
  • 网络Entity System;physical system;Cyber-Physical Systems
  1. 建立需求分析工具以加强需求阶段开发建立可视实体系统,表达和管理可视信息;

    Build requirement analysis tool to enhance the development in requirement analysis phase ;

  2. 有些组成部分本身就是实体系统。

    Some of these constitutional parts are entity systems .

  3. 一是基于区域灾害理论的冻融灾害系统和寒区工程冻融灾害的实体系统;

    One is the system that based on district disaster system , the other is freezing-melting hazard entity system .

  4. 生产力是一种能力系统而非一种实体系统,它包括潜在生产力和现实生产力两种状态;

    The productivity is a system of capacity but not of substantiality and it is composed of both potential and practical state .

  5. 以建立的冻融实体系统为基础,采用模糊综合评判的方法,给出了冻融灾害系统的模糊数学预报模型。

    On the foundation of the entity system , fuzzy mathematics prediction model for freezing-melting hazard is given by the way of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation ;

  6. 其次在信息系统规划中要按照实体系统的基本架构做好企业信息供应链设计,明确企业总体的信息需求和系统边界,框定未来的开发范围;

    Second , in the information system planning , we should make good supply chains of business information according to the basic frame of business system .

  7. 本文应用现代管理学原理分析了地方环境管理实体系统的职能、内在联系及系统运行中存在的问题。

    This paper applies modern management science to analyse the function and inner relation of practical environmental management system in Changzhou and existing problems in current operation .

  8. 该软件系统已在光电视觉伺服机械臂实体系统进行了验证和应用,样机正在进行整体联调,初步结果表明该研究成果能满足实际应用的性能要求。

    The research achievements in this dissertation have been tested and applied in the optoelectronic visual servo manipulator system , and the result of the overall debugging showed that the system has basically met the need of practical application .

  9. 基于Web的同步协同实体建模系统

    A Web-based Synchronized Collaborative Solid Modeling System

  10. 本系统将SC/3DSOLID实体造型系统与数控机床加工相结合。

    In this system , SC / 3D SOLID is combined with NC milling machine .

  11. 异常处理的策略作为Agent模型的功能实体由系统或用户定义并可根据需要重用和继承;

    Exception Handling as entities of Agent Model can be defined , reused and inherited by system and user .

  12. 基于OpenGL的三维实体造型系统的研究

    Research of 3D-Solid Modeling System on OpenGL

  13. 我们建立了两步的基于CRF模型的中文命名实体识别系统。

    We built up a two step system under the CRFs model .

  14. 基于VBA工具开发的渐开线齿轮实体造型系统

    Development of gears solid modeling system based on VBA

  15. ResourceRequestHandler确定所有概念性的实体,系统将这些实体作为资源公开,并为每个资源分配一个惟一的URI。

    The Resource Request Handler identifies all the conceptual entities that the system exposes as resources and assigns a unique URI to each of them .

  16. 本文实现的中文命名实体识别系统采用了隐马尔可夫模型(HiddenMarkovmodel,HMM)与自动规则提取相结合的方法。

    This paper presents a Chinese named entity recognition system that integrates the Hidden Markov Model ( HMM ) and rules which are automatic extracted from the training corpus .

  17. 利用大型软件ANSYS实体单元系统,分析了大跨度叠层空腹桁架转换结构在竖向荷载作用下楼板整体弯曲问题。

    For large-span laminated open-web trussed transfer structure , the whole bending properties of floor under vertical loading were studied using ANSYS , a commercial software .

  18. 借助MDT三维实体建模系统和面向对象的编程技术实现特征建模的系统原型。

    Finally , the system prototype for the feature modeling is realized in the MDT system .

  19. EMA(EricssonMultiActivation)提供了CPE中心供应实体的系统类型的实现。CPE被定义在业务网络框架中。

    EMA ( Ericsson Multi Activation ) provides an implementation of the CPE ( Central Provisioning Entity ) system type , as defined by Ericsson Service Network Framework .

  20. 考虑双圆弧齿轮结构的复杂性,本文基于SolidWorks实体设计系统中的参数化建模功能,使用VC++。

    Considered the complexity of double circular arc gear structure , this thesis based on the SolidWorks entity design system in parametrization modeling function , uses VC + + .

  21. 如果实体的系统标识匹配该方法中的URL,则返回本地的XML文档(localCopyright.xml);而不是返回位于提供的系统标识处的任何资源。

    If the system ID for the entity matches the URL in that method , a local XML document ( localCopyright . xml ) is returned ; this is instead of whatever resource is located at the supplied system ID.

  22. 从理论依据和方法上,对基于特征的参数化实体造型系统确定用基本体素特征和草图以及成形特征和特征操作完成该零件的CAD三维实体造型,并使用软件CAE模块进行的初步的分析。

    The method of establishing parametric entity based on the characteristics is confirmed , including theory and method . The part 3D entity model based on sketch 、 form feature and feature operation is completed . With CAE module of software , the model is elementary analyzed .

  23. 采用面向实体的系统分析方法构建仿真系统本体的概念体系,利用本体中的概念增加SCOM的语义信息。

    The conceptual system of the simulation system ontology is constructed by means of the entity-oriented systematic analysis method , and the semantic information of SCOM is increased with the help of the concepts in ontology .

  24. 基于参数化实体造型系统的计算机辅助公差设计

    Study of computer-aided tolerancing based on a parametric solid modeling system

  25. BRIDGE&高性能分子及晶体结构实体造型系统

    Bridge high performance molecular and crystal structure 3 D modelling system

  26. 一个统计与规则相结合的中文命名实体识别系统

    Chinese named entity recognition system using statistics-based and rules-based method

  27. 基于混合模型的中文命名实体抽取系统

    Chinese name entity extraction system based on a hybrid model

  28. 基于边界表示的曲面实体造型系统的数据结构

    The Data Structure of a Curved-surface Solid Modeller Based on Boundary Representation

  29. 面向对象技术在固态继电器实体造型系统中的应用

    Application of Object Oriented Technology in Solid Modeling System of Solid State Relay

  30. 面向装配设计的三维实体造型系统的研制

    Research and development of assembly oriented 3D modeling system