
  • 网络composite system;complex system;Compound systems
  1. EPDM密封材料组分多且复杂,各组分通过化学交联反应,彼此成为一个相互影响,相互牵制的复合系统。

    EPDM seal material is complex by chemical cross-linking reaction to be a composite system which is mutual influence and restraining .

  2. 研究表明,在硅酸盐水泥熟料中掺入10%以下硫铝酸盐水泥熟料的情况下,当石膏掺量为10%,CSA熟料含量在5%左右时,复合系统各方面的性能指标比较理想。

    Study showed that , when gypsum addition is 10 % and CSA clinker is about 5 % , achieved better performance index of the composite system .

  3. 在复合系统硬件平台实现方案方面,依据复合系统需要庞大计算能力的需求,提出了一种以多DSP为核心的并行处理系统的实现框架。

    According as the demand of complex system , this paper designs a feasible implement project that is multi-DSP scheme .

  4. 说明实行苹果紫花苜蓿复合系统至少应保留1m的清耕保护带。

    This indicated that 1m soil clean protection belt on each side should be kept between the apple tree rows in apple-alfalfa system .

  5. 区域可持续发展系统是由人口、资源、环境、经济(PREE)组成的复合系统。

    Regional sustainable development system is a combined system which is made of populace , resource , environment and economics .

  6. 小麦拔节-腊熟期间各时段内,复合系统中0~80cm土层贮水量随带距的变化均大致呈抛物线状分布,对比单作小麦系统,复合系统土壤水分总体平均效应2.7%。

    The soil water content at the depth of 0 ~ 80cm varied with the distance from the tree row in a parabola trend in the intercropping , reflecting an average increase of water content by 2.7 % compared with the monoculture system .

  7. 从系统角度分析,支撑庞大人口的物质、能量基础不是来自自然社会经济复合系统(NSECS)之外,也不是通过提高系统效率,而是转嫁于生态。

    Based on the systematic analysis , we can find that the basic material and energy of sustaining the huge population are neither obtained from the exterior of the Nature Society Economy Complex System ( NSECS ), nor obtained by rising the system efficiency , but shifted upon the ecology .

  8. 区域经济-资源-环境(Ec-R-Ev)复合系统结构及其协调分析

    The Structure and Coordination Analysis for Ec - Re-Ev Composite Systems

  9. 红壤区农林复合系统分析与评价

    Analysis and Evaluation of Agroforestry System in the Red Soil Region

  10. 复合系统实用稳定性分析的向量函数方法

    Method of vector function for practical stability analysis of composite systems

  11. 江苏省森林资源环境经济复合系统可持续发展评价

    Evaluation of Sustainable Development of Forest Resource-environment-economy System in Jiangsu Province

  12. 聚焦偏转复合系统的相对论渐近斜率象差

    Relativistic asymptotic aberrations of slope for a combined focusing-deflection system

  13. 河西走廊园林绿地复合系统的夏季小气候效应

    Summer microclimate effect in park greenbelt complex system along the Hexi Corridor

  14. 高等教育经济复合系统协调度优化控制

    Optimizing Control of Coordination of co-system of education and economy

  15. 聚焦偏转复合系统像差分析及应用

    Analysis on Aberrations of Superimposed Focus and Deflection System and Its Application

  16. 基于快速原型技术的定制化人工半膝关节复合系统的研究

    Customized artificial hemi-knee joint composite system based on rapid prototyping

  17. 水资源生态经济复合系统及其持续发展

    Water Resources-ecological Economic Complex System and Its Sustainable Development

  18. 区域国土资源复合系统可持续发展的系统研究

    Systematic Research on Sustainable Development of Composite System of Regional Land and Resources

  19. 复合系统协调及其判定研究

    Study on the coordination and judgement of complex systems

  20. 间套种植对根系土壤酶及养分复合系统的影响研究

    Research on effect of intercropping on multiple system of root soil enzyme and nutrient

  21. 石漠化土地是自然社会经济的复合系统。

    Rocky desertification land is a multiple system composed by nature and economic society .

  22. 果农复合系统根系分布格局与生长动态研究

    Distribution pattern and growing dynamics of the roots system in apple wheat intercropping system

  23. 一类复合系统稳定性分析

    Stability Analysis on a Class of Compound Systems

  24. 农林复合系统结构优化的研究

    Study on the Optimum Structure of Agroforestry

  25. 具有时滞的复合系统的稳定性

    The Stability of Composite Systems with Delay

  26. 人工快速渗滤复合系统处理洗浴污水的试验研究

    The experimental study on the treatment of both wastewater by artificial rapid infiltration composite system

  27. 这也是农林复合系统在光能协同利用上具有可调节性的一个重要方面。

    It is an important aspect of interoperability of the synergistic use of solar energy .

  28. 通信测距复合系统发射平台的硬件设计与实现

    Hardware Design and Realization of the Transmitter Platform in the Improved Communication and Location Multiplex System

  29. 电机泵复合系统的协调控制

    Coordination Control for Electromotor-pump Compound System

  30. 橡胶-砂仁复合系统生物产量、营养元素空间格局的研究

    Research on spatial pattern of biomass and nutrient element in plantation of rubber intercropped with Amomum longiligulare