
  1. 移动手机用户则希望它们能够拨打的是以C打头的《选择》按钮,而非以D打头的《双头垄断》按钮。

    Mobile-phone users will be hoping that they dial C for choice rather than D for duopoly .

  2. 基于Android移动手机平台的警务查询系统

    Police Service Retrieval System Base on Android Mobile Operating System Platform

  3. 音乐下载、手机电视、移动手机等3G增值业务成为近期发展热点。

    Music download , handset TV and mobile handset are the recent hotspots .

  4. iPhone是一部可上网的移动手机,并用革命性的的触摸屏幕。

    The iPhone was a mobile phone plus internet device , with a revolutionary touch screen .

  5. 随着移动手机设备的流行和移动商务技术的发展,利用Web服务开发移动应用系统已成为企业信息化的一个重要方向。

    With the population of mobile devices and the development of mobile-bussiness technology , it becomes an important direction to develop a mobility application basing on web services right now .

  6. 令人惊讶的是,Google方面所给出的答案没有涉及到移动手机提供商的3G问题。

    Surprisingly , the answer given didn 't refer to any subsidized deals with cellular providers regarding deals to offer built-in3G connectivity for the new netbooks .

  7. 在推出iPhone手机几个月后,谷歌宣布了自己的手机计划,迫使施密特在讨论移动手机问题的苹果公司董事会上提出辞呈。

    Months after the launch of the iPhone , Google announced its own mobile telephony plans , forcing Mr Schmidt to recuse himself from Apple board meetings where mobile issues were discussed .

  8. DeviceAnywhereMonitoring能够让产品提供商在连接到实时网络上的实际的移动手机上监控它们的应用程序&正好便于在它们自己的桌面上进行。

    DeviceAnywhere Monitoring enables content providers to monitor their applications on real mobile handsets that are connected to live networks & right from the convenience of their own desktops .

  9. SCDMA手机型号数量增加后,更多的移动手机制造商开始与中国移动合作。

    The number of TD-SCDMA handset models has increased after more mobile phone makers began cooperating with China Mobile .

  10. 重要的是要了解中国移动手机市场的现状,中国人正在制作自己的Android手机,名叫OPhone。

    It 's important to understand that the Chinese mobile ecosystem is producing its own variant of Android , called OPhone .

  11. 2014年发布的iOS8已基本上把公司的工程师从移动手机和平板机上提取任何数据变得不可能。

    And iOS8 , which became available in 2014 , made it basically impossible for the company 's engineers to extract any data from mobile phones and tablets .

  12. J2ME技术已成为移动手机增值业务的主要计算框架模型之一,但该平台不能满足开发高级业务的需求。

    Presently , J2ME becomes one of the frame models of the mobile added-value service , but the function offered by it can 't meet the requirement of high development .

  13. 本文主要包括摄像机跟踪和物体跟踪两大部分,并针对性地设计和实现了移动手机上的SLAM系统和移动电脑上的物体检测系统。

    In this arti-cle , including camera tracking and object tracking , specifically designed and implemented a SLAM system on mobile phone and an object detection system on mobile computer system .

  14. 介绍了商业模式的不同定义和不同学者对其的理解,给出了商业模式的构成要素,描述了商业模式的核心特征,以便在研究中山移动手机e卡通的商业模式做出参考。

    Describes the business models and different scholars have different definitions of understanding , given the elements of business models . Then , describe the business model of the seven major core features in order to pass the benefits of a mobile business model to make reference .

  15. 根据研究公司IDC的数据,全球智能手机销售在今年第一季度增长56.7%,如今占整个移动手机市场近五分之一。

    Global smartphone sales grew 56.7 per cent in the first quarter of this year , and now account for nearly one-fifth of the broader mobile phone market , according to research firm IDC .

  16. 随着3G技术的日臻成熟,高数据吞吐的优势使得无线网络与移动手机的融合成为必然趋势,目前智能手机的不断普及,移动应用的需求也与日俱增。

    As 3G technology has been increasingly matured , the advantages of high data throughput make the convergence of wireless network and mobile phones inevitable . Currently , with the popularity of smart phones , the demand of mobile applications has also been increased .

  17. 基于电子票务与移动手机终端的结合趋势,本文所提出的电子票务方案是基于RF-SIM卡的。

    Due to the combination of trends in e-ticketing and mobile terminals , RF-SIM technology is adopted in the electronic ticketing system proposed by this paper .

  18. 对阿里巴巴而言,与Tango的交易将有利于增强阿里巴巴在移动手机领域的影响力,并将其业务范围扩展至中国以外。阿里巴巴可能会在今年晚些时候在纽约上市,预计将成为美国股市史上规模最大的IPO之一。

    For Alibaba , likely to go public in New York later this year in what is expected to be one of the largest listings in history , the deal with Tango could help it both strength its presence on mobile phones and broaden its reach outside China .

  19. 韩国移动手机运营商KFT提供了一项“爱情检测”服务,该服务通过高科技来分析声音,从而看恋人是否满怀爱意地说话。

    The " Love Detector " service from mobile operator KTF uses technology that is supposed to analyze voice patterns to see if a lover is speaking honestly and with affection .

  20. 美国电信集团AT&T首席执行官兰德尔斯蒂芬森(RandallStephenson)表示,消费者为了换取每月20美元的账单折扣,愿意放弃其移动手机使用数据的隐私限制(例如给营销公司)。

    Randall Stephenson , chief executive of US telecoms group AT & T , says his consumers will drop privacy restrictions on use of their mobile phone data ( with marketing companies , say ) in exchange for a $ 20 monthly discount on their bills .

  21. 从用户数来衡量,世界最大的电信市场中国,开始在100个城市进行5G电信设备的测试运行,力争领跑下一代移动手机网络。

    BEIJING : China , the largest telecom market in the world in terms of subscribers , has started conducting trials for 5G telecommunications equipment in about 100 cities , as it aims to get a head start in the race to lead the next generation of cellular phone systems .

  22. 智能手机和移动手机现在已经遍地都是。

    The access to smartphones and cell phones today is extraordinary .

  23. 而且中国的移动手机内部已经自带二维码扫描程序。

    And mobile phones there already have scanners embedded in them .

  24. 矿井移动手机的射频电路设计

    Radio frequency circuit design for mobile phones for mine use

  25. 内蒙古移动手机缴费卡系统的演变及优化

    Evolution and Optimization of the Inner Mongolia Mobile Phone Payment Card Process System

  26. 这些领域中,其中以移动手机支付最被人们所看好。

    These areas , which the mobile phone to pay the most optimistic people .

  27. 公司已将数款游戏应用到几乎所有的移动手机平台上。

    The company has brought a number of Tetris games to almost all mobile platforms .

  28. 湖南移动手机支付系统在电子商务中的应用

    The application of the mobile banking service system of Hunan Mobile Communication Cooperation in E-business

  29. 当玩家倾斜或移动手机时,直升飞机也会相应地改变飞行方向。

    When the player tilts or moves the phone , the helicopter changes direction accordingly .

  30. “重新启动”就是微软所用来启动移动手机的市场的新的方法。

    A reboot is what Microsoft has initiated with its new approach to the mobile phone market .