
pǐn jiǔ
  • sample wine;taste and judge alcohol or wine
品酒 [pǐn jiǔ]
  • [sip and taste wine] 喝酒;尝酒的味道

  1. 她一边品酒,一边沉思。

    She sipped her wine reflectively .

  2. 我整个周末都在享受游泳池、品酒和粉红色的日落(通常是晚上,而不是下午4点),但对吃了几个月冬季根茎类蔬菜的我来说,最棒的是早上7点去萨拉索塔农贸市场的冒险。事实证明,这值得我提前起床。

    Swimming pools , wine tasting , and pink sunsets ( at normal evening hours , not 4 in the afternoon ) filled the weekend , but the best part — particularly to my taste , dulled by months of cold-weather root vegetables - was a 7 a.m. adventure to the Sarasota farmers ' market that proved to be more than worth the early wake-up call .

  3. 当前的业内佼佼者是品酒师比利·瓦格纳(BillyWagne)开的Nobelhart&Schmutzig,他以前是米其林级餐厅RutzWineBar的掌门人。

    The current bellwether is Nobelhart & Schmutzig , opened by the sommelier Billy Wagner , who previously helmed the Michelin-starred Rutz Wine Bar .

  4. 所以wilsoncreek和其它几家葡萄酒厂一起联手在标霸美国馆开办了一个品酒区。

    So Wilson Creek is joining several other wineries in opening a wine-tasting area at the American merchandise center .

  5. SilverOak的两款解百纳每年产量不到10万箱,而酒庄的品酒室赢得了包括业余和专业人士在内的葡萄酒爱好者的盛赞。

    The winery produces just under 100000 cases of their two Cabernets annually , and their tasting room has won raves from amateur drinkers and wine professionals alike .

  6. 纽约DelFrisco's牛排店的品酒师杰西卡·塞尔托(JessicaCerto)说,店里存不了SilverOak。

    Jessica Certo , sommelier of Del Frisco 's in New York , said that she couldn 't keep Silver Oak in stock . '

  7. 与往年一样,今年的PauléedeNewYork分为两个部分:下午3个小时的流动品酒会和晚上的庆祝宴会。

    As in the past , this year 's Paul é e de New York was divided into two parts : a three-hour walk-around tasting in the afternoon and a gala dinner in the evening .

  8. 得知在以牛排馆为主的得克萨斯州,反感SilverOak的品酒师竟然能找到工作,我感到很意外,更意外的是他们竟然还能升到有影响力的职位。

    I was surprised to learn that an anti-Silver Oak sommelier could get a job , let alone rise to a position of influence , in the steakhouse-centric Lone Star state .

  9. 在被试者品酒时,监测他们的大脑活动,并用功能磁共振成像(fMRI)做纪录。

    While participants drank and rated the wines , their brain activity was monitored and recorded using functional magnetic resonance imaging , or fMRI .

  10. 在加拿大那边,品酒大师可以从大瀑布出发,沿着尼亚加拉河休闲步道(NiagaraRiverRecreationTrail)骑一会儿车,到达那片欣欣向荣的酒吧区品尝几杯。

    On the Canadian side , oenophiles can get a taste of the region 's growing wine scene just a short bike ride from the falls along the Niagara River Recreation Trail .

  11. 在国际采购部经理陈文丽的带领下,分别参观了品酒大厅、五大名庄VIP房以及地下酒窖等西堡酒庄标志性景点。

    Showed around by Ms Chen , manager of purchasing dept , they visited hallmarks of Chateau Somso such as wine tasting hall , Five VIP Rooms and wine cellar .

  12. 盲品(blindtasting)并不是大多数人想象中的蒙着眼睛品酒,而是通过纯品尝而非看酒标来对葡萄酒进行评价。这是一种奇特的活动,因为它常常为参与者带来无比的震撼。

    Blind tasting is a very odd activity . Contrary to what many imagine , it has nothing to do with blindfolds . It involves tasting a wine without seeing the label and it can deliver shocking surprises .

  13. NEC系统科技公司和三重大学的研究人员设计出一款能够品酒的机器人。这款电子斟酒侍者能够识别几十种酒、奶酪和餐前小点心。

    Researchers at NEC System Technologies and Mie University have designed a robot that can taste & an electromechanical sommelier able to identify dozens of different wines , cheeses and hors d'oeuvres .

  14. 尽管巴黎品酒会为我们的葡萄酒文化创造了奇迹,但是我相信,美国的葡萄酒文化从1966年就诞生了,那时RobertMondavi在纳帕谷建立了他的同名酿酒厂。

    While the Paris tasting did wonders for our wine culture , I believe America 's wine culture started in1966 , when Robert Mondavi opened his namesake winery in Napa Valley .

  15. Pearl&Ash狂欢的第二天,包括Daniel餐厅的拉杰・维迪雅(RajVaidya)和HearthRestaurant餐厅的保罗・格列科(PaulGrieco)在内的纽约顶级侍酒师在该组织在翠贝卡区的品酒会上觥筹交错。

    The day after the Pearl & Ash festivities , some of the city 's top somms , including Raj Vaidya of Daniel and Paul Grieco of Hearth Restaurant , were rubbing elbows at the group 's tasting in TriBeCa .

  16. 就像总部位于香港的品酒大师梅宝迪(DebraMeiburg)形容目前狂热局面所说的那样,这是东方的野蛮西部!

    As Hong Kong-based wine educator Debra Meiburg describes the current frenetic situation , It 's the Wild West out east !

  17. 加里?比彻姆(GaryK.Beauchamp)是费城莫内尔化学感官研究中心(MonellChemicalSensesCenter)主任,专注于研究嗅觉、味觉以及它们对人类健康的影响,这位专家给出了自己对于品酒的见解。

    One expert , Gary K. Beauchamp , director of the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia , which studies smell and taste and how they affect human health , offers his view of what goes on when we sip .

  18. 单单SilverOak惹着了当时餐厅的主厨斯科特·布莱恩(ScottBryan),每次品酒师拿着酒穿过厨房去餐厅时,他就会做出某种嘲笑的手势。

    It was Silver Oak alone that provoked Scott Bryan , the restaurant 's chef at the time , to make a sort of mocking salute whenever the sommelier carried it through the kitchen and into the dining room ( which was fairly often ) .

  19. 卡尔文·陈(CalvinTan)在两年前开始着迷于葡萄酒,之后进修了两门葡萄酒方面的课程,其中一门在法国品酒学院(L’ÉcoleduVindeFrance)进行,该学院于2011年在香港设立了一个办公室。

    Calvin Tan caught the wine bug two years ago and has since taken two wine courses , including one at a French wine academy , L " É cole du Vin de France , which opened an office in Hong Kong in 2011 .

  20. 但2001年的拉菲目前卖到了一瓶800英镑左右,而在达沃斯品酒会上更胜一筹的葡萄酒来自澳大利亚的慕斯森林(mosswood)解百纳和来自南非的vergelegen却只卖43英镑和14英镑。

    But Chteau Lafite 2001 currently sells for about 800 a bottle ; whereas you can still get the wines that tasted better in Davos , moss wood Cabernet from Australia and vergelegen from South Africa , for 43 and 14 , respectively .

  21. 当时帕尔刚开始在巴巴拉县酿酒(他的品牌名为Sandhi和DomainedelaCote),二人决定给他们最喜欢的加州黑皮诺组织一次小范围的品酒会,让大家品鉴学习。

    Mr. Parr had just started making wine in Santa Barbara county ( his brands are called Sandhi and Domaine de la Cote ), and the pair decided to stage a tasting of their favorite California Pinots as a learning experience for a small group .

  22. Teabox借鉴葡萄酒行业的成功经验,邀请品酒师为网站编写引人入胜的产品介绍。

    Taking a cue from the successful wine industry , Teabox is bringing in wine tasters to provide engaging online descriptions for its products .

  23. 品酒小组全体人员对Pintas都兴致浓厚,对它醇美的口感和成熟的果味赞不绝口,虽然它是相当厉害的一种葡萄酒。

    The panel was universally enthusiastic about the Pintas , praising its lush texture and ripe fruit , though it was a rather formidable wine .

  24. 依据上述品酒结果,这些2004年酿造的红葡萄酒多数应该最早从2011年或2012年推出10年期或更久的,但玛尔戈、格拉夫和pomerol出产的一些葡萄酒可能会更快推出。

    On the basis of this tasting , most of these 2004 red Bordeaux should be at their best from about 2011 or 2012 for 10 years or more , although some of the Margaux , graves and Pomerol could be broached sooner .

  25. 品酒,然后在海边骑马。

    Wine tasting , and then horseback riding on the beach .

  26. 我邀请了一些朋友和我一起品酒。

    I invited some friends to join me for a tasting .

  27. 好,昨晚是有个品酒活动

    Okay , there was a tasting last night , yes .

  28. 雷司令这个来自德国的古老品种特别受到品酒行家好评。

    This ancient variety from Germany is particularly popular with oenophiles .

  29. 对行外品酒人而言,所有的红酒都是一个味道。

    To the untrained palate red wines all taste very similar .

  30. 熊猫人是世间一流的品酒师,也是无与伦比的勇敢战士。

    They are peerless warriors and world class drinkers all in one !