
  • 网络Applicant;ApplySquare
  1. 申请方的产品名称,型号,地址,电话,传真,联系人及其职位。

    Applicant 's Product Name , Model NO. , Mailing Address , Phone No. , Fax No. , Contact Person & His Title .

  2. 市场部负责向申请方解释认证流程。

    The Marketing Department is responsible for explaining the certification process to the applicant .

  3. 重新鉴定的鉴定费用,由申请方预付。

    The appraisal charge of new appraisal , just advance by application .

  4. 必须申请批准方可于博物馆内拍照。

    You must apply for permission before taking any photographs inside the museum .

  5. 巴格瑞特预示有一天,资格预审评估合格的申请者方可投标。

    Only those applicants who are determined pre-qualified through prequalification assessment , could be invited to submit bids .

  6. 咱今天来是`为了申请做你方商品在咱国市场上的独家代理。

    I am here today to apply for the sole agency of your product in our local market .

  7. 司法机关还有权责令该申请当事方支付辩方费用,其中可包括适当的律师费。

    The judicial authorities shall also have the authority to order the applicant to pay the defendant expenses , which may include appropriate attorney 's fees .

  8. 上述2、3项规定的案件处理费,由提出申请的一方当事人预付。

    The case acceptance fees as prescribed in items ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) shall be paid in advance by the party that has filed an application .

  9. 本安排所称“被请求方”,指内地或者澳门特别行政区双方中,受理认可和执行判决申请的一方。

    The " requested party " as mentioned in this Arrangement refers to either party of the Mainland or Macao that accepts the application for recognition and enforcement of the judgment .

  10. 本条款第(二)、(三)项规定的案件处理费,由提出申请的一方当事人预付。

    The fees for processing the case described in Items ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) of this Article shall be paid in advance by the party who raises the application .

  11. 贸易律师表示,倘若中国政府或公司拒绝提供相关信息,商务部可以在作出裁决时采信其他事实,比如提出申请的一方呈交的证据。

    If the Chinese government or companies decline to respond to information requests , the department can use other facts , including those presented by the other side in making a determination , trade lawyers said .

  12. “应总承包商的申请,我方愿就总承包商履行主合同约定的工程款支付义务以保证的方式向贵方提供如下担保”。

    We , at the request of the General Contractor , are ready to furnish security to you as surety in respect to General Contractor 's obligation to make the project payment under the Master Contract .

  13. 国内机构必须先申请投资额度,方可投资海外市场,全行业海外投资总额度约为700亿美元。

    Domestic institutions wanting to invest abroad must apply for a quota , which for the industry as a whole is about $ 70bn .

  14. 申请单历史的方方面面可能包括申请单什么时候被创建,如何改变,和任何关于它的注释或者回复。

    Facets of ticket history could include when the ticket was created , how it has changed , and any comments about it or replies to it .

  15. 如申请团体在署方的活动记录欠佳,署方将不会在发生该记录欠佳事件后的一年内,考虑该团体的场地赞助申请。

    If the applicant organization has unsatisfactory record of activity with the department , its application for venue sponsorship within one year after the unsatisfactory record will not be considered .

  16. 本文详细介绍了UL认证的申请程序,以及申请方在此过程中应做的具体工作。

    This article gives a detailed introduction to UL application procedure , and the specific works applicant needed to do during application period .

  17. 如果出现上述情况,申请者必须自行申请签证方可进入中国境内,抵达中国后可在注册中心获取其OIAC。

    In such cases , the applicants have to make their own visa arrangement to enter China and will collect their OIAC upon arrival in China at an Accreditation Center .

  18. 申请人意指发出开立信用证申请的一方。

    BRApplicant means the party on whose request the credit is issued .