
  • 网络Internet Society;ISOC
  1. 以美国网站Facebook为标志,以SNS理念为核心的网站在全球互联网社会中掀起了热潮。

    With the core concept of SNS and marked by the Facebook ( America website ), the websites set off the upsurge in the global internet society .

  2. DougSzajda说,这就是上周互联网社会(ISOC)发起世界IPv6日活动的真正目的。

    Mr. Szajda says that was the real purpose of last week 's World IPv6 Day ed by the Internet Society .

  3. 今年在汉诺威召开的Cebit科技商品交易会的一大主题就是主办方所称的“互联网社会(Webciety:WorldWideWebsociety)”。

    One of the main themes at this year 's annual tech trade fair CeBit in Hanover is what the organizers have dubbed " Webciety ", short for World Wide Web society .

  4. 如今的互联网社会网络化和信息化程度逐步提高,互联网上的中文信息量正以几何级的速度提高。

    Today Internet that the social network and the information degree enhances day by day , on Internet Chinese information content by geometry level speed rise .

  5. 吉利安·约克(JillianYork)在哈佛大学伯克曼互联网与社会中心工作。

    Jillian York is with the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University .

  6. PraneshPrakash是总部在班加罗尔的互联网和社会中心的项目经理,他说一些被屏蔽的网页还包括政府新闻网站。

    Pranesh Prakash is program manager at the Bangalore-based Center for Internet and Society . He says some of the Web pages that have been blocked included official news websites .

  7. 我国互联网的社会控制研究

    The Research on the Social Control of the Internet in China

  8. 互联网和社会网络中的信息交互传播模型

    The interactive transmission model of information in WWW and social networks

  9. 你怎么看待中国基于互联网的社会变革的独特之处?

    How do you think internet-based social change is different in China ?

  10. 博客一词目前在互联网和社会生活中已是非常流行。

    The word blog in the Internet and social life is very popular .

  11. 互联网对社会生活方式影响研究

    On Influence Internet on Social Life Style

  12. 61.9%的受访者表示,他们通过互联网讨论社会问题。

    Of all respondents , 61.9 percent said they discussed social issues on the Internet .

  13. 随着互联网和社会的发展,各种组织间的协同工作日益增多。

    With the development of internet and society , collaboration between multiple organizations has increased drastically .

  14. 近年来,互联网对社会资本的影响受到了普遍关注。

    In recent years , the influence of Internet on the social capital is universal concerned .

  15. 本文主要描述的是基于互联网的社会保险网上服务系统的设计与实现。

    This paper studies the design and realization of the Internet-based system of social insurance online services .

  16. 复杂网络的研究已经成为互联网、社会学、生物学等多个领域的一个基础课题。

    Complex networks has become the Internet , sociology , biology and other fields of a basic task .

  17. 互联网的社会联网力量,应该也意味着一些看似不太可能的书目正被发掘,并创造它们自己的轰动效应。

    The social networking power of the Internet should also mean some unlikely titles being discovered and creating their own buzz .

  18. 传统的基于互联网的社会网络分析,正逐渐从小规模的用户关系挖掘向着大规模的全网用户行为分析迈进。

    Traditionally social network analysis based on internet gradually change from small-scale user relationship mining to large-scale user behavior analysis in network .

  19. 网络政治是人们通过互联网参与社会政治活动的政治现象。

    Politics on the Net is a political phenomenon for the persons who take part in the Social and political activities by internet .

  20. 随着时间的推移,互联网在社会生活中的作用逐渐变得重要并且不可或缺。

    As time goes by , the role of the Internet playing in social life is becoming more and more important and indispensable .

  21. 在政治生活领域,互联网为社会公众参与政治生活提供了有力的渠道和工具。

    In the political life domain , the Internet participated in the political life for the social public providing the powerful channel and the tool .

  22. 简单的制作和演播,随便一个文员都可以完成,企业电视台让互联网打破社会的极限。

    Simple making and performance can be finished by any nonmilitary personnel , and the enterprise TV station makes the internet break the limit of the society .

  23. 目的:探讨大学生互联网相关社会-心理健康的概念结构,建立互联网相关社会-心理健康量表。

    Objective : To explore the structure of concept of the Internet-related social-psychological health for undergraduates and develop The Internet-related Social-psychological Health Scale for Undergraduates ( ISHS-CS ) .

  24. 方法:分别对511名和581名被试基于互联网相关社会-心理健康问卷的数据进行探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析。

    Methods : Employing exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis of the data of ISHS-CS . based on 2 samples of 511 and 581 of undergraduates respectively .

  25. 结论:大学生互联网相关社会-心理健康概念的构想合理,其量表可以作为大学生互联网相关社会-心理健康水平的评定工具。

    Conclusion : The concept of Internet-related social-psychological health was a reasonable construct for undergraduates , and the ISHS-CS could serve as a measurement of Internet-related social-psychological health for undergraduates .

  26. 赫克托耳,安德拉卡和维内表示父母的支持,互联网和社会媒体相结合已经帮助他们取得了成功,但是,最重要的仍然是源于自己的内心。

    Hector , Andraka , and Vinecki say a combination of supportive parents , the Internet and social media have helped them succeed ; but , what 's most important comes from within .

  27. 随着网络技术的飞速进步,互联网在社会市场经济中发挥的作用越来越大,给企业同时带来新的机遇与挑战,企业必须依靠网络才能寻求更进一步的发展。

    With the rapid progress of network technology , the Internet plays a bigger role for enterprises in social market economy , and also brought new opportunities and challenges , the enterprise must rely on the network to seek further development .

  28. 实际上,我遇见哈里特的经过是一个很好的例子关于怎样利用学科交叉,指数增长的技术来影响我们将来的健康和保健事业,从低成本的基因分析到做强大生物信息学的能力到互联网和社会网络间的联系。

    Well the way I met Harriet is actually an example of how leveraging cross-disciplinary , exponentially-growing technologies is affecting our future of health and wellness , from low-cost gene analysis to the ability to do powerful bio-informatics to the connection of the Internet and social networking .

  29. 时代发展到今天,每一个理性的智者都不得不用审时度势的观点来看待科学技术特别是互联网的社会功能,都不得不用生态的眼光思考网络的健康运行与可持续发展。

    As the time going , nowadays , every rational person should treat the social function of science and technology , especially that of the Internet with a changing attitude , and should contemplate the sound operation and sustainable development of the Internet with the ecologic perspective .

  30. 研究在综合资源动员、政治过程和新社会运动这三个主要理论的基础上,分别从三个侧面分析和考察互联网在社会运动中的作用:动员资源,创造政治机会以及建构集体身份认同。

    Integrating three main social movement theories ( RM theory , PP theory and NSMs theory ), the study develops a conceptual framework to identify and evaluate the role of the Internet in social movements on three aspects : mobilizing resources , creating political opportunities and shaping collective identities .