
shén líng
  • gods;deities;divinities;soul;magic
神灵 [shén líng]
  • (1) [Gods]∶指各类神

  • 上天神灵

  • 狄杜大惊失色,以为奴隶们受神灵保佑,屡淹不死。--《死海不死》

  • (2) [magic]∶神异;神奇

  • 生而神灵

  • (3) [soul]∶指魂魄;灵魂

神灵[shén líng]
  1. 人们供奉祭品以求神灵息怒。

    Sacrifices were made to propitiate the gods .

  2. 旧时一些有名的巫师经常以祭品祈求他们所供奉神灵的助佑。

    The great magicians of old always invoked their gods with sacrifice .

  3. 很多人觉得那部电影亵渎了神灵。

    Many people found the film blasphemous .

  4. 从礼拜场所偷东西是对神灵的亵渎。

    Stealing from a place of worship was regarded as sacrilege .

  5. 这些古老的仪式让水中的神灵平息了怒气。

    These ancient ceremonies propitiate the spirits of the waters .

  6. 圣泉俗用被认为是亵渎神灵的行为。

    To desecrate a holy spring is considered profanity .

  7. 法老们被视为神灵,且长生不死。

    The pharaohs were considered gods and therefore immortal .

  8. 她大声向神灵起誓,要为死去的女儿报仇。

    She cried aloud to the gods for vengeance for the loss of her daughter .

  9. 请安静,神灵将用敲击声给你们以启示。

    Keep silent , and the spirits will rap out a message for you .

  10. 根据杰弗里·休斯的著作《英国充斥粗言秽语、咒骂、亵渎”的社会历史》,他们在百年战争期间开始用“lesgoddems”形容英国人,因为他们经常亵渎神灵。

    They started referring to the English as " les goddems " during the Hundred Years War because of their frequent profanity , according to Geoffrey Hughes ' book , " A Social History of Foul8 Language , Oaths , and Profanity in English . " Hell

  11. 这里的水和云一起流,所以,神灵常和老乡一起喝酒

    Here , clouds roam as rivers flow , So , celestials often get drunk with common folks .

  12. 世上的第一个女人是位迷人女郎,因为她从每位神灵那里得到了一样对男人有害的礼物,因此宙斯称她为潘多拉。

    A charming young lady , she was the first woman that ever lived . Zeus called her Pandora . Because she had received from each of the gods and goddesses a gift . The gift was harmful to men .

  13. 即将宇宙的要素,These,stoichea,refers,to,elements,of,the,universe,在物理学上,也指管理宇宙的神灵,甚至是创造宇宙的神灵,这之类古代的说法。

    Stoichea in a physical sense but it also refers to these spiritual beings that rule the cosmos or even make up the stuff of the cosmos and a lot of ancient thought .

  14. 汽车工业崩溃的后果不堪设想,底特律一家教堂将三辆混合动力SUV置于圣坛之上,人们在下祈祷,希望能够得到神灵的救助。

    The prospect of a collapsed car industry was so terrifying that a church in Detroit placed three hybrid SUVs on its altar and prayed for divine intervention .

  15. 那里有座巨大的神社,供奉的是附近男体山(MountNantai)的神灵(进入神社前请脱鞋);

    There 's a large Shinto shrine to the god of nearby Mount Nantai ( shoes off , please , to go inside ) ;

  16. 足,罗河谷拥有充足的淡水与阳光,这二者被古埃及人奉为神灵,他们尊称太阳为AMON,称尼罗河为APIS。

    The Nile valley is a fertile one where there is an abundance of water and sun , elements which the ancient Egyptian believed were gods , they called the sun Amon and the Nile Apis .

  17. 前面已经有一个月是以希腊女神命名的了,现在我们再次回到罗马的神灵:六月是以古罗马女神朱诺(Juno)命名的。她是主神朱庇特(Jupiter)的妻子,是婚姻与分娩之神。

    Having conceded one month to a Greek deity , we 're now back with the Romans : June is named after the ancient Roman goddess Juno , wife of Jupiter and goddess of marriage and childbirth .

  18. 同时,人类放弃了以往对宗教神灵以及伦理道德的恐惧心理,坚信理性主义与人类自身的能力。T.S.艾略特认为这样只能导致死亡与荒原的出现。

    Meanwhile , the fear of religious deity and ethics used to be observed by human beings are replaced by the strong belief in Liberalism and the power of mankind , the only possible result of which , as is noted by Eliot , is death and desert .

  19. 神仙老而不死,构成了道教性质的巫术神灵体系。

    Immortals make up the Taoism gods in magic gods system .

  20. 这意味着神灵不足以证明客观性。

    This means that God is not enough to justify objectivity .

  21. 但他想到远古的神灵们在庇护着他。

    But he knew the ancient ones were there for him .

  22. 门神崇拜起源于人类远古时期的自然崇拜观念和神灵信仰观念。

    Door-god worship originated from nature and manitou worship in ancient times .

  23. 各位神灵,请保佑我,谢谢哈!

    God bless me , I would like to thank !

  24. 我们能否不藉助神灵或魔鬼来解释宇宙呢?

    Can we explain the universe without resorting to gods or demons ?

  25. 居住在或经常到森林中的神灵。

    A spirit that lives in or frequents the woods .

  26. 宗教不仅仅是一种关于神灵存在的信仰。

    Religion is not just a belief that some mysterious being exists .

  27. 在古代,这种花经常被用来祭献神灵。

    In ancient times , it was used to honor the gods .

  28. 美德不是上天赐予的礼物,不是神灵恩宠的表现。

    Virtue is not a gift , a sign of the gods'favor .

  29. 他认为你通过这些押韵诗来和邪恶的神灵交流。

    He believes you channel evil spirits with these rhymes .

  30. 他的言谈粗俗,简直就是亵渎神灵。

    His language was irreverent , not to say blasphemous .