
  • 网络embrace change;embracing change
  1. 在这些例子中,XP“拥抱变化”的哲学可能不是非常具有实践性。

    In these cases , XP 's " embrace change " philosophy might not be very practical .

  2. 马云坚持要求纽约证券交易所(NewYorkStockExchange)于上市当天在其立柱上展示阿里巴巴的六大价值观——客户第一、团队合作、拥抱变化、诚信、激情、敬业。

    He insisted that Alibaba 's six values - customer first , teamwork , embrace change , integrity , passion and commitment - be placed on the pillars of the New York Stock Exchange the day of the I.P.O.

  3. 拥抱变化,把它当作机会而不是威胁。

    Embrace change as an opportunity rather than a threat .

  4. 因为敏捷拥抱变化,项目规划发生变更就是很常见的事情。

    Given that Agile embraces change , change of plans is a common phenomenon .

  5. 也就是这个副标题:拥抱变化。

    Subtitle This is a civilian airport exclusively .

  6. 沉着淡定、拥抱变化、疾速调整,走出一条金光路途。

    With aplomb , embracing variations , adjusting apace , you could pave a golden path .

  7. 拥抱变化,这样你的生活才会更新奇新鲜而又有趣。

    Embrace change , and life will always offer you something new , different , and interesting .

  8. 他们中的一位领袖人物热心地解释道:我们拥抱变化和变迁,甚至乐在其中。

    We are embracing change and flux , even to rejoice in it , one of their leaders earnestly explained .

  9. 需要记住的就是,一定要努力拥抱变化,且不要试图控制太多。

    The thing for people to remember is to really try to embrace change and not try to control it too much .

  10. 市场总是优胜劣汰的,要想始终站在高处就不能静止,只能去拥抱变化。

    In a market which is in constant flux , the only way to stay on top is to avoid stagnation and embrace change .

  11. 或者,你会相信寻找新奶酪对你有好处,你会拥抱这种变化。

    Or you can believe that finding New Cheese will help you , and embrace the change .

  12. 你可以相信,变化对你有害,你可以拒绝它;或者,你会相信寻找新奶酪对你有好处,你会拥抱这种变化。

    You can believe that a change will harm you and resist it . Or you can believe that finding New Cheese will help you , and embrace the change .

  13. Jeff:拥抱这一变化的上层领导的大力支持和认可。

    Jeff : Great sponsorship and endorsement from top leaders who embrace this change .

  14. 如果你正准备拥抱情绪的变化,你会发现隐藏的珍宝。

    If you 're prepared to embrace emotional change you will find a hidden treasure .

  15. 演讲人劝告年轻人要敢于冒险,追求失败,拥抱不确定性和变化。

    Speakers exhorted young people to take risks , court failure , and embrace uncertainty and change .