
  • 网络Blog;Fashion circles;FASHION;Fashion ring
  1. 经典面料的运用为即将到来的秋冬时尚圈带来了一股强烈的“本本”狂潮。

    Classic fabrics used for the upcoming fall and winter fashion circles brought a strong " books " frenzy .

  2. 时尚圈的人一般喜欢GrillRoom包间;而银行家与大公司老总则比较青睐PoolRoom包间。

    Fashion people tend to like the Grill Room ; bankers and captains of industry tend to like the Pool Room .

  3. “公爵夫人效应”似乎还不仅仅限于凯特的穿衣品味对经济的影响,整个时尚圈都在其影响下变得更加明快,比我们过去所知的时尚圈多了更多色彩、更加女性化,也更加优雅。

    The Duchess Effect appears to extend much further than the economic impact of Kate 's fashion choices ; this year the fashion landscape seems to be a brighter , more accessible place with the styles more colorful , feminine and graceful than we 've observed in many years .

  4. LVMHMoetHennessyLouisVuitton旗下的私募股权公司LCapitalAsia正在帮助YGEntertainment进军时尚圈。

    L Capital Asia , the private-equity arm of LVMH Mo ë t Hennessy Louis Vuitton , is helping YG to venture into the fashion arena .

  5. 时尚圈人士声称,担任《Vogue》杂志(《时尚》)总编30年的安娜·温图尔将于今年夏天离开这家高端时尚杂志。

    Fashion sources claim that Anna Wintour is set to leave her role as Editor-in-Chief of the high-fashion magazine Vogue this summer after 30 years at the helm .

  6. 第二排就座的顶级大腕当属瓦伦蒂诺(Valentino)。安娜・温图尔坐在第二排引发了时尚圈的一阵窃窃私语,不过她放弃第一排座位是为了和她带来的一位嘉宾坐在一起。最令人兴奋的回归

    Best-second-row honors go to Valentino : Anna Wintour 's second-row seat caused a fashion buzz , but she gave up a front-row seat to join a guest she brought along . Fondest Return

  7. CNN主播查尔斯·霍德森:一年前他闯进时尚圈一炮而红,他以一件出色的女装一战成名,现在吴季刚才刚刚在纽约时尚周推出最新系列,爱丽娜·秋和他谈到了成名的一年,还有他要如何拓展他的品牌。

    CHARLES HODSON , CNN ANCHOR : One year ago he burst onto the fashion scene , catapulted to stardom by one famous dress . Today , the designer Jason Wu is fresh from showing his latest collection at New York Fashion Week . Alina Cho spoke to him about a stellar year and how he 's expanding his brand .

  8. 为什么会有如此多的时尚圈人士喜欢从头到脚的黑色?

    Why do so many fashion industry types wear head-to-toe black ?

  9. 苹果公司将是阿伦德在时尚圈之外的第一家公司。

    Apple will be ahrendts ' first job outside the fashion world .

  10. 除了演艺事业,李宇春还涉足时尚圈。

    Beyond showbiz , Li is a fixture on the fashion scene .

  11. 设计师个人喜欢穿中性风格服装,这在时尚圈里随处可见。

    This kind of wardrobe is common among fashion designers .

  12. 洪晃表示,同时,该明星也在时尚圈获得了更多的曝光,从而拥有更大的受众。

    Meanwhile , the star needs exposure to fashion and to a wider audience .

  13. 时尚圈瞬息万变,

    The world of fashion is extremely changeable

  14. 今年好莱坞复古风吹进时尚圈,服装、彩妆与发型都大玩复古好莱坞元素。

    This year , old-fashioned Hollywood chic meets modern styling for clothes , makeup and hair .

  15. 公司一直利用创建之初确立的标识,但如今已成功挤身纽约当地的时尚圈。

    The company trades on its establishment image but is hardwired into the New York fashion scene .

  16. 将明星的力量带进时尚圈

    Bringing Star Power into Fashion

  17. 现在,相同的潮流又在时尚圈重新流行。

    Now the same fashion trends people decried just a few years ago are coming full circle .

  18. 昨晚,鳄鱼皮手提包女士的女儿给我打了个电话,她有点像个时尚圈内人士。

    Then last night , the daughter of the crocodile-bag lady , who is something of a fashion insider , telephoned me .

  19. 杰奎琳·肯尼迪是约翰·肯尼迪的夫人,同时也是国际时尚圈公认的时尚引导者。

    Jacqueline Kennedy is known to many as John F. Kennedy 's wife , but known to the fashion world as an international fashion-trendsetter .

  20. 然而,她充分利用了公众的注意力,利用这种阳刚魅力在时尚圈站稳脚跟。

    However , she has used the attention to her advantage , highlighting her masculine flair to boost her status in the fashion industry .

  21. 有哪个孩子能去通常只有时尚圈顶级人物才能参加的活动?哪个孩子能享受不少达人都望尘莫及的奢华的假期?又有哪个孩子能跟好莱坞大牌一起出出进进?

    What other child goes to A-list events , extravagant vacations that most adults dream of and hangs out with the hottest celebs in Hollywood ?

  22. 鼠尾辫在上世纪80年代曾经盛行一时,不过很快就淡出了时尚圈,如今偶尔还能看到有人留这样的发型。

    The rattail saw a brief period of mainstream popularity during the1980s and has rapidly fallen out of vogue , but can still be seen occasionally .

  23. 这样的处事原则也延续到了她触及时尚圈态度,她的个人女装品牌获得了业界的一致好评,更是成为了诸如卡梅-迪亚兹和詹妮弗-洛佩兹这样的大牌明星的喜爱。

    That philosophy extends to her hands-on approach to the design of her wildly popular dresses & favored by A-listers like Cameron Diaz and Jennifer Lopez .

  24. 1968年,她参加了美国花样滑冰锦标赛,但未能成功进入美国奥运队,之后便转而进军时尚圈。

    Wang competed in the 1968 US Figure Skating Championships but turned to fashion after she failed to make the cut for the US Olympic team .

  25. 49岁内衣模特控诉时尚圈年龄歧视。她说,自己失业是因为长得太年轻。

    A 49-year-old underwear model has accused the fashion industry of ageism as she says she can no longer get any work because she looks too young .

  26. 在足球场外,小贝以其俊朗的外表成为了时尚圈里的先锋。在穿上各式时装时,他从未表现出一丝的羞怯。

    Away from sports , Beckham has cultivated an image as a style icon and has never been shy to try on any outfit in the name of fashion .

  27. 时序虽然还停留在热情缤纷的春夏,时尚圈早已领先炎热的气温迈入早秋!

    Though time sequence still stays in the hospitable spring and summer in riotous profusion , enclose and already lead the hot temperature and march toward early autumn in fashion !

  28. 你必须观察年轻人,因为如果你跟不上当今世界的脚步,那么你根本就别在时尚圈混。

    You have to watch young people , because if you 're not updated with the world of today , then you might as well get the hell out of fashion .

  29. 尽管订婚礼服已经引起了不小的轰动,但在大婚当天米德尔顿的选择才是时尚圈就津津乐道的话题。

    While Middleton 's engagement desses continues to create a lot of buzz , it is the choice for the big day that still has still has the fashion industry guessing .

  30. 安娜&12539;温图尔坐在第二排引发了时尚圈的一阵窃窃私语,不过她放弃第一排座位是为了和她带来的一位嘉宾坐在一起。

    Best-second-row honors go to Valentino : Anna Wintour 's second-row seat caused a fashion buzz , but she gave up a front-row seat to join a guest she brought along .