
  • 网络crowding;Crowding phenomenon
  1. 弱视眼视力拥挤现象

    Vision crowding phenomenon in amblyopia

  2. 于此同时,我国很多港口的拥挤现象也越来越严重,导致船舶在港的非生产性停留时间很长。

    At the same time , the crowding phenomenon in ports is also becoming increasingly serious , which leads to unnecessary nonproductive stay in port .

  3. 据NPR新闻的柯克·西格勒报道,加州面临法院就解决该州监狱缓解拥挤现象所下达的最后期限。

    NPR 's Kirk Siegler reports California 's facing a court ordered deadline reduce overcrowding in state prisons .

  4. 每个城市的交通或多或少都存在拥挤现象。

    Every city have more or less the traffic jam .

  5. 公司可以为减少交通拥挤现象采取哪些措施?

    What can companies do to reduce daily traffic congestion ?

  6. 警方为控制人群拥挤现象而采取的新措施。

    A new police strategy for crowd control .

  7. 浅析城市交通拥挤现象及解决方法

    On Urban Traffic Jam and the Solution

  8. 从而,当交通量很大时,从收费区驶离的车辆会发生交通拥挤现象。

    Consequently , when traffic is heavy , congestion increases upon departure from the toll plaza .

  9. 其目的是防止在球迷入场和出场时,出现具有潜在危险的拥挤现象。

    Their purpose is to prevent potentially dangerous crowding when fans move in or out of the stadium .

  10. 随着工业化和城市化在全世界的发展和实现,许多大城市都面临着日益严重的交通问题,城市交通的迅速增长,城市道路资源空前匮乏,城市交通拥挤现象变得越来越严峻。

    With the development and realization of industrialization and urbanization , many cities face more and more serious traffic problem .

  11. 城市干道系统承担主要的交通出行,交通量变化显著,高峰时段拥挤现象频繁出现。

    Urban artery system takes in the main transportation . Traffic volume varies greatly and the congestion appears frequently in peak hours .

  12. 交通诱导试图避免未来将要出现的交通拥挤现象或缓解拥挤现象,对路网上未来即将通过的交通流量的空间分布进行直接的调整。

    Traffic guidance attempt to avoid future traffic jam or ease traffic jam , directly adjusts the traffic flow that to be adopted in the spatial distribution .

  13. 本文推导出了薄衬底共面波导特性参数计算的近似解析表达式,避免了薄衬底保角变换中的拥挤现象。

    To avoid the crowding phenomenon in conformal mapping , approximate analytical expressions of characteristic parameter for CPW ′ s on a thin substrate have been derived .

  14. 这种拥挤现象会给城市轨道交通带来诸多成本损失,如出行时间增长、出行速度减慢、出行舒适度降低等。

    This kind of traffic congestion will cause much cost in urban rail transportation , such as longer travel time , slower travel speed and lessened travel comfort .

  15. 如果替代路径的质量较差,拥挤现象不但不能得到缓解而且会进一步恶化,并且在替代路径上会形成新的拥挤;

    If the alternative route quality is not satisfying , the congested area would not be ameliorated but deteriorated and new congestion would be produced at the alternative route .

  16. 但是,双车道混合交通与双车道非混合交通流相比,它更容易发生局部拥挤现象与时停时走现象,其结果导致交通流量下降。

    Compared with non - mixed traffic on two lanes , the local congest and stop-and-go phenomena would more easily to occur , which would cause the decrease of flux .

  17. 现代化进程的加快和交通的迅速发展,城市成为欲望的容器,人群与社群的拥挤现象愈来愈为严重。

    With the acceleration of modernization drive and traffic development , the urban area becomes a desire container , and it gets to be increasingly crowded for the population and communities .

  18. 俱乐部理论为分析地方政府制定发展规划,确定城市人口规模和基础设施建设规模,解决城市拥挤现象,提供理论参考。

    The theory of club can give reference to analyze local government how to make develop layout for popular scale of city and basic establishment construct scale , solve jam problem in city .

  19. 随着城市交通拥挤现象日趋严重,作为解决交通拥挤问题良策之一的拥挤收费政策也日渐走进我们的生活。

    As the congestion phenomenon of urban traffic to become more and more serious , the policy of congestion charging as a good strategy to solve traffic congestion is coming into our life gradually .

  20. 因此,在我国现行设计规范中要求在节点中配置大量的箍筋以承担传入其中的剪力,这就势必造成了节点中钢筋的拥挤现象。

    Therefore , our country current design code request configure a mass of stirrups to bear imported the shear of the core , which is bound to occur the phenomenon of the core reinforced crowd .

  21. 城市居民的出行具有一定的时间规律,在某些时段(如早晨上班高峰和晚上下班高峰)往往会出现城市轨道交通拥挤现象。

    The citizens have certain time rules for travelling , thus always leading to the phenomenon of urban rail traffic congestion during some specific time ( like the rush hours in the morning and evening ) .

  22. 随着经济的发展,交通拥挤现象屡见不鲜并日趋严峻,因延误带来的旅行时间增加导致了经济损耗和环境污染。

    Nowadays with the rapid development of economy , traffic congestion happens more and more often and the situation is getting worse . Travel time increases because of the traffic jam which is causing economic loss and environmental pollution .

  23. 目前我国城市的市政建设发展迅速,城市交通拥挤现象日趋严重,为解决交通不便等问题,城市公路隧道也日益增多。

    With the rapid development of urban construction , the phenomenon of urban traffic jam tends to be serious . Urban road tunnel is increasing to solve such problems as transport facilities and urban traffic congestion as soon as possible .

  24. 针对港口拥挤现象对经济的消极影响进行了分析,从港口的战略规划、港口的生产组织及外部营销等方面提出了消除港口拥挤的措施和方法。

    The negative impact of port congested on economics has been analyzed . Based on the strategy of port , the ( production ) of port organizes and exterior marketing etc , the measures and methods that prevented port congested are proposed .

  25. 乌列解释说,一个由8人组成的团队,就能够监控每一个摄像头、出口和公共场所的扩音器,以此保证不会出现瓶颈(警方有其自己常规的闭路电视系统来监控拥挤现象)。

    Mr Uriel explains that a team of eight people can control every camera , exit and public address loudspeaker and so ensure that bottlenecks do not form ( the police have their own conventional closed-circuit TV system for crowd monitoring ) .

  26. 随着城市交通系统规模的不断扩大,交通拥挤现象日趋严重,如何在现有的道路交通条件下提高交通运行效率成为一个亟待解决的课题。

    As the continues expanding scale of urban transportation systems , the phenomenon of growing traffic congestion become more and more serious , how to improve the traffic operational efficiency in the existing road traffic conditions has become a particularly urgent issue .

  27. 模型的思路是将延误到达的车辆在线路始发站不停车发出,中途站点载客,目的是减少车辆停车时间,恢复线路车辆的正常车头时距,避免车厢内由于大间隔造成的拥挤现象。

    In this model , delay buses departure at the beginning station without stopping and passengers get on at the midway stations , which helps to decrease the bus stopping time , recover the normal headway and eliminate the compartment congestion induced by large interval .

  28. 通过分析交通流基本参数与交通拥挤现象之间的关系,本文运用模糊数学的方法对交通参数(交通流量和平均速度)以及拥挤度进行描述,建立了交通拥挤度的模糊推理系统。

    According to the relationship between characteristics of the traffic flow and traffic congestion , fuzzy logic is adopted to partition the basic parameters ( mean velocity and flow volume ) into several fuzzy subsets , then fuzzy inference system is established to generate LOC .

  29. 针对近年来城市交通的拥挤现象,特别是驾驶员违章严重、交通事故频发等问题,介绍了在现代交通控制和管理系统中占有十分重要地位的传感器&视频车辆检测器。

    Aiming at the crowded phenomena of city traffic in recent years , especially the problems of driver 's severely breaking rules and high frequency traffic accident , the video traffic detector which takes an important part of the current traffic controlling and managing system is introduced .

  30. 随着经济的发展和汽车拥有量的快速增加,交通拥挤现象日益突出,采用何种交通控制与诱导方法来减轻拥挤有效提高路网的使用效率成为一个急需解决的交通问题。

    With the economy growth and the rapid increase of automobile , traffic jam is becoming more and more severe , and it is an imperative problem what kinds of traffic control and guidance methods can be applied to lighten it and effectively improve traffic systems ' efficiency .