
shí zài lùn
  • realism
实在论[shí zài lùn]
  1. Leggett不等式和非定域实在论

    Leggett inequality and nonlocal realism

  2. 科学实在论和社会建构论共同的形而上学根基

    The Common Metaphysical Ground of Scientific Realism and Social Constructivism

  3. 美国当代著名哲学家H·普特南作为科学实在论的主要代表人物之一,其数学真理观对整个数学真理性问题的研究产生了重大的影响,对数学科学的发展具有积极的推动作用。

    As one of the exponents of scientific realism Hilary Putnam , a contemporary American famous philosopher , positively influences the research of the problem arising from the whole state of mathematical truth and has put the mathematical science forward with his view of mathematical truth .

  4. 实在论是哲学的一个重要范畴。

    The realism is one of the important categories of philosophy .

  5. 文章的第二章主要集中于研究概念实在论的概念直觉理论。

    The second chapter is mainly about the intuition of conception .

  6. 其关系实在论与科学实在论是相容的。

    His realism about relations is compatible to the scientific realism .

  7. 因此,符号计算主义对意向实在论的论证是不成功的。

    Therefore , symbol computationalist argument for intentional realism is unsuccessful .

  8. 20世纪反实在论“语形学的转向”及其本质特征

    20 Century Anti-realism " Syntactic Turn " and Its Essential Feature

  9. 摘要实在论对科学成功原因的解释不能令人满意。

    It isn 't satisfied that realism explain success of science .

  10. 这样他就借助逼真性观念坚持了自己的实在论。

    So he hold his realism by developing his theory on verisimilitude .

  11. 实在论的最后崩溃&从虚拟实在谈起

    Collapse of Realism & From the Perspective of Virtual Reality

  12. 数学真理困境的自然主义实在论求解

    The Naturalistic Realist Solution to the Dilemma of Mathematical Truth

  13. 约定论与实在论一般认为两者是难以协调的。

    Conventionalism and Realism are generally believed that it is difficult to reconcile .

  14. 实用主义:实在论与反实在论之争

    Practicalism Revealed in the Conflicts between Realism and Anti-Realism

  15. 但逻辑&数学的实在论同样面临诘难。

    But the logic-mathematics realism also have to face a variety of criticize .

  16. 论量子力学曲率解释实在论哲学基础

    Discussion of Philosophical Basis of Reality Theory for Curvity Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

  17. 本文揭示了为科学实在论辩护的论证策略的困难所在;

    Scientific realism is currently in difficulties and lacks a sound defense strategy .

  18. 客观性问题:对实在论的批评与辨正

    Problem of Objectivity : Criticism and Differentiation of Realism

  19. 实在论还是建构论&对风险范畴的认识论批判

    Realism or Constructivism & The Epistemological Critique of Risk

  20. 最后,本文结合两个经济学实例对劳森的批判实在论进行评析。

    Finally , this paper combines economic two examples to review critical realism .

  21. 彭加勒的约定论就这样与实在论走到了一起。

    Conventionalism and Realism of Poincare come to together .

  22. 第一节具体分析了达米特对实在论的语义表述。

    Part one analyzes his semantical characterization for realism .

  23. 科学实在论是现代科学主义重建形而上学的一种新形态。

    Scientific realism is a new form of metaphysics reestablished by modern scientism .

  24. 科学实在论是西方国际关系的认识论基础。

    The scientific realism is the epistemological foundation of the western international theory .

  25. 麦克道威尔认为,彻底的自然主义的方案说到底是一种科学实在论。

    McDowell believes that the program of the bald naturalism is a scientific realism .

  26. 他试图通过图象论的观念来捍卫原子实在论的思想。

    He tries to defend Atomic Realism thought through the concept of image theory .

  27. 论爱因斯坦的科学实在论思想

    On Einstein ′ s Theory of Scientific Realism

  28. 批判实在论与马克思主义哲学的主要区别

    The Differences between Critical Realism and Marxist Philosophy

  29. 语言实在论&逻辑实证主义的意外奉献

    Linguistic Realism : Unforeseen Contributions of Logical Positivism

  30. 不可或缺性论证与反实在论数学哲学

    The Indispensability Argument and Anti-realistic Philosophy of Mathematics