
  • 网络quality culture
  1. 这种长久积淀的品质文化,正是生产高品质家具的坚实基础。

    This long-time accumulation of quality culture is the base of producing high-quality furniture .

  2. 介绍了零缺陷管理创建品质文化的主要内容及其表现。

    An introduction is made of the main contents and forms of building quality culture by means of zero-defect management .

  3. 这个品质文化强调的是质量的持续改善,实现持续改善的要求是比较零散的,EP公司通过对这些零散的要求进行整合,归纳出自己的供应商质量管理要求。

    This culture is emphasized to the quality continuous improvement , and the requirement is relatively fragmented .

  4. 一些研究指出品质文化是否深植于组织中各成员,与品质管理是否有效至为密切,却甚少有定量研究加以验证。

    Some studies advocated to create quality culture was important for effective quality management but few quantitative studies verified it .

  5. 《孔雀》与《可可西里》的艺术品质和文化价值

    Artistic Character and Cultural value in " Peacock " and " Ke Ke Xi Li "

  6. 生活的魅力表现于品质,文化艺术彰现的更是一种气质。

    If the charming of life is character , then art of culture will showing its cast of mind .

  7. 加强职业道德教育,加强文化熏陶,使学生具有较高的道德品质和文化素质。为此,必须调整会计考试目标,突出素质教育、技术教育与职业道德教育;

    The professional moral education and the cultural nurture should be strengthened to improve the students ' moral character and cultural quality .

  8. 在逆向处理、纪实风格与传奇发掘,故事性的谈化与消解等方面,两部影片都具有独特的艺术品质和文化价值。

    Such as reversal treatment , documentary style , legend finding and story dispelling , they had unique artistic character and cultural value .

  9. 无论是民间文学艺术的何种表达形式,都有着若干基本的范式或程式。这些体现特定群体文化品质或文化遗产特性的基本范式或程式,就称为民间文学艺术母型。

    No matter what kind of expression , folklore has some basic models or patterns called the folklore mother models , which reflect the cultural characteristic and heritage elements of the specific group .

  10. 打造海洋主题餐厅,以一流的海鲜品质和主题文化的完美融合,形成连云港最具吸引力最具特色的海鲜餐饮餐厅。

    The sea restaurant harmonized with first-class seafood and ocean theme culture will be the unique seafood restaurant with best attraction in the city .

  11. 它以全面提高大学生思想品质、科学文化知识和身体、心理与技能素质,培养创新能力和发展个性为主要内容的基础教育。

    It is a basic education whose main content includes improving the ideological quality , the knowledge , physical , mental and working skill quality completely .

  12. 反之,我们正常个体的最为宝贵的品质被其他文化视为异常。简言之,正常与否在很大范围里是由文化所决定的。

    Conversely the most valued traits of our normal individuals have been looked on in differently organized cultures as aberrant normality , in short , within a very wide range , is culturally defined .

  13. 建构语文新课程的过程模式一种文化过程观;建构语文新课程的超越品质一种文化反思观。

    Construct a process mode of the new curriculum of Chinese which is a kind of outlook of cultural process , construct an excellent character of the new curriculum of Chinese which is a kind of outlook of cultural reflection .

  14. 泰勒瓦以品质、个性、文化、时尚作为企业发展核心。

    Terrior treasures the value of Quality , Character , Culture and Vogue as its enterprise development core .

  15. 进口红酒更因为其高贵的品质、浓郁的文化气息捕获得广大消费者的“芳心”。

    Especially the Imported wine has gained great popularity among consumers for its noble quality and rich culture background .

  16. 公共艺术作为公共空间环境中的重要组成部分,在提升地铁空间的文化品质和凸显地域文化特色的同时帮助乘客识别空间,最终达到空间导向的作用。

    Moreover , as an important part of public space environment , public art can improve and highlight the regional culture features .

  17. 认为城市图书馆的发展对于提升城市品质、营造城市文化氛围以及增强城市国际文化交流活力起着重要的促进作用。

    In addition , it is thought that the library development plays a vital role in enhancing the international culture exchange of Shanghai .

  18. 主要包括本国国籍,是否享有公民权,良好的道德品质,相应的文化水平,年龄要求,身体素质等等。

    Include their own nationality , could enjoy the rights of citizenship , good moral character , the corresponding educational level , age requirements , physical fitness and so on .

  19. 当代中国大型铁路客站文化性表现担负着改善城市公共空间、提升铁路运输品质以及传播先进文化的使命。

    Cultural performance of contemporary Chinese railway passenger station responsible for the improvement of urban public space , enhance the quality of rail transport and the mission of spreading advanced culture .

  20. 一个地区城市展示性建筑设计的好坏,往往影响着该区域展示形象、区域景观效果、区域建筑环境品质、区域精神文化建设等等。

    Show a regional urban design quality of buildings often display the image of the region affected , the regional landscape effects , the regional quality of the built environment , regional cultural construction and so on .

  21. 本文从图书馆学学科能力的教习和图书馆学学科思维品质,即专业文化精神的养成两个方面重新审视了图书馆学学科教育。

    This thesis examined the education of library science closely again from two aspects : the studying and teaching of disciplinary ability of Library Science , and , the thought nature of Library Science & Professional cultural spirit ;

  22. 复杂的历史境遇酿就了反文化的多重价值品质,当主导文化与人类文化进步取向背道而驰时,反文化则形成塑造新的主导文化形态的建设性力量;

    Complicated historical circumstances make the multiple value quality of counterculture . When leading culture and progressive orientation of mankind culture run in the opposite direction , counterculture forms the constructive strength of moulding new leading culture shape .

  23. 面对时代文化和70年代出生作家的创作思潮,自律论的文艺学已经无法有效研究,本文将借鉴文化研究的方法,进行文本内在品质阅读和外在文化阅读。

    The researcher think people can 't have effective conclusion with self-discipline theory of literature during the study , so the researcher will use theory of culture study for reference to study both in internal quality and external culture .

  24. 世界各国对旅游纪念品的设计品质和其民族文化、经济地位都是非常重视的,并不断地将这几种要素充分的融合,推陈出新,为提高本国的创汇独辟蹊径,并提高其国际地位与影响。

    International communities pay more attention to the design quality , race culture , the economic position of tourist souvenirs . All of the countries make these main factors full of fusion , put forth new ideas , and raise tourist souvenirs ' international position and influence .

  25. 所得问卷资料,以LISREL之径路分析检测品质管理制度与品质文化各构面对品质管理绩效各构面之影响路径与模式之适配度。

    Data was analyzed with path analysis among quality management system , quality culture , and quality management performance and the fitness of models by LISREL .

  26. 本研究之目的为探讨品质管理制度、品质文化与品质管理绩效之关系。

    The purposes of this study is to explore the relationships among quality management system , quality culture and quality management performance .

  27. 中国铸造企业品质问题的定位分析及对策企业品质文化建设的探讨

    Analysis and Countermeasures for Chinese Foundry Enterprise Long-term Quality Problem