
  • 网络anti-realism;antirealism;Creative Anti-Realism
  1. 围绕道德的普遍客观性问题,当代西方哲学家们的各种不同观点引发了当代伦理学中的实在论与反实在论的论战。

    Various views of generality of impersonal moral fundamentals by Western philosophers aroused debate between realism and anti-realism in recent ethics .

  2. 批判者指责社会建构主义心理学是反实在论,社会建构主义者则竭力澄清自己的实在论立场。

    The opponents condemned social constructionism for its anti-realism , and in the meantime many social constructionists tried to clarify their realist position .

  3. 20世纪反实在论“语形学的转向”及其本质特征

    20 Century Anti-realism " Syntactic Turn " and Its Essential Feature

  4. 实用主义:实在论与反实在论之争

    Practicalism Revealed in the Conflicts between Realism and Anti-Realism

  5. 不可或缺性论证与反实在论数学哲学

    The Indispensability Argument and Anti-realistic Philosophy of Mathematics

  6. 达米特反实在论新策略

    Dummett 's Mew Strategies of Anti-Realism

  7. 后现代反实在论的样板&评范·弗拉森哲学思想的演变

    An Example of Post-modern Anti-realism

  8. 20世纪的科学哲学是在科学实在论与反实在论的“战争硝烟”中走过来的。

    The scientific philosophy in20th century develops from the arguing combat between the scientific realism and antirealisrns .

  9. 反实在论与实在论之争是当前有关社会建构主义心理学争论的核心。

    Now ' nti-realism and realism '? debate has been the core of contentions about social constructionism Psychology .

  10. 仔细分辨这两个概念,那么就可以找到科学实在论和反实在论争论的症结所在。

    After the clear discrimination between this two conception , we can find out the crux of this argument .

  11. 然后文章介绍了反实在论者提出的三个诘难:悲观的元归纳论题、迪昂-蒯因论题和不可通约性论题。

    Then the article has described three problems which were proposed by anti-realist : Pessimistic Meta-induction Thesis , Duhem-Quine Thesis and Incommensurability Thesis .

  12. 在现代西方哲学中,实在论与反实在论之争是众所关注的一个焦点。实用主义存在于这一论争的思想氛围中,自然不能不受到这一氛围的强烈影响。

    In modern Western philosophy , the conflicts between realism and anti-realism are a focus of attention , which exerts great influence on practicalism .

  13. 为了彻底坚持其反实在论的哲学立场,达米特拒斥二值原则,把直觉主义逻辑作为其形而上学的基础。

    In order to maintain thoroughly HSI philosophical standpoint of anti-realism , he rejected two-valued semantics and took intuitionist logic as the basis of his metaphysics .

  14. 基于对科学实在论与反实在论各自的立场的分析,我们提出确认科学理论真理性的进步评价法观点,认为当我们拥有的假说为真时,这种方法会让我们渐渐确认这点;

    Based on an analysis of the standpoints of scientific Realism and anti realism respectively , we put forward the progressive evaluative method for affirming scientific truth .

  15. 二十世纪的科学哲学是在科学实在论与反实在论的战争硝烟中走过来的,真理问题是双方争论的焦点。

    Scientific philosophy of the 20th century was gone through the debate between scientific realism and anti-realism with the theory of truth was the key point of the argument .

  16. 在他的历史叙事理论中,存在者叙事实在论和叙事观念论的二元对立与融合,以及历史实在论和反实在论的辩证张力。

    In his theory of historical narrative , there is fusion and duality between narrative realism and narrative idealism , and there is dialectical tension between historical realism and anti-realism .

  17. 因此,文章站在20世纪反实在论的立场上对语用学的走向做出具体探究,从而揭示出20世纪反实在论语用学转向的重要意义。

    So , this paper tries to specifically explore the trend of pragmatics in the position of anti-realism , thus to reveal the important significance of pragmatic turn of the20th century anti-realism .

  18. 而在这个领域中,他心问题则是实在论与反实在论争论的焦点所在。

    Philosophy of mind is regarded as the core of linguistic philosophy and the focus in this field lies in the problem of other minds in the dispute between realism and anti-realism .

  19. 达米特的反实在论诸策略不仅促使我们深入地思考语言描述与客观实在的关系问题,而且为我们提供了一种研究哲学问题的新视角、新方法,在学界产生了深远的影响。

    Dummett 's strategies of Anti-realism not only push us to think further the relationship between language description and external world , but also provide us a new method for investigating philosophical problems .

  20. 以进行比较研究作为其反实在论哲学首要的、基本的策略,达米特通过语义上溯,把实在论与反实在论之争转化为语义学问题,从而找到了解决争论的关键。

    Taking comparative study as his basic strategy of Anti-realism , Dummett transformed the dispute on metaphysics into the dispute on semantics by semantic ascending , and thereby found the key to the problem .

  21. 他从因果关系上思考时间问题,把时间意向作为理解过去、现在与未来的关键,提出了一种唯一关于过去的反实在论。

    Considering the problem of time in terms of causality , Dummett interprets intention of time as the key of understanding past , present and future , thus providing " anti-realism solely about the past " .

  22. 即从实在论到反实在论,从符合论到建构论,从凝固的主客关系到主客的双向建构,从个体主义到话语的社会组织,从科学世界到日常话语世界。

    That is from realism to anti-realism , from the correspondence theory to constructivism , from the solidification relationship to the two-way construction of the subject-object , from individualism to the social discourse organization , from the scientific world to the everyday life .

  23. 分析表明,反实在论和非实在论对理论成功提供的说明要么是同义反复,要么就是不可避免地滑向实在论的说明,因此真理或近似为真成了理论成功惟一可以称得上自然的终极说明。

    Analysis shows that the explanation of the success of theories provided by anti-realism and non-realism is a kind of tautology , or will inevitably slide into the explanation of realism . Thus , truth or approximate truth is the only naturally ultimate explanation of the success of theories .

  24. 对实在概念的误用是当前科学实在论与反实在论争论不休的主要原因。

    It is a main reason , the misusing of the conception of reality brings about argument between scientific realism and anti-realism at present .