
  • 网络new materialism;neo-materialism
  1. 新唯物主义起点&感性世界理论

    Beginning of New Materialism & Theory of the world of senses

  2. 旧唯物主义之旧与新唯物主义之新

    The Oldness of Old Materialism and the Novelty of New Materialism

  3. 马克思创立的新唯物主义是历史唯物主义。

    The new materialism created by Marx is historical materialism .

  4. 《资本论》:马克思新唯物主义哲学发展的第四个阶段

    Capital : the Fourth Development Stage of Marxist Philosophy of New Materialism

  5. 马克思建构新唯物主义的现象学方法探析

    The Exploration of Phenomenology Method by Which Carl Marx Built His New Materialism

  6. 马克思的新唯物主义新在何处

    The key to the new materialism by Marx

  7. 马克思新唯物主义哲学实践概念的多维理解

    On Multiple Comprehension of the Definition of Practice of Marxist Philosophy of New Materialism

  8. 因此,主体性之谜的解答根源于马、恩确立了新唯物主义哲学、彻底贯彻了实践的观点。

    So the solution of subjectivity mystery benefited from the new materialism philosophy and the implementation of practice opinion completely .

  9. 对黑格尔唯心主义和费尔巴哈直观唯物主义的批判与超越,是马克思建立新唯物主义哲学的理论起点。

    The criticism and transcendence to Hegelian mentalism and Feuerbach 's visual materialism is the new materialism philosophical theory origination of Marx .

  10. 旧唯物主义的立场是市民社会,新唯物主义的立场是人类社会或者社会化人类。

    The standpoint of the old materialism is civil society ; the standpoint of the new is human society , or social humanity .

  11. 建立于历史观基础上的实践观才是马克思新唯物主义的独特贡献和变革实质。

    It is the conception of practice based on the conception of history that is the unique contribution and essential transformation of Marxist new materialism .

  12. 正是这一理论视角的转移,充分展示了新唯物主义既根本区别于唯心主义,又完全不同于旧唯物主义的全新致思理路。

    It is the shift in theoretical perspectives that demonstrates a brand new line of reasoning held by neo-materialism thoroughly different from both idealism and the former materialism .

  13. 从中明显地可以看出马克思对异化概念的分析,远远超越了黑格尔和费尔巴哈,预示着“新唯物主义”的诞生。

    From that , it is very clear that Marx ran by most far beyond the analyse put forward by Hegel and Feuerbach , indicating the birth of New Materialism .

  14. 是在对费尔巴哈下半截的唯物主义批判继承后具体地发展了能动方面的新唯物主义。

    That is what Marx had done in the revolution of philosophy , and it is the new materialism inherited from the latter half of the materialism of Fierrbahe critically .

  15. 第一部分揭示了《手稿》在对象性的活动的基础上确立了马克思新唯物主义哲学的原则,并实现了思维方式的变革;

    The first Section reveals that Manuscripts establishes the basic principles of Marx 's neo-materialism on the basis of " gegenstandliche activity " and brings about a revolution in the modes of thinking .

  16. “新唯物主义”或“实践的唯物主义”的阶级基础是无产阶级,无产阶级是其赖以存在与实现使命的“物质武器”;

    He declared that the foundation of his philosophy was " human beings'society ", that was ," Communist society "," new materialism " or " practical materialism " worked for the benefit of proletarian .

  17. 马克思的哲学革命不是辩证法和唯物主义的简单结合,而是对费尔巴哈的辩证唯物主义的继承和超越,是以实践为核心的新唯物主义。

    Marx 's philosophical revolution is not a simple combination of metaphysics and materialism , but an inheritance and transcendence of Feuerbach 's dialectical materialism , a new materialism assuming practice as the core .

  18. 本文认为,市民社会概念在马克思新唯物主义形成过程中是一个贯穿始终的概念,只是因论述的需要而在具体的表述上有所不同。

    The article holds that civil society in the course of forming the new materialism of Marx is a consistent concept , and simply different because of the needs for expressing in the specific interpretations .

  19. 在《费尔巴哈提纲》中,马克思确立其新唯物主义立脚点是社会化的人类,以人为主体坐标,从实践出发,以人类自身实践活动的格局来说明人的本质、人类思维、人类世界。

    In " the Outline of the criticism to Feuerbach ", Marx established the basic of the new philosophy is the human society and proved the essence of the human and thought and the human world .

  20. 感性世界理论的明确阐释,冲破了理性世界的束缚,实现了哲学向现实生活世界的回归,从而为新唯物主义奠定了坚实的基础。

    An explicit elucidation of the theory of conceptual world broke off the bounds of the rational world , realizing the return of philosophy to the realistic world of life and thereby laying a solid foundation for neo-materialism .

  21. 旧唯物主义是从自然存在出发解释问题的直观唯物主义或自然唯物主义,马克思的新唯物主义是从实践,即人们的历史存在出发解释问题的实践唯物主义或广义历史唯物主义。

    The former materialism expounds the world from the natural perspective , while Marx ' new materialism focus on the practice , namely the historical perspective , which is entitled to the practical materialism or historical materialism in a general sense .

  22. 本文从分析《手稿》中的哲学思想入手,确定了《手稿》在马克思新唯物主义哲学创立过程中的历史地位,认为其实现了马克思哲学思想发展历程中的决定性的转变。

    Based on the analyses of the philosophical thoughts in Manuscripts , this essay tries to determine the status of Manuscripts in the establishment of Marx 's philosophy , and believes that , in the development of Marx 's thoughts , Manuscripts reaches the decisive transformation .

  23. 实践语境下的新、旧唯物主义

    New and Old Materialism in the Context of Practice

  24. 马克思新哲学是实践唯物主义,它是如何形成的?

    Marxist new philosophy is practical materialism , how to take shape is it ?

  25. 六十年来工人阶级新变化的历史唯物主义解读

    An Interpretation of the New Changes of the Working Class of China since 1949 in the Light of Historical Materialism

  26. 20世纪六十年代法德和解及其历史、现实意义六十年来工人阶级新变化的历史唯物主义解读

    The Reconciliation Between France and Germany in 1960 s and Its Historical and Practical Significance ; An Interpretation of the New Changes of the Working Class of China since 1949 in the Light of Historical Materialism