
  • 网络Internet phone;internet telephony;internet telephone;VoIP
  1. Ebay于今年初开始寻求将Skype进行首次公开发行,此前它接到了对该互联网电话业务约20亿美元的竞购出价。

    Ebay turned to a possible IPO of Skype earlier this year after receiving bids of about $ 2bn for the internet phone division .

  2. 即便是现在,中国商界人士仍表示,生产率有所下降,原因是网络下载速度缓慢,同时互联网电话(VoIP)和电子邮件等应用的接入效果也很差。

    Even now , businesses in China report a loss in productivity because of slow downloading and poor access to applications such as internet phone calls ( VoIP ) and e-mail .

  3. 安装在您的设备上的小玩意儿客户开始打互联网电话和使用立即传讯(IM)和存在。

    Install the Gizmo client onto your device to start making internet calls and using instant messaging ( IM ) and Presence .

  4. 二是实现了网络语音传输子系统,又称互联网电话技术VoIP(VoiceOverInternetProtocol)。

    The second is implementing a subsystem , which transfers voice data on IP network , and it is generally called a VoIP ( Voice over Internet Protocol ) system .

  5. 一开始,她两周往返一次,并通过低成本的互联网电话服务skype保持联系。

    She started with two-week rotations and stayed in touch via low-cost Internet telephony service Skype .

  6. 虽然Skype赢得了最初的互联网电话之战,但他们依赖的是传统的、庞大的台式电脑用户群。

    While Skype won the original Internet telephony wars , they did so with a classic fat desktop client .

  7. 它包括一套演示幻灯片,可通过网络同时发送给数十乃至数百名员工,同时利用互联网电话(voip)技术进行实时指导。

    It involves a combination of slide presentations routed simultaneously over the network to tens , perhaps hundreds of staff , coupled with live instruction using voice-over-Internet protocol technology .

  8. 微软同意以85亿美元的价格收购互联网电话服务Skype,这是该软件开发商36年历史上最大的一笔交易。

    Microsoft has agreed to buy the Internet telephone service Skype for $ 8.5bn , the biggest deal in the software maker's36-year history .

  9. 温特报道称,vonage和skype等互联网电话提供商已指责墨西哥电话公司故意屏蔽其网站,以保护自己的长话服务。

    Mr winter reports that voice-over-Internet providers , Vonage and Skype , have accused Telmex of intentionally blocking access to their sites , to protect its long-distance services .

  10. 国际长途电话价格下跌,而随着互联网电话的出现,国际长途价格将几近于零。

    International phone call prices have dropped , and with internet telephony will move to near-zero .

  11. 人们总是对新型通话方式颇有微词,特别是抱怨移动和互联网电话通话质量的良莠不齐。

    People complain a lot about the new style of making phone calls , especially the spotty quality of many mobile and Internet calls .

  12. 但是分析家表示,对于流行却亏损的互联网电话和视频会议服务来说,85亿美元的收购价格过于昂贵。

    But at $ 8.5 billion , analysts say it is a price tag for a popular but money losing Internet phone and video-conferencing service .

  13. 本文对互联网电话的发展趋势,所使用的软件和关键技术作了介绍,并介绍了几家互联网电话产品。

    This paper deals with developing trend of Internet phone service , software and key technique used in it , together with some Internet phone products currently provided .

  14. Skype是一家互联网视频电话公司,当时在伦敦分部和爱沙尼亚的塔林(Tallinn)分部差不多有20名员工。

    The internet video calls company then employed about 20 people across offices in London and Tallinn , Estonia .

  15. 介绍由电视广播网、互联网和电话网连接起来的IPTV系统,叙述IPTV的系统结构和相关的技术要求。

    This paper introduces the IPTV system that be linked by TV broadcasting network , internet , telephone network , describes the IPTV system construction and the relevant request of technology .

  16. 早期基于互联网的电话是一种难以实施,使用麻烦的业务,和普通电话(PSTN,公共交换电话网)相比,其可靠性相差极远。

    In the early time , is one kind difficulty with implements based on Internet telephone , uses the troublesome service , with ordinary telephone ( PSTN , public exchange telephone network ) the reliability is extremely farther than the difference .

  17. 换句话说,邻近街区的灯照常亮着,可互联网和电话线都被切断了。

    The neighborhood 's lights are on , in other words , but the Internet and phone lines have all been cut .

  18. 相信这样一种运用语音技术整合互联网与电话网络的系统,是一个有实用价值并且值得继续深入研究的系统。

    Such a system , we believe , with the integration of Internet and telephone network is very useful and worthy of further study .

  19. 展会上,来自警界和间谍机构的官员听取了由一系列欧洲企业所作的不公开报告,介绍它们生产的各种复杂的互联网和电话窃听产品。

    Police and spy agency officials listened to closed-door presentations by a succession of European companies about their sophisticated internet and telephone interception wares .

  20. 我们今天有几件事要做,例如安装国际互联网和电话、自动的天窗百叶帘,以及干燥机。

    We got a bunch of things working today & the Internet and phone , automated skylight blinds and drying cupboard were all installed .

  21. 通过互联网和电话咨询的方式,对国内本科信息计量学教材种类、使用情况以及教学学时进行调查。

    The paper investigates types and using status of informetrics teaching materials and teaching hours in domestic undergraduate education based on consultation by internet and telephone .

  22. 这次对穆巴拉克的新指控是,在抗议的势头逐渐增长的时候试图切断互联网和电话网络而损害了经济发展。

    This new charge against Hosni Mubarak is for damaging the economy by trying to cut off Internet and phone networks as the protests gathered momentum .

  23. 尽管伦敦国际葡萄酒交易所是在互联网与电话平台上运营,但其还是希望在香港设立一个办事处,让它得以订立可在这一地区交货的合同。

    Although Liv-ex operates an Internet and phone-based platform , it wants an office in Hong Kong to allow it to set up contracts deliverable in the territory .

  24. 水、电、供暖、互联网、电话等关键公共服务都由少数在市场上占主导地位的集团来供应,它们手里拥有令人困惑的、抑制一切竞争的合同。

    Crucial utilities - water , power , heating , internet and telephone - are supplied by a few dominant groups , with baffling contracts damping any competition .

  25. 使用自动柜员机、「缴费聆」、透过互联网或电话理财服务缴款,请先行输入本通知书下半部所示的16位数字编号。

    For payment through ATM , by PPS , through Internet or phone-banking service , please key in the16-digit serial number shown at the lower portion of this notice for making payment .

  26. 这就要求团队成员间、团队与团队间通过互联网、电话、面对面等多种方式,交流、共享各成员自身的特长和能力,并实现知识创新,提供顾客最满意的产品解决方案。

    Thus all team members must communicate and share their abilities and talents in the team and between teams with internet , telephone and by face-to-face communication , so as to realize knowledge creation and eventually provide the most satisfied solution to guests .

  27. 这种竞争无疑会牵连Skype等规模较小的公司,对其造成巨大压力,因为它们主要经营互联网平台的电话业务。

    This competition , in turn , puts pressure on smaller companies like Skype , which are trying to build a business around Internet-based telephony .

  28. 找到最好的有线电视,宽带互联网和数字电话特价商品。

    Find the Best Cable TV , Broadband Internet and Digital Phone Specials .

  29. 人们对互联网和移动电话的依赖似乎已经很深了。

    The dependence on the Internet and mobile phones seems to have become profound .

  30. 纽约时报上周报道说这其中包括“影子”的互联网和移动电话系统。

    The New York Times reported last week that these efforts include " shadow " Internet and mobile phone systems .