
qī xǐ
  • 7-UP
  1. 我们有可乐,七喜和茶。

    We have Coke , 7-up and tea .

  2. 这儿有茶水、咖啡、橙汁、可乐、七喜、矿泉水,还有柠檬水。

    We have tea , coffee , orange juice , coke , 7-up , mineral water and lemonade .

  3. 这一传统节日餐桌包含七道菜,也就是熟知的“haft-seen”,或“sevenS's”七喜桌。

    A festive table traditionally includes seven dishes , known as " haft-seen , " or " seven S 's , "

  4. 而且,DrPepperSnapple眼下正在三大市场中试验营销DrPepper、七喜和CanadaDry三种混合了甜叶菊和糖的纯天然甜味饮料。

    And Dr Pepper Snapple is currently testing three naturally sweetened versions of Dr Pepper , 7up , and Canada Dry , with stevia and sugar , in three markets .

  5. 他们问他有什么不对劲,他回答道:“什么不对劲?我可是在七喜公司工作呀!”1.twins双胞胎triplets三胞胎

    They asked him what 's wrong and he answered , " What 's wrong ? I work for 7up " !

  6. 我不再渴望无糖七喜饮料

    and I no longer craved ... Sugar-free Diet 7 Up .

  7. 七喜:广告投机难取巧

    HEDY : Speculate in Ads but Hard to Gain Advantage

  8. 君饮七喜,提神醒脑,其它冷饮无法比拟的口味。

    Fresh up with Seven-up , taste that beats the other cold .

  9. 你想喝可口可乐还是七喜汽水?

    Would you care for a coke or a7-up ?

  10. 这个潘趣酒是由菠萝汁和七喜调成的。

    This punch was made with pineapples and Seven-up .

  11. 这是一种用酒、果汁和香料调成的饮料这个潘趣酒是由菠萝汁和七喜调成的。

    punch ( n. ) This punch was made with pineapples and Seven-up .

  12. 我这儿有七喜,乐倍,苹果汁

    l 've got ... 7UP . Dr. Pepper or apple juice . 7UP .

  13. 谁知道杰把七喜放在哪?

    Anyone know where Jay keeps the 7up ?

  14. 你要一瓶七喜吗?

    You want a bottle of7-up ?

  15. 例如增强七喜饮料罐的黄色调,会让人们觉得饮料喝起来更有柠檬味。

    Increasing the yellow hue of a 7-Up can , for example , makes people think the drink tastes more lemony .

  16. 他的荣誉包括将突破性的演出带到百老汇,在电影《007之你死我活》中扮演可怕的反面人物,以及成为七喜饮料的电视广告代言人。

    His credits include bringing the ground-breaking show with the Broadway , playing a scary villain in James Bond 's Live and Let Die and hocking 7Up on TV .