
  • 网络new guinea;New Guinea Island;png
  1. 那个战役去年夏天在所罗门群岛和新几内亚岛打响。

    That battle started in the Solomons and New Guinea last summer .

  2. 我会去新几内亚岛的一个原始部落

    I go down to a primitive tribe in new guinea

  3. 他也是二战中恐怖的新几内亚岛战役之幸存者。

    He is also a survivor of the horrifying battles in New Guinea during WWII .

  4. 位于新几内亚岛的莫尔斯比港是该国首都和最大城市。

    Port Moresby , on New Guinea , is the capital and the largest city .

  5. 托列斯海峡把巴布亚岛(又名新几内亚岛),跟新荷兰岛分开了。

    It separates Queensland from the huge island of Papua , also called New Guinea .

  6. 为什么你和妈妈那一整天都在为你到新几内亚岛的调查吵架

    Why ? You and Mom spent the whole day arguing about your research trip to New Guinea .

  7. 这个地区,在新几内亚岛位于巴布亚省,一直以其丰富的生物多样性。

    The area , located in the Papua province of the island of New Guinea , has long been known for its rich biodiversity .

  8. 本来在新几内亚岛上逃亡是很危险的,我决然不让尼德·兰去尝试。

    But fleeing across the New Guinea territories would be extremely dangerous , and I wouldn 't have advised Ned Land to try it .

  9. 亚洲东南部至新几内亚岛的附生蕨类植物。在不列颠群岛和西欧为常见萌生林和绿篱植物。

    Epiphytic ferns of southeastern Asia to New Guinea . In the British Isles and western Europe it is common copse and hedge plant .

  10. 新几内亚岛原始森林茂盛,拥有未被发现的动物,孤立的部落与世界其他地方隔绝。

    The island of New Guinea is home to wild forests , undiscovered animals , and isolated tribes cut off from the rest of the world .

  11. 所以,一个新几内亚岛最原始部落的新生婴儿完全有能力从哈佛大学毕业,写出一首十四行诗或发明一种新型的雷达,就像出生在比肯山的孩子那样。

    so that a newborn infant from the most primitive tribe in New Guinea is as intrinsically capable of graduation from Harvard , or writing a sonnet , or inventing a new form of radar as an infant born on Beacon Hill .

  12. 新几内亚岛被认为是世界上最后一个存在食人族的岛屿,岛上有数千个土著部落,多数都住在与世隔绝的岛上的最偏僻的雨林里。

    The island of New Guinea is believed to be one of the world 's last outposts of cannibalism . Thousands of native tribes , many of which are cut off from the rest of the world , live in the island 's remote jungles .

  13. 勇敢的杰里米·维德,53岁,在听闻了谜一般的怪物杀人事件后,花费了数周追踪至新几内亚的巴布亚岛。杰里米最终单凭一艘小木船抓住了这种被称作“BallCutter”的食人鱼。

    Fearless Jeremy Wade , 53 , spent weeks hunting for the fish in remote Papua New Guinea after locals reported a mysterious beast that was castrating young fishermen . He finally found the Pacu fish - known locally as the " Ball Cutter " - and managed to catch one in his small wooden fishing boat .

  14. 勇敢的杰里米维德,53岁,在听闻了谜一般的怪物杀人事件后,花费了数周追踪至新几内亚的巴布亚岛。

    Fearless Jeremy Wade , 53 , spent weeks hunting for the fish in remote Papua New Guinea after locals reported a mysterious beast that was castrating young fishermen .

  15. 在巴布亚新几内亚,新汉诺威岛旁边的俾斯麦海中,一群长梭鱼围着一名博物学家游动。

    A school of barracuda surrounds a naturalist in the Bismarck Sea off New Hanover island , Papua New Guinea .

  16. 后来,荷兰探险家把它命名为“新几内亚”,因为岛上的黑皮肤居民使他们想起了非洲的几内亚人。

    Later Dutch explorers called it New Guinea because the black-skinned people reminded them of the people of Guinea in africa .

  17. 大部分语言学家可能都会坚决地认为是新几内亚,在这个岛上,有830种已被认可的语言散布在丛林广布的偏远山谷中。但在地球的另一端,有一个地方的语言数目几乎能赶上新几内亚。

    Most linguists would probably plump for New Guinea , an island that has 830 recognised tongues scattered around its isolated , jungle-covered valleys . But a place on the other side of the world runs it close .