
  1. 然而,21世纪初,新品牌行业的兴起引人注目。

    But the early 21st century has been notable for the new brands industries that have sprung up .

  2. 中国的企业,从某种意义上,绝大多数属于中小企业,尤其是在十大涂料品牌行业,企业历史短,积淀少,底子薄。

    Chinese companies , in a sense , the vast majority are SMEs , especially in the top ten brand paint industries , enterprises , short history , the accumulation of small , weak economic foundation .

  3. 考虑到我国体育用品品牌行业特点及其运作环境,在考察体育用品品牌强度因子时,主要是从3个方面即基于品牌的市场角度、顾客角度和企业角度来选取若干关键因子进行测评的。

    Based on characteristic and situation of China sporting goods industry , the brand strength of China sporting goods selected several critical factors from the aspects of brand market , brand customer and brand enterprises to evaluate brand .

  4. 本文阐述了基于GPRS网络和无线POS机结合,为各品牌各行业积分管理提供有力支撑的系统设计和具体实现方法。

    This paper based on the GPRS network and wireless POS machine combining the brand for the industry to provide strong support of integration management system designing and specific methods .

  5. 具有国际品牌酒店行业工作经验;

    Obtain working experience with international hotel group .

  6. 玩具企业缺乏自主知识产权的品牌,行业呼唤创新设计能力。

    Toy company is lack of Independent intellectual property brand , industry calls for innovation and design capabilities .

  7. 上锐作为中国紧固件配送服务品牌的行业开拓者,成立伊始,便将经营定位在客户对精益品质产品和创新理念服务的需求上。

    As a pioneer of brand fasteners distributing service in China , we have focused on demands of the high-quality products and efficient service .

  8. 期待本文对于营销渠道的优化设计的研究,能对品牌服装行业具有一定的借鉴意义。

    Looking forward to this article for the optimization of the marketing channel design research , to brand garment industry can have certain reference significance .

  9. 如果产品获得成功,或许能使TT公司的品牌进入零售行业,同时可能开始用“自己的品牌”和主要的零售商签约合作。

    If the product is successful , it might lead to the launch of the TT brand to the retail trade , and possibly to contracts with other major retailes for'own brand'products .

  10. 被评为中国消费者品牌认知调查行业十佳品牌之一。

    Chinese consumer brand awareness survey was rated brand one of the great industries .

  11. 从而有助于培育企业品牌,促进行业发展。

    In order to help foster corporate brand to promote the development of the industry .

  12. 研究结果表明,品牌影响力和行业竞争两个变量有显著的调节作用。

    Empirical test results show that , brand influence and industry competition have a significant moderating role .

  13. 在生活的各个领域中,几个领导品牌垄断整个行业的局面已大势所趋。

    In all areas of life , the situation of several leading brands monopoly the industry is the inevitable trend .

  14. 能不能创建一个性价比高,交货及时,服务周到的品牌,给行业提供一个更值得关注和信赖的伙伴呢?

    Whether will merge a new brand to customers with high price-performance ratio products , quick delivery and thoughtful services ?

  15. 激烈地竞争迫使企业加强与消费者的沟通,树立个性化品牌在同行业中脱颖而出。

    Compete to force a business enterprise to strengthen drastically with the communication of the consumer , set up characteristic brand to outshine others in go together the industry .

  16. 而基于电子商务平台的服装品牌企业由于行业进入门槛低,起步成本不高,更新速度快,容易模仿,面临越来越激烈的市场竞争。

    Clothing enterprises based on the platform of e-commerce are faced with increasingly intense competition in the market due to little barriers to enter the industry , low start-up cost , high updated speed and easily-imitated products .

  17. 在我国振兴纺织服装产业,强调通过自主创新与技术改造建设自主品牌体系的行业背景下,依靠信息化集成系统,提高品牌服装企业产品设计开发能力,已成为服装行业竞争的核心。

    In the context of Chinese textile and apparel industry revitalization , innovation and technology reformation , building Chinese independent brand system , improving the branded fashion enterprise R & D capabilities by IT integration has become essential for the apparel industry competition .

  18. 潍坊金蟀机械有限公司始终坚持诚信求实,开拓创新的企业精神,以卓越的技术,创新的工艺设计,努力打造民族品牌,领导行业自动化新潮流的主导思想,不断地开发新产品和开拓新市场。

    Weifang Jinshuai Machinism co. , Ltd sticking to the company spirit of credit , sureness , deploitation and innovation , uses eximous techniques and creative process design to figure a national brand , leads dominant idea of new automatization tide , and continuously develops new products and new market .

  19. H制药制剂业务在计划经济时代曾有着辉煌的历史,规模、利润及品牌影响力在医药行业处于领先地位。

    In the planned economy era , pharmaceutical dosage business of Company H also had been taking industry leading position in revenue size , profitability and brand awareness .

  20. 58岁的波普领导Smithfield更加深入地进军美国的品牌包装肉制品行业,并扩大了Smithfield对中国的猪肉出口。

    Mr. Pope , 58 , led a deeper Smithfield push into branded packaged meats in the U.S. and expanded Smithfield 's pork exports to China .

  21. 故医院的品牌战略对提高行业进入壁垒、保障人民身体健康和提高医院的经济效益都具有十分重要的意义。

    Hospital brand strategy is helpful to advancing barrier to entry , ensuring residents health status and improving hospitals economic benefit .

  22. 根据媒体近期的报道,我们认为这个品牌最终会在行业内失去影响力。

    Based on the recent reports by the media , we would maintain that the brand will eventually lose its power in our industry .

  23. 随着零售业传统职能和地位的改变,自有品牌策略成为零售行业中新兴的经营策略,有着巨大的发展空间。

    With the alteration of retailing industry traditional function and position , retailer private brand strategy is becoming a brand-new management strategy , having a vast room for development .

  24. 虽然我国是世界最大的服装生产和出口国,但我国并不是服装强国,尤其是服装品牌方面落后,行业缺乏核心竞争力。

    Although China is the world 's largest garment producer and exporter , but China is not strong clothing , especially clothing brands to lag behind , the lack of core competitiveness .

  25. 点多面广、全程全网、品牌和信誉等行业优势,使邮政主渠道的位置成为不争的事实。

    The Post has the industrial superiority of wide coverage , brand and credibility , which makes the Post " main channel " position to become the fact that does not dispute .

  26. 本文侧重于分析2008年奥运会对北京通信行业在基础设施建设、技术发展水平、电信消费、创造品牌形象和提升行业整体实力等方面的影响及作用。

    This paper focuses on the impact and role of the 2008 Olympic Games on Beijing 's communications sector in terms of infrastructure construction , technological development , telecoms consumption , brand creation and improvement of the overall strength of the sector .

  27. 独立审计质量是注册会计师行业生存和发展的基石,已有的文献表明,独立审计的质量与以下因素紧密相关:审计师诉讼、审计师品牌声誉、审计师行业专长、审计师独立性和审计师规模等。

    Audit quality is the foundation of the survival and development of the certified public account . As it is indicated , the quality of independent audit is relative to the auditor litigation , auditor brand , auditor industry specialty , auditor independence and auditor scale and so on .

  28. 房地产和房地产市场的概念、特征;从房地产品牌的品牌共性和行业特殊性对房地产品牌的定义进行描述,论述为什么房地产品牌的塑造需要导入战略品牌管理的概念。

    This thesis can be roughly divided into three parts : First , what is the conception and structure of real estate and real estate brand ;

  29. 近年来,品牌服装的品牌文化在服装行业越来越受到关注。

    In recent years , the brand culture of the brand clothing in the apparel industry more and more attention .

  30. 公司立足自然资源优势,努力打造优质河蟹品牌,“宝岛”品牌在上海同行业中率先通过上海安全优质农产品认证。

    Based on the rich natural resource , the company strives to build up its brand which was approved as the safe and fine farm products in Shanghai by the related authority .