
hù huì yuán zé
  • principle of reciprocity
  1. 互惠原则适用于商务活动。

    For the commercial activities the principle of reciprocity shall apply .

  2. 当然,在很多情况下,互惠原则也是无能为力的。

    Of course , in many cases , the principle of reciprocity is also powerless .

  3. 需要一项植根于互惠原则的务实议程。

    What is needed is a practical agenda grounded in mutual advantage .

  4. 互惠原则:要得到某些东西必须要有付出。

    Reciprocity : Give something to get something .

  5. 这个合作计划中最强调的,就是双方的平等互惠原则。

    The first priority of our joint investment project is complete equality and reciprocity between us .

  6. 我们对国际法中的互惠原则进行分析也是基于这个假设和前提而进行的。

    We analyze the reciprocity in international law is also based on this assumption and premise .

  7. 在极度不平等的社会中,将社会凝聚在一起的团结和互惠原则更有可能被侵蚀。

    The principles of solidarity and reciprocity that bind societies together are more likely to erode in excessively unequal societies .

  8. 国际税收情报交换制度本身就体现了互惠原则,互惠原则能激励各缔约国对税收情报交换的实施。

    The international exchange of tax information reflects the principle of reciprocity , and reciprocity can inspire the exchange of tax information .

  9. 心理学家解释,基于互惠原则,我们会喜欢那些同样表示喜欢我们的人。

    Psychologist explained , based on the principle of reciprocity , we would like those same people who said they liked us .

  10. 在外国人地位法律中,互惠原则是由民法典第11条所确立的基本法律原则。

    As to the status of the foreigners law , the principle of reciprocity established by Article 11 of the Code Civil .

  11. 通过共同努力,我方希望基于平等互惠原则,此次订单,将成为双方贸易的开端。

    We party wish this order will be beginning of our trade based on principle of equal and mutual benefit through joint effort .

  12. 人类学关于礼物的考察主要集中于三个方面的主题,即互惠原则、感情信仰和商品交换。

    The anthropological study of gifts focuses on three themes , that is , principle of mutual benefit , emotion-related belief and commodity exchange .

  13. 这个故事是关于互惠原则的,并不代表互惠比其他原则更加重要,只不过这个故事让我更好的理解互惠的原则。

    Particularly close to my heart the principle of mutuality , it is not more important , but it is really close to my heart .

  14. 坚持自愿、平等、互惠原则的、契约性的民间组织代表了今后一段时间内我国农民合作发展的趋势。

    The contractual civil organization that insist on the principle of voluntary and equality and reciprocity represent the tendency of our peasant cooperation in one time .

  15. 上海松江张泽镇村民日常生活中的礼物馈赠活动,体现了村民交际中的人情伦理和互惠原则。

    The Zhangze people in the Songjiang district of Shanghai have a customary present-making practice , which reveals their human relations , ethics and mutually beneficial principle .

  16. 国际条约和互惠原则构成了我国承认与执行外国法院判决的主要法律依据。

    Treaty and reciprocity , as two legal bases for recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments , are provided in Chinese Civil Procedure Law and the relevant judicial interpretations .

  17. 根据互惠原则,申请人属国是否允许伊利诺斯州的律协成员在该国成立办事处并提供法律意见亦为考虑因素之一。

    Reciprocity is also considered as to whether the country of the applicant will allow the member of the bar of Illinois to establish an office for giving legal advice .

  18. 互惠原则在国际法中具有非常重要的地位和作用,其主要原因在于国际法不可能像国内法那样通过国家强制力保证实施。

    Reciprocity plays an important role in international law , for it is impossible for international law , not like national law , to be guaranteed by national enforcement power .

  19. 这正是互惠原则的最好体现。其实在我们的业务中有很多这样子的例子,我们的同事每天也在不断贯彻五大原则,并利用它来做各种决定。

    This is the only one example of many examples in our businesses , where Everyday our associate exercises the five principles in the way we take decision and the way we behave .

  20. 但是,从总体来讲,互惠原则应当是国际法的一项基本原则,其在促成各国选择合作方面发挥了重要作用。

    However , on the whole , the principle of reciprocity should be a fundamental principle of international law and has played an important role in promoting cooperation in the choice of countries .

  21. 对于指导和被指导会友来说,这样的过程犹如信心增强剂,是一项很棒的互惠原则。藉由增强他人自信的同时,我们的自信也增强了。

    This can be a confidence-booster for both the mentor and the mentee with a wonderful principle of reciprocity at play here : By boosting another 's self-esteem , we boost our own .

  22. 人民法院应当依照中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约,或者按照互惠原则办理。

    And the people 's court shall act according to the international treaties which China has concluded or to which China is a party or in accordance with the principle of mutual reciprocity .

  23. 为了倡导新的双边互惠原则,原本为了使缩减中的国防预算能维持更久而构想出的英法之间深入的合作,如今却需要付出昂贵的代价。

    For advocates of the new bilateralism , such deep Franco-British co-operation , which was originally conceived as a way to make shrinking national defence budgets go further , is a big prize .

  24. 通过GATT/WTO体制,各国承诺依互惠原则逐步消除贸易壁垒和开放国内市场,对政府对外经济事务管辖权施加适当的法律约束。

    According to GATT / WTO system , member-states commit themselves to binding the Unilateral-Jurisdiction power in foreign economic affair by Principle of Reciprocal , and gradually remove the trade barriers and open domestic markets .

  25. 格式条款出现违反平等互惠原则、违反任意性规范、妨碍合同目的之达成等情事之一的,可认其为违反公平原则。

    The following may be stated as breach of fair principle : breach of equal and mutual-beneficial principle , breach of random provisions , and prevention from the reach of the object of a contract .

  26. 国际刑事司法协助是主权国之间依照有关国际条约或双向互惠原则,协助或代为履行一定的刑事诉讼程序或刑事实体权利的活动。

    International criminal judicial assistance is activities between sovereign states , whereby assistance or service as proxy is offered in handing of criminal proceedings or execution of criminal entity rights pursuant to relevant international treaties or reciprocal principle .

  27. 在这些调解机制背后,农村社区居民在长期的生存竞争和频繁的互动中所形成的公平意识和互惠原则,以及他们谋求生计改善的目标追求成为他们有效组织起来的主要推动力。

    Behind these factors , the " equity " consciousness and the reciprocal principles , which formed during the long history of survival competition and frequent interaction , and the goals for improving livelihoods have become the primary impetus .

  28. 在高校公共关系建立中应遵循双向沟通原则、互利互惠原则、发展创新原则、实事求是原则以及尊重人格等原则。

    The establishment of the college public relations should follow the principle of two-way communication , the principle of mutual benefit , the principle of innovative development , the principle of seeking truth from facts , and the principle of respecting for human dignity .

  29. 也可以由人民法院依照中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约的规定,或者按照互惠原则,请求外国法院承认和执行。

    Or the people 's court may request a foreign court to acknowledge its validity and execute it according to the international treaties which China has concluded , or to which China is a party , or in accordance with the principle of mutual reciprocity .

  30. 贸易应遵循平等互惠的原则。

    Trade should follow the principle of equality and mutual Benefit .