anti-Japanese war period

  4. 不应把人的因素看成是经济体制的附庸

    People should not is regard as subservient to the economic system

  5. 现当代山水画自然观开始变为社会革命意识、政治决策、经济政策的附庸。

    Modern and contemporary landscape painting nature started becoming social revolution consciousness , political decision-making , economic policy dependencies .

  6. 这样在租界区域的强力竞争之下,到20世纪初,原本繁荣的老城厢已成为租界城区经济上的附庸,整个城区的形象和功能都发生了极大的变化。

    Under the stiff competition of foreign settlement , until the beginning of 20 century , the formerly prosperous old city had become being dependency on the foreign settlement , and had occurred great change in its image and functions .

  7. 文章通过对中国封建城市经济发展过程中所表现出的封建性强、消费性突出、工商业发展严重失衡、发展缓慢等特点的分析,表明其始终是自然经济附庸的历史地位。

    Based on the analysis of the characteristics of China 's feudal urban economy , the essay demonstrates its historical position of being dependency of natural economy .