
shēn qǐnɡ huí bì
  • apply for withdrawal
  • application for withdrawal;petition for withdrawal
  1. 审判人员认为自己与本案有利害关系或者有其他关系,应当申请回避。

    If a member of the judicial personnel considers himself to have an interest in the case or to be otherwise related to it , he shall apply for withdrawal .

  2. 告知当事人有权对合议庭组成人员、书记员、公诉人、鉴定人和翻译人员申请回避;告知被告人享有辩护权利。

    He shall inform the parties of their right to apply for withdrawal of any member of the collegial panel , the court clerk , the public prosecutor , any expert witnesses or the interpreter ; and he shall inform the defendant of his right to defence .

  3. 民事诉讼申请回避程序问题研究

    A Study on Challenge Application Procedure in Civil Litigation

  4. 完善申请回避权的保障;

    To perfect the guarantee of petition for withdrawal ;

  5. 关于申请回避的审查决定。

    Deciding on the application of challenge .

  6. 在美国,申请回避的数量没有限度。

    In the United States , there is no limit to the number that can be rejected .

  7. 当事人临时申请回避的;其他应当延期的情形。

    A party applies for withdrawal at the time ; and Other situations in which the hearing should be postponed .

  8. 如果陪审员显然不能保证公正,那么他或她就可能因法律规定的原因被申请回避。

    If it appears that the juror will be unable to be fair , he or she may be challenged for cause .

  9. 再次,为贯彻申请回避程序的诉讼性原则,解决回避申请应当采用诉讼裁定的形式。

    Third , in order to implement the litigation rule during the challenge procedure , a ruling shall be issued to settle challenge applications .

  10. 对驳回申请回避的决定,当事人及其法定代理人可以申请复议一次。

    If a decision has been made to reject his application for withdrawal , the party or his legal representative may apply for reconsideration once .

  11. 最后,为提高诉讼活动的效率,最大限度地优化司法资源的配置,有必要增设简易驳回程序。关于申请回避决定的效力。

    Fourth , in order to improve litigation efficiency , and to maximize the allocation of judicial resources , it is very necessary to add in simple overruling procedure .

  12. 申请回避实施程序中的举证责任问题须通过借鉴无因回避制度的有关内容来解决;

    The problems concerned with distributing the burden of proof in the procedure of the challenge can be solved after drawing on the experience of the non-reason challenge system .

  13. 被申请回避的人员,在人民法院作出是否回避的决定前,应当暂停参与本案的工作,但案件需要采取紧急措施的除外。

    Unless for the purpose of necessary emergent measures , the challenged personnel shall suspend its service in the case before the people 's court shall make a decision of concerning such challenge .

  14. 为保障司法官员在诉讼活动中客观公正执法,建立回避制度,赋予诉讼当事人申请回避权,是世界各国的普遍作法。

    It is the world common practice to establish the system of abstention and entitle litigants to petition for abstention with the aim to secure the judicial organs to enforce the law fainty in proceeding .

  15. 法律应该对申请回避权的告知程序作出明确的规定,司法机关应当严格履行告知义务,并为当事人依法行使申请回避权创造必要的条件。

    The law shall stipulate clearly the procedure of the impartation , and the judicial body shall perform its impartation obligation , and make it convenient for the people concerned to exercise their right to challenge .

  16. 一直以来,理论界对于回避制度的研究,主要集中在回避对象和回避理由这两个问题上,对申请回避的程序问题却是鲜有涉及。

    The study on challenge system of litigation has mainly been focusing on the two issues , namely the persons to be challenged and the reason of challenge , but seldom dwells upon the procedure of challenge .

  17. 无论何种审判程序,人民法院都应该通过权利提示保障当事人申请回避的权利:(1)权利的宣示(2)权利条件的告知(3)权利的询问。

    Under whatever proceeding processes , the Court shall remind the concerned people of their rights to apply challenge , that is , ( 1 ) the announcement of the right , ( 2 ) the impartation of the right , ( 3 ) the enquiry of the right .

  18. 告知当事人有申请主持人回避、申辩和质证的权利;

    And informing the party concerned about its right to apply for withdrawal of the presiding hearer , and to make pleadings and cross-examination ;

  19. 供应商认为采购人员及相关人员与其他供应商有利害关系的,可以申请其回避。

    In case the suppliers consider the procurement personnel and concerned people have a conflict of interest with them , they can petition for the avoidance of the former .

  20. 首先,我国法律对申请法官回避规定了多种决定机关,其中最主要的审判法官的回避,由法院院长决定。

    First , the law has appointed a multiple decision bodies on challenges on judges , and of which withdrawals of presiding and sitting judges is decided by a court dean .

  21. 除了回避原因外,有关法律还对回避的申请方式、回避的裁判机关及不服申请等作出了规定。

    Apart from the reasons , some related laws also provide the means of application , the authorities of judgment , the application against and so on .

  22. 第四十七条当事人认为审判人员与本案有利害关系或者有其他关系可能影响公正审判,有权申请审判人员回避。

    Article 47 If a party considers a member of the judicial personnel to have an interest in the case or to be otherwise related to it , which may affect the impartial handling of the case , the party shall have the right to demand his withdrawal .

  23. 人民法院对当事人提出的回避申请,应当在申请提出的三日内,以口头或者书面形式作出决定。复议期间,被申请回避的人员,不停止参与本案的工作。

    A people 's court shall make a verbal or written decision on a litigant 's application for withdrawal within three days of filing the application . During the period of reconsideration , the person who is challenged shall not stop exercising his functions in the case .