
  • 网络physical barrier
  1. 白蚁预防主要为化学屏障和物理屏障2种方法。

    Currently used approaches for termite prevention are chemical and physical barriers .

  2. 除了特殊行为、保护色和机体物理屏障如角质表皮、鳞毛或甲壳外,昆虫还具有识别和清除体内异物的高效免疫系统。

    Besides the protection of physical barriers such as cuticle , scale and carapace , insects have immune related molecules to recognize and kill invaders .

  3. 观察肠组织含水量、病理组织切片及肠黏膜损伤评分,以探讨桃核承气汤对肠I/R损伤大鼠肠道物理屏障的影响;

    To explore the effect of THCQT on rats'intestinal membrane barrier with intestine I / R damage , we observe intestine tissue water content , pathologic section and intestinal mucous damage score .

  4. 本文对带科绦虫防御宿主免疫攻击机制作了综述。认为在寄生过程中,虫体主要通过以下方式防御宿主的免疫攻击:①形成某些特殊物质作为物理屏障免受宿主损害;

    On Imaginary Defense The defense mechanisms of Taeniidae against host immune reaction were reviewed .

  5. 背景:正常肠上皮作为物理屏障能限制肠道微生物的入侵。

    Background : Normal intestinal epithelium serves as physical barrier to limit access of enteric microbes .

  6. 结论DL-PLA/CHI薄膜具有可靠的物理屏障作用,防止硬膜外瘢痕粘连效果良好。

    Conclusion The DL-PLA / CHI membrane is the reliable and effective material to reduce the peridural adhesion .

  7. 传统观念认为,硅的抗病机制是其机械或物理屏障作用。

    Traditionally , it is thought that silicon acts as a mechanical or physical barrier in response to fungal attack .

  8. 目的:了解亲水性软性角膜接触镜作为物理屏障在准分子激光屈光性角膜手术的作用。

    AIM : To evaluate the effect of soft contact lens using after excimer laser corneal refractive surgery as a physical barrier .

  9. 传统的观念认为硅是通过机械或物理屏障的作用来增强的植株的抗病能力。

    The conventional point of view is that the silicon enhanced plants resistance to diseases by the affect of mechanical or physical barrier .

  10. 结论高渗盐复合胶体溶液在控制性失血性休克的早期复苏中对回肠黏膜的形态学损伤较小,能相对较好地保护肠黏膜物理屏障。

    Conclusion Hypertonic saline gelatin solution used at early resuscitation after hemorrhagic shock resuscitation is helpful in reducing mucosa damage in intestinal of the rats .

  11. 但是你知道,即使耶路撒冷东部和西部在许多方面被隔离了,但是其实并没有物理屏障。

    But , you know , even though Jerusalem is segregated in many ways - east to west - there 's no physical barrier at all .

  12. 这些杀微生物剂有数种作用机制。例如,有的会形成一种凝胶状的物理屏障,就像安全套,还有的会改变阴道的酸性。

    They act in different ways , for example by forming a gelatinous physical barrier , like a condom , or by changing the vagina 's acidity .

  13. 虽然有些结果相互矛盾,但是研究还是显示安全套是阻断性传播病源体的有效的物理屏障,不管它有多小,他们说。

    Despite some inconsistencies in the evidence , studies show that condoms are an effective physical barrier against passage of even the smallest sexually transmitted pathogens , they write .

  14. 随着对支气管哮喘发病机制的深入探讨,研究人员发现气道上皮不仅是气道的物理屏障,而且在气道固有免疫和获得性免疫反应的起始、维持和调节中均起着重要作用。

    The airway epithelium is not only a physical barrier , but also plays a key role in initiating , maintaining , and regulating inherent immunity and adaptive immunoreactions .

  15. 设计这项研究的初衷是为了解答更多的基本问题:细胞的物理屏障是否的确可以扮演一个壁垒的作用将损害阻挡于细胞的另一侧。

    Rather , he said , the study was designed to ask the more fundamental question of whether a physical barrier of cells would indeed act as a barrier to prevent damage to cells on the other side .

  16. 为控制白蚁危害,白蚁防治技术在不断地创新,发展到如今,主要有化学屏障技术、物理屏障技术、白蚁种群控制技术、白蚁检测技术等。

    For the control of termites , termite control is on innovation and development in constantly . To the present , the main control technologies are chemical , physical , population control , termite detection and so on .

  17. 细菌易位的机制主要包括:1.肠黏膜物理屏障功能的丧失;2.免疫功能抑制;3.肠动力降低;4.肠道菌群失衡。

    The mechanism of the bacterial translocation mainly includes : 1.the loss of the physical barrier of the intestinal mucosa ; 2.immune function suppressing ; 3.the stepping down of the enterokinesia ; 4.the imbalance of the intestinal bacteria .

  18. 胶质瘢痕的抑制作用:致密的胶质瘢痕是轴突再生的物理屏障,对轴突的再生起着直接的阻碍作用。而胶质瘢痕内大量的抑制因子则构成阻碍神经轴突再生的化学屏障。

    Inhibitory effect of glial scar : Compact glial scar , the physical barrier of axon regeneration , directly obstructed the axon regeneration , and correspondingly , a lot of inhibitory factors in glial scar formed the chemical barrier of nerve axon regeneration .

  19. 生物膜是细胞的基本结构和功能单元,除了充当物理屏障的作用外,还参与了细胞的多种生理活动,包括细胞与外界物质交换、能量传导、细胞间相互作用等等。

    Biomembrane is the basic structure and functional unit of cell , which not only acts as the physical screen of the cell , but also participates in many physiological processes , such as substance exchange , energy transport and the interaction between cells .

  20. 呼吸道表面被覆一层粘液毯,它作为细胞外环境与细胞膜之间的选择性物理屏障,在保湿、润滑、吸收及包裹微生物和致病颗粒以及其它宿主防御功能等方面起重要作用。

    The epithelial surface of the respiratory tract is coated with mucus which serve as the selective physical barrier between the extracellular milieu and the cell membrane and play important roles in humidification , lubrication , insulation , entrapment of microorganisms and particulates , and other host defense functions .

  21. 晶状体损伤能够抑制视神经断端作为物理性屏障的胶质瘫痕形成。

    Injuried lens inhibit the formation of glial scar as a physical barrier between two stumps of the optic nerves .

  22. 晶状体前/后囊膜具有良好的物理性屏障作用,能够减轻角膜基质水肿和阻止上皮大泡形成,但仍难获得有用视力;

    Posterior and anterior crystalline capsule posses good physical barrier function which reduced stromal swelling and prevent formation of bullous keratopathy but the visual acuity was not improved to useful level .

  23. 乳头管的结构和内衬的角质蛋白是乳腺抵御微生物侵入的物理性屏障,角蛋白中的低级脂肪酸、阳离子蛋白质对侵入的病原微生物具有抗性;

    The construction of the teat canal and lining with keratin are physical barricade for mammary gland to resist invasion by pathogens . The fatty acid and cationic protein in keratin have resistance to invasive pathogenic microorganism .

  24. 木质素是由多种简单的苯丙烷及其衍生物聚合形成的复杂聚合物,其通过有效物理化学屏障在植物抵抗病、虫害侵入中起着重要作用。

    Lignin is a complex polymer formed by Many simple phenylpropane and derivatives which plays a great role in organism . lignin consists of effective physical chemistry barrier that resist the pests and diseases invasion , so it has an important role in pests resistance and diseases invasion .

  25. 皮肤由表皮和真皮两部分组成,是人体的重要器官;可阻止微生物入侵,维持机体内环境稳定的屏障,具有重要的化学、物理和生物屏障功能。

    Skin is consists of two parts , epidermis and dermal , is a vital organ of the human body ; Can prevent microbial invasion , maintain stable barrier in the environment , and has important chemical , physical and biological barrier function .