
  • 网络building type
  1. 建筑类型与教学维度&高层建筑设计课程教学札记

    Building Type Teaching Dimension Design Teaching Research on High-rise Course

  2. 汽车专卖店是随着汽车产业的发展而产生的一种新的建筑类型。

    Auto stores as a new building type is produced with the development of automobile industry .

  3. DFR委任哥本哈根的BIG设计事务所于2010年春季在曼哈顿内引入新的建筑类型。

    DFR commissioned Copenhagen based BIG in the spring of2010 to introduce a new residential typology to Manhattan .

  4. 提出了Agent的分类、结构,和相应的通讯方法。包括城市土地利用现状调查,建成区建筑类型、建筑高度、建筑密度调查,城市绿化调查及城市发展动态变化调查。

    Still the classification , architecture and communication of Agent are researched . It includes the investigation of land resources condition , architecture classification , architecture storeys , and architecture density .

  5. 对湖南省部分城市不同建筑类型室内的空气动力学当量直径小于等于10μm的可吸入悬浮颗粒物(PM10)室内外浓度进行了测试。

    Indoor and outdoor concentrations of particulate less than 10 μ m ( PM10 ) were investigated in some cities in Hunan .

  6. 主题语境下的上海世博会建筑类型解析

    Typological Analysis of Shanghai Expo Pavilions in Context of Its Theme

  7. 基于空间使用方式的建筑类型研究初探

    Study on the Architectural Typology & On the Spatial Utilization Basis

  8. 塔是中国一种古老的佛教建筑类型。

    Chinese pagoda is an ancient type of Buddhist architecture .

  9. 江西省主要建筑类型及建筑材料中天然辐射的研究

    Natural radioactivity of the main buildings and various building materials in Jiangxi

  10. 西方建筑类型学和城市形态学:整合与应用

    The reciprocity and integration of research on architectural typology and urban morphology

  11. 建筑类型学在建筑设计教学中的运用

    The Application of Architecture Typology in Architecture Design 's Teaching

  12. 谈佛寺建筑类型及其在中国的发展

    The types and development of the buddhist monastery in China

  13. 建筑类型学已经可以满足这种期望。

    The building typology had to meet this expectation .

  14. 当代西方建筑类型学的架构解析

    A Typological Thinking and Analysis of Contemporary Western Architecture

  15. 建筑类型对渗风能耗的影响分析

    Effect of Building Types on Infiltration Energy Consumption

  16. 中国古代建筑类型与分类

    Ancient Architecture Genre and Classification of China

  17. 建筑类型学与地域文化的体现

    Architectural typology and embody of geographical culture

  18. 当地的建筑类型被引证出一个错误的历史和时代样貌。

    Local architectural styles are quoted giving an area a false history and aged appearance .

  19. 不同建筑类型及管理方式对冬季鸡舍环境的影响

    Effect of the Different Architectural Types and the Different Management on Environment of Henhouses in Winter

  20. 论文最后总结归纳上述两个方面的研究内容,提出了针对建筑类型设计的一些建议。

    After summarizing the two aspects , the author gives some advice on architectural type design .

  21. 中国建筑类型的案例研究

    Typological case studies in China

  22. 下篇主要从解析的角度剖析了现代建筑类型学的设计方法与形态生成的法则;

    The downer part dissects the design methods of contemporary western architectural typology from the analytic angle .

  23. 第五章对张集古镇的建筑类型、建筑特色及重点建(构)筑物进行分析。

    In chapter five the architecture types , the architecture features and the key buildings are analyzed .

  24. 会议厅是一种重要的建筑类型,已成为当前工程建设领域的一个热点。

    Conference hall , as an important building , is a hotpot in the field of construction currently .

  25. 第五章为周老嘴镇建筑类型、建筑特色及重点建筑分析。

    Chapter 5 analyzes architectural types , features in this town and elaborates some examples of traditional buildings .

  26. 不同的建筑类型,对人的不同层次的需求满足的侧重也不同,对建筑环境的要求也不同。

    There are different types of building and architectural environmental demands to meet occupants ' various requirement level .

  27. 总结这些含义将便于理解目前在新的建筑类型中存在的压力。

    To summarize these meanings is to understand the tensions at work within the new genre of architecture .

  28. 随着天主教传入山西,带来了一种新的宗教建筑类型&天主教堂建筑。

    Along with the Catholic Church came into Shanxi , it had brought a new spiritual architecture , church .

  29. 住宅作为一种最大量性的建筑类型,更是直接反映了当地的气候特征。

    As a building type of the most abundant amount , the houses reflect the local climate characters directly .

  30. 商业综合体作为一种较新的建筑类型,在城市生活与城市环境中扮演着重要的角色。

    Commercial complex , as a rising building type , plays a significant role in city life and environment .