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qī yán jué jù
  • four-line poem with seven characters per line
  1. 七言绝句是唐代诗歌中最具代表性的体裁之一。

    The seven-character quatrain is one of the most representative forms of the Tang poetry .

  2. 伟大诗人杜甫具有善于开拓、勇于创新的精神,即使在其为数不多的七言绝句中也体现得比较充分。

    Great Chinese poet DU Fu shows his unmatched spirit of exploration in poem creation , especially in a few seven-word poems .

  3. 本文从意境美和音律美这两个方面入手,考察了七言绝句的艺术特征在唐代的发展、演变历程。

    The author of this thesis will discuss these shifts in the Tang Dynasty from two aspects : beauty in ideorealm and beauty in sound .

  4. 中晚唐时期,五言绝句的地位被七言绝句取代,无可避免地进入了衰落期。

    In the late Tang period , the status of the Five-character quatrains was replaced by the Seven-character quatrains , and it inevitably entered a period of decline .

  5. 平易清新朴素无华&解读韩愈的几首七言绝句诗119:161首领无故地逼迫我.但我的心畏惧你的言语。

    Common and Fresh , Simple and Plain & Explain HAN Yu 's Several Seven Characters Poem Princes persecute me without cause , But my heart stands in awe of Your words .

  6. 李维桢的诗歌各种体裁兼备,尤其擅长七言,其七言古诗、七言律诗、七言绝句均较好地体现了他的才情与学识。

    His poems had all kinds of poetic forms , especially seven-syllable poems that embodied his talent and learning well .