
  • 网络conservation of matter
  1. 对于在国内首次开设的资源产业经济专业,本文从物质不灭和守衡定律出发,对资源内涵进行分析,提出了资源产业经济的研究定位;

    According to the law of conservation of matter , the paper analy ses the research orientation of resource industrial economy .

  2. 哲学上,探求宇宙之真理;精神不灭,物质不灭的思想;变化运动与斗争是人生的普遍规律,以理驭行的实践观等。

    In philosophy : the search for the truth of the world : the idea that spirit never dies and substance never dies ; the practical view that change and struggle are the general rules in life and action should be guided by rules , etc. .

  3. 科学家们深信一切物质是不灭的。

    Scientists are confident that all matter is indestructible .