
  1. 目前宗圣祠已被作为古建筑列入当地文物保护申报单位名录,拟待条件成熟之时予以保护性修缮。

    Presently , Zong Shen ancestral hall has been listed as local ancient conservation heritages intend to be protective repair .

  2. 申报单位营业执照、资质证书复印件,加盖申报单位公章。

    Copies of business license and qualification certificate of the applicant shall be provided and be sealed by the applicant 's common seal .

  3. 国际债券透过本系统交易者,应以其发行币别为之,其交易及申报单位如下。

    Where international bonds are traded through the IBTS , they shall be traded in the currency of their denomination , and trading and quotation units are as follows .

  4. 中国皮影戏是拥有悠久历史的综合性民间传统艺术,于2006年5月入选国务院公布的518项《第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录》,并于次年进行了申报单位项目的扩展。

    Chinese shadow play has a long history of integrated traditional folk art in China , which is chosen into the first batch of State-level intangible cultural heritage , and the following year expended the declaration of the project .

  5. 费用扣除标准指数化,分地区制定,以家庭为申报纳税单位。

    Of the cost deducted from the standard index , sub-regional development , tax declaration of the family unit .

  6. 目前,建立教师业务档案非常必要,它对于教师保存资料、申报职称、单位领导决策、扩大宣传学校影响具有重要意义。

    Nowadays it is imperative to establish archives of professional work of teachers . It has great significance on teacher 's saving data and applying for the titles of a technical post , school leaders making decision , enlarging school 's influence .

  7. 据悉,当地政府正积极争取将此古建筑申报为文物保护单位,加以保护。

    Local government has planned to declare the house a cultural relic conservation unit to protect it .

  8. 加保、转保申报表经投保单位如期补正者,自申报之日生效。

    When the application forms for joining or transferring insurance are corrected by the insured units on time , they shall take effect on the dates of their submission .

  9. 申报人员能更方便的进行项目申报、项目信息查看、自身信息维护,申报单位和项目管理单位能更方便的进行项目过程管理,跟踪项目的推广应用情况,工作效率能得到很大的提高。

    It will be more convenient for applicant to apply for project reporting , project information to view , maintain their own information . Meanwhile , it will be more convenient for organization and management agencies to manage the process of projects and track the application of projects .