
jiàn ān
  • Jian'an;Jian an
建安 [jiàn ān]
  • [Jian An period at the end of the Han Dynasty] 东汉献帝刘协的年号(公元196-219年)

  • 汉末 建安中。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  1. 铁路建安工程价格指数管理子系统

    Construction and Installation Engineering Price Index Management Subsystem in Railway

  2. 建安文人文学观念的新旧对峙

    Conflict between new and old literature concepts of literaties in Jian'an times

  3. 行为主体的参差性与短期性;文体异,格调同&论建安诗和南宋词的悲慨格调

    The subject is different and short-term ; Different style but same subject

  4. 建安诗歌记录了他们的经历、情感和思想。

    Jian ' an poetry record their experiences , feelings and ideas .

  5. 工程项目建安费用管理研究

    Study on Construction and Installation Cost Management in Engineering Projects

  6. 论建安作家对乐府民歌的继承与发展

    On Jian'an Writers ' ? Inherit and Development to Han Dynasty Ballads

  7. 黄初文学介于建安文学和正始文学之间。

    Huangchu literature lies between Jian'an literature and Zhengshi literature .

  8. 本论文是关于建安文学的专题研究。

    The dissertation is a monographic study of Jian'an literature .

  9. 建安诗歌充满了浓郁的生命气息。

    Jian ' an poetry is full of rich flavor of life .

  10. 建安诗赋中爱情的比较

    The Comparison of Love in the Poem and Fu of Jian'an Period

  11. 建安时期,社会正经历着巨大的变化。

    In Jian an period , society was changing greatly .

  12. 建安文学在南朝的传播接受

    The Spread and Acceptance of Jian'an Literature in Nan Dynasty

  13. 试论建安文学中的生命主题

    A Brief Talk on the Subject Matter of Life Embodied in Jian'an Literature

  14. 论建安时期女性文学兴盛的原因

    On the Reasons for Prosperity of Female Literature in the Period of Jian'an

  15. 建安文人的文学活动与文学观念

    The Relation between the Literary Activities and the Literary Sense of Jian'an Literatis

  16. 论邮电企业建安工程项目的造价管理

    Discussion on Cost Management of Construction Engineering Projects in P & T Enterprises

  17. 建安诗歌景物描写的艺术新走向

    On the Artistic Tendency of the Scenery Description of Jian An 's Poetry

  18. 建安工程成本决策方法的应用研究

    Application Methods of Decision Making on the Construction Cost

  19. 建安游侠诗与儒家精神

    The Jian An Errant Knight Poems and Confucian Spirits

  20. 论建安文学在南朝的接受

    Jian'an Literature 's being accepted in the Southern Dynasty

  21. 浅谈防范与化解建安企业不良资产

    Preventing solving bat assets of construction installation enterprise

  22. 汉末儒学及建安七子的儒家思想

    Confucianism in the Late Han Dynasty and Confucian ideology of the Jian'an Seven Scholars

  23. 论建安公宴诗及其典范意义

    On Jian-an Banquet Poetry and Its Model Significance

  24. 是建安成本上涨?

    Is the cost of the construction rose ?

  25. 建安七子的诗歌创作实绩主要表现在:一,题材扩大。

    Jian'an7 talents 's poetic achievements are mainly that : 1.subject matters were expanded .

  26. 建安文人同题共作的意义与作用是多元的。

    The writers'writing on same topic effect literature in many aspects in Jianan period .

  27. 论房地产企业建安成本的控制

    Cost Control of Real Estate Construction and Installation

  28. 建安企业工程项目劳务包的管理与对策

    Jian'an Enterprise Project Management Services Package and Countermeasures

  29. 探析建安企业的绩效管理中存在的问题,结合行业特征提出绩效管理的改进方案,有着重要的研究价值和现实意义。

    Most of the construction enterprises are facing with the problem of performance management .

  30. 建安工程成本影响因素的系统分析和管理对策

    The Systematic analysis and the Countermeasures to the Effecting Factors of the Construction Costs