
  • 网络brand benefit
  1. 同时,健全各种机制,加大质量考核,将品牌效益提升贯穿始终。

    Meanwhile , the hospital consummated all kinds of management rules and reinforced checks of works quality to upgrade brand benefit of hospital .

  2. 以丰富当前经济发展所引起的品牌效益、消费结构、消费心理和社会资源等问题为出发点,为服装包装设计提供切实可行的理论指导依据。

    This thesis is based on brand benefit , consume structure , consumption psychology , social resources etc. At the same time , it provides design practice with practical theory guidance .

  3. 追求用户的终身价值和品牌效益。

    The users life-long pursuit of brand value and effectiveness .

  4. 强化煤质管理力创品牌效益

    Strengthening coal quality management and creating brand effect

  5. 树精品意识,创品牌效益,走规模道路,抢时机发展?

    Quality image , brand name benefit , do the proven route , right-time & right-place development .

  6. 涂剑秋介绍称,雁城不少店家正在下大气力挖掘名菜文化内涵,打造品牌效益。

    Tu boom introduced , many stores are wild geese city to devote great efforts to tap famous cultural content , and building brand equity .

  7. 公益营销作为一种新型的营销手段,与其他营销方式的区别在于,公益营销把企业的商业目的与慈善目标结合在了一起,其主要目的在于追求长期的品牌效益。

    With other forms of difference between marketing , public marketing to business goals and charitable goal together , and its main purpose is to pursue long-term effectiveness of the brand .

  8. 最后,对高速公路服务区的经营管理模式进行研究分析,提出服务区标准化连锁经营管理方法,使服务区兼顾经济效益、品牌效益和服务质量。

    Finally , on the highway service area of management at the pattern of analysis , standardized Chain Management service area approach , so that both cost-effective service area , brand effectiveness and quality of service .

  9. 商品经济是发展特色农业的根本,特色农产品应该是绿色产品,且具有较强的市场竞争力和品牌效益,以及与市场容量相适宜的规模;

    Merchandise economy is the fundamentality of characteristic agricultural development , the products of characteristic agriculture should be green products , and have more stronger market competition , market capacity corresponding scale , and brand benefit ;

  10. 在瓶装饮料生产过程中,如果封盖机的位置调整不当,将出现各种样式的瓶盖缺陷,这将严重影响产品的质量和品牌效益。

    In beverage bottle production process , if the location of capping machine adjusted error , there will be a variety of styles of cap defects , it will seriously affect the quality of the product and brand benefits .

  11. 于实际设计案例中完成了相应的理论研究,帮助企业获得了良好的品牌效益和商业利益,同时为今后化妆品的商场专柜与展示设计指明了一种方向和思路。

    The study combine academic research in actual counter design , help the company build better brands ' image and get commerce profit , at the same time , the study indicate a direction for the design of counter and display of cosmetics brands in department store .

  12. 向品牌要效益:媒体广告经营的觉醒

    Ask Brand For Benefit : The Wake Of Media Ads management

  13. 以质量求生存以信誉求发展以品牌创效益&山东信发铝塑有限公司发展纪实

    Living by quality , development by credit , interest by brand

  14. 树品牌创效益提升企业新形象

    Establishing Brand , Creating Benefit , Improving Enterprise 's New Image

  15. 四是品牌项目效益凸显,文化传播能力加强。

    Fourthly , the brand projects have outstandingly benefited , and the ability of spreading Chinese culture is stronger than before .

  16. 质量是生命,品牌出效益,中国企业必须建立品牌战略来迎接国际市场竞争的挑战。

    Breathe by quality , benefit by brand ' . China 's enterprises must establish brand strategy for the competition in the international market .

  17. 并要以就业为导向,积极探索,勇于创新,实现发展、质量、特色、品牌、效益的协调发展。

    At the same time , we should guide by obtain employment , explore actively , innovate bravely to realize the harmonious development of development , quality , character , brand , benefit .

  18. 论品牌与规模效益的关系

    On Relationship between Brand and Scale Performance

  19. “服务创造品牌速度产生效益”,我们以优质的服务为客户服务,为社会服务。

    " The benefits service to create brand velocity ", our high quality service to customer service , to serve the community .

  20. 我国的电信运营商也认识到品牌带来的效益,开始进入品牌经营的时代。

    Telecom operators of our country also know the beneficial result bringing about to the brand , begins to enter the times that the brand manages .

  21. 长丰模式:实现品牌回报产生复合效益

    Changfeng Patten : Realize Brand Return , Bring Compound Benefits

  22. 建筑企业品牌合作及其经济效益分析

    Co-branding of Construction Enterprises and Analysis of Its Economic Effect

  23. 对市场不断的推广宣传,提升企业品牌知名度以及效益。

    Continuous market promotion aims at promoting the reputation and profit of the enterprise brand names .

  24. 本项目关系到企业形象的推广,直接影响到企业的品牌价值和经济效益。

    This project related to corporate image of the promotion , directly affect the enterprise brand value and economic benefits .

  25. 毛尖茶在湖北名优绿茶中品牌响、经济效益高、影响力大、带动力强。

    Maojian tea possesses the properties such as a famous brand , high economic effect , huge impact and strong driving .

  26. 去年七月,大众宣布将对大众品牌实施一个效益提升项目,其中就包括砍掉那些滞销车型。

    Last July , the automaker announced an efficiency program for the VW brand , including the cancellation of some slow-selling models .

  27. 该项目所实现的功能就是把企业的价值观全面、有力、清晰地传递给用户,并最终实现品牌价值和经济效益的双丰收。

    This project is the function of the realization of the enterprise values comprehensive , powerful , and clearly passed to the user , and finally realize the brand value and economic benefit of double harvest .

  28. 在我国,由于酒店服务标准化程度低、服务质量标准不一致,致使许多酒店没有形成自己清晰的品牌形象,经济效益低下。

    In China , due to the low level of standardization of hotel services and the inconsistent of service quality standards , many hotels can not achieve their own clear brand image , their economic efficiency is poor .

  29. 品牌农产品的品牌效益

    Brand Benefit of Farm Produce

  30. 品牌个性在达到品牌运营效益方面有着重要作用。

    Brand individuality plays a great role in operating benefit .