
  • 网络Blog;blog.sina.com.cn;sina;Sina Blog;blog.sina.com
  1. 我喜欢中国,非常喜欢新浪博客。

    I had like China , very like the SINA blog .

  2. 欢迎点击我的新浪博客。

    You are warmly welcome to click my sina blog .

  3. 你可以百度一下他的博客&李晓鹏新浪博客。

    You can look at his blog Baidu-Li Xiaopeng Sina blog .

  4. 一位新浪博客在网上公布的测试结果(这些测试结果还没有被官方监管机构证实)显示茅台酒含塑化剂。

    Com ( these results have not been confirmed by official regulators ) .

  5. 因对新浪博客的失望,停止再写文章。

    Because of disappointment to Sina Blog , I decide to stop blog .

  6. 谢谢您光临我的新浪博客,希望您喜欢!

    Thanks for coming to my Sina Blog . I hope you enjoy your visit !

  7. 杰克收到了女友的分别信,由于他伤了她的心了,阿飞新浪博客。

    Jack received a Dear John letter from his girlfriend because he has broken her heart .

  8. 笔者非常欢迎大家经常来《尹戈的新浪博客》转转吧!

    I very much welcome you always to " Yin Ge Sina blog " around it !

  9. 近来访问了很多新浪博客,同时也得到一些博友来访。

    I have visited many blogs of Sina lately , and my blog had some visitors .

  10. 这是我注册新浪博客的第一天,挺兴奋的。

    It 's the first day I 've registered my blog , I am quite excited !

  11. 直到今日,在众多优秀博客刮分互联网的今天,我都没有后悔当时的选择,因为新浪博客的人性化操作一直给我留下了深刻的印象!

    Even today , Many outstanding blog segmentation of the Internet . I have not regretted the choice , Sina blog because of the simple operation has left me a deep impression .

  12. 新开了新浪的博客,因为这里没人认识我。

    Sina 's a new blog , because no one knew me .

  13. 从现在开始,我在新浪的博客开通了!

    Starts from the present , I cleared in Sina 's blog !

  14. 然而新浪的博客一出,借助其强大的影响力和有效的营销手段立即拔得头筹。

    However , since the publication of Sina blog , it has got off to a good start on the basis of effective methods of marketing .

  15. 这里借我在新浪网的博客平台,表达我的典怀。

    Here taking advantage of me in Sina Net 's blog platform , expresses my Fondly remembering .

  16. 新浪网的博客非常有趣,笔者渐渐发现周围越来越多的朋友都开通了博客,今天也开通了自己的《尹戈的新浪博客》,这样就可以看看朋友们都在做什么?

    Sina 's blog is very interesting , I gradually found more and more friends around the opening of the blog , today launched its " Yin Ge Sina blog ", so that you can see if friends are doing ?

  17. 本人的一篇“中国人为什么学习英语困难”的文章放到“新浪”我的博客里已经近乎一年了。

    The article of mine " Why is learning English difficult as Chinese " has been put in my blog of'Sina . com'for nearly one year .