
  • 网络supplementary product;complementary product
  1. 根据实证分析结果,从网络效应、服务质量、互补产品三方面为3G运营商提出建议。

    According to the theoretical and empirical analysis of the market , this paper proposes suggestions of 3G service : network effect , service quality , complementary products .

  2. 换言之,这个产品促进了文件和数据的共享以及互补产品的开发。

    It facilitates the sharing of files and data with other users and the development of complementary products .

  3. 关于互补产品战略的探讨

    Exploration about Strategy of Complementary Goods

  4. 上述研究主要集中在独占垄断、双寡头结构、互补产品的硬件市场中进行。

    The study mainly concentrates in the exclusive monopoly , a duopoly structure , and complementary products in the market for the hardware . 2 .

  5. 基于最优脉冲控制的战略互补产品创新投资决策企业最优业务组合战略的一个理论廓清&以格兰仕为案例

    Investment decision making in technology innovation of strategic complementary product based on optimal impulse control ; Theoretic Clearing of the Best Business Portfolio of Corporate

  6. 再加上网络效应对消费者的锁定,以及间接网络外部性对互补产品生产商的影响,使得这些主导企业搜刮了行业的大部分利润。

    Dominant company makes the most profit from two ways : Dominant Design standard locks up consumers and indirect Network Externalities have influences to Supplementary product supplier .

  7. 其中,服务质量是影响消费意愿的最主要因素,网络效应次之,然后是互补产品质量。并且,各因素之间存在显著相关关系。

    Among above 3 factors , the service quality is the most influencing factor , which is followed by network effects and the quality of complementary products in turn . 2 .

  8. 当然,要使这种有限的生态系统有效运行,所有参与者必须有利可图,比如可以获得互补产品或服务,或者有价值的信息等。

    Of course , for even these limited ecosystems to work , all participants must find some value in participating , such as access to complementary products or services , or valuable information .

  9. 集聚效应作用下的生产成本节约、需求规模扩大和单位距离交通成本的节约促使生产互补产品的企业在空间上选择邻近的区位,形成产业集聚。

    Under the combined effect of production cost savings , demand scale and unit transportation cost savings from the production of complementary products to promote enterprise in space , select the adjacent location , the formation of industrial agglomeration .

  10. 由于同时消费互补产品消费所产生的效用明显大于它们单独消费时所产生效用之和,因此互补产品的生产企业的区位邻近使得消费者同时消费互补产品成为可能。

    It is possible that consumer can buy complementary products together because the enterprise of complementary product closes to each other . The utility of simultaneous consumption of complementary product consumption has significantly greater than utility generated by consumption separately .

  11. 将港口与临港服务业等效为产品网络中的主导产品与互补产品,分析了港口的间接网络效应,提出港口间接网络效应强度取决于消费者对互补产品多样性的偏好程度。

    Taking ports and waterfront services as dominant products and complementary products of products network , indirect network effect of ports is analyzed . The intensity of the indirect effect depends on consumers ' preference to the variety of complementary products .

  12. 应用最优脉冲控制理论将企业技术创新的实物期权和企业间的竞争影响纳入到一个统一的框架中,研究了不对称企业的战略互补产品的创新投资问题。

    Real options of investment in technology innovation and effect of competition between firms are combining into a unique framework using optimal impulse control theory . Investment decision making in technology innovation of cost asymmetric firms in presence of strategic complementary is studied .

  13. 供给网络的直接网络效应主要表现为供给网络规模的扩大导致的节点之间快递物品交互能力的提高;间接网络效应则主要表现为网络经济的出现、快递时效性的提升、互补产品方面的改善。

    Direct-network effects of express supply network mean the goods interaction capabilities among nodes improve with the increase of the size of the supply network , and indirect-network effects mean improvement of timeliness , appearance of network economy and improvement from " complementary products " .

  14. 本文借鉴了技术周期理论的思想,分析了产品设计风险的动态变化,揭示了选择权价值随技术演化而下降的规律。再结合互补产品品联合定价的思想,最终解释了再集成现象的动因。

    By absorbing some viewpoints of technology cycle theory , the paper analyzes the dynamic changes of design risk and discovers the rule that option value declines with technology evolution , thereby explaining the formulation of modular reintegration phenomena , supporting from the theory of joint pricing .

  15. 双龙以其雄厚的技术基础、互补的产品线和强大的全球销售网络,为我们提供了进入全球市场的钥匙。

    Ssangyong brings us the key to global markets with its strong technology base , its complementary product portfolio and its strong global dealer network .

  16. 根据模型利用实例进行演算分析,验证模型的可行性及简便性,得出企业前后投资产品之间具有相互促进的关系,给出企业互补性产品的决策准则。

    According to the model calculation example analysis , verify the feasibility of the model and simple , the relationship of enterprise complementary products are decision criteria .

  17. 援引FAO数据,运用贸易竞争指数,测定中新双方的竞争性和互补性水果产品及其排序。

    This paper by invoking the FAO data and using trade competition index , determines which are the competitive or complementary fruits and products and their order in both countries .

  18. 面对这种市场的厂商给市场两边提供具有互补性的产品的时候,不仅需要考虑价格水平,还需要选择合适的价格结构。

    The platform firms in two-sided market must choose not only a price level but also a befitting price structure considering interests of both sides .

  19. 产品设计新颖,造型美观,做为风光互补路灯首选产品,为城市美化,旅游景区增加一道亮丽的风景线。

    New product design , beautiful modelling , as scenery complementary lamps for urban first-selected products , beautification , tourism scenic spots increase a beautiful scenery line .

  20. 通过与北京机床研究所组建动态联盟,实现企业之间技术与资源的共享和互补,提高产品对市场需求响应的速度,缩短产品开发和生产的周期,提高企业的竞争力。

    To Construct AVE achieved the share and complementarity of technology and resource , and quickened the speed of the market need to products , and decreased the period of R & D of products , and improved the competition of market .

  21. 因此,本文提出基于公理化设计矩阵与设计结构矩阵同步演化的产品设计思想,实现二者优势互补,促进产品创新设计。

    Thereby , the idea of product design based on the co-evolution of axiomatic Design Matrix ( DM ) and Design Structure Matrix ( DSM ) was presented in this paper . Complementary between DM and DSM was carried out to accelerate product innovation design .

  22. 同时,打造与区域内旅游产品互补的城市旅游产品,使城市发展成为区域内重要的旅游目的地。

    To become the service center of regional tourism , it should also exploit some urban tourism products to make the city a famous tourist resort .

  23. 在庆祝这些收购的电话会议上,他们总会表示,预计母公司的业务会加速增长,公司会获得一系列互补性的新产品,同时也会向公司注入新的创业精神。

    In conference calls to celebrate such deals , they invariably predict accelerated growth for the parent business , a pipeline of new complimentary products and an infusion of entrepreneurial zeal .

  24. 我们对中间产品的内涵以及中间产品的专业化经济和互补经济、中间产品的交易范围等维度进行了深入讨论,为我们论证中间产品与契约安排的关系奠定了基础。

    Then we discuss deeply connotation , dimensions such as economies of complementarity , economies of specialization , transaction scope and so on , which provides the basis of our arguing the relationship between intermediate goods and contractual arrangements .

  25. 其次,从地缘政治经济基础、资源特性及互补性、农产品贸易的互补性和潜力、农业经济合作的互补性方面阐述了双方开展农业经贸合作的现实基础。

    Second , based on Political and economic Geography 、 resources and complementary characteristics 、 complementarity and potential of agricultural trade and economic cooperation , we expatiates the reality-foundation of the cooperation between china and the five countries in middle Asia .

  26. 品牌互补战略能够增强产品个性,降低品牌替代战略下的竞争强度,改变中国产品被外国品牌覆盖的状况。

    The strategy of brand complementary will boost up product personality , decrease the competitive intensity under the strategy of brand complementary , and change the condition that some China 's brand have already been and will be overlaid by foreign brand .