
wù zhǒnɡ xínɡ chénɡ
  • speciation
  1. 多倍化在植物进化和物种形成中起着十分重要的作用。

    Polyploidization has played a very important role in plant evolution and speciation .

  2. 食性分化推动了同域物种形成。

    Host plants differentiation accelerates sympatric speciation .

  3. 这是由于p型半导体空穴导电,而n型半导体则为电子迁移导电,使得表面活性氧物种形成机理不同所致。

    These are due to different mechanism of the formation of the partial charged oxygen species on the surface of catalysts .

  4. 通过UV-Vis吸收光谱表征和自由基捕获剂的影响等研究表明,在反应中可能有VO(O2)+物种形成,反应可能经历自由基机理。

    The results of UV-Vis spectra and radical scavenger influence indicated that the reaction might be underwent a radical mechanism .

  5. 进化分析表明,SOCS以不同种类聚类在一起,表明各种SOCS基因在各昆虫物种形成前就已产生SOCS基因家族。

    The evolution analysis illustrated SOCS were clustered by different types which may produce SOCS gene families before speciation of insect .

  6. 地衣物种形成了6种群落。中国境内不同地理型东方蜜蜂遗传多样性的AFLP分析

    Some species of the lichens distributed in the Kanas Nature Reserve have economic and medical value . AFLP analysis of genetic diversity of Apis cerana Fabricius distributed in different geographic areas in China

  7. 我们的研究结果表明,在小麦的进化历程当中,发生在某些特定个体当中短暂且快速的基因组变化,很可能对普通小麦物(T.aestivum)的物种形成并不具有极其重要的作用。

    Our results suggest that these ephemeral and individual-specific rapid genomic changes , albeit interesting , probably have not played a major role in the speciation and evolution of common wheat , T. aestivum .

  8. 同时,作者也观察到Ru-Ru之间的化学键发生断裂,形成具有原子活性的自由Ru原子,这可以部分解释一旦氧化物种形成,经过一诱导期后,氧化反应会加速进行的实验事实。

    And the break of the bonds between Ru-Ru and the formation of atomic Ru were observed , which can partly explain the experimental facts that oxidizing reaction was accelerated after induction period as soon as oxidation species were formed .

  9. 地衣物种形成了6种群落。肉疣衣属地衣的一新种

    A new species of the Lichen Genus OCHROLECHIA from China

  10. 对自然杂交的研究有助于了解物种形成的过程。

    Analysis of natural hybridization provides insights into the process of speciation .

  11. 小偃麦类型与物种形成的探讨

    Research on Triticum Agropyron form and species formation

  12. 由机会物种形成的简单构造组成;

    Simple structures constructed by tropic generalists ;

  13. 染色体结构变异在茶叶植物的物种形成方面起着重要作用。

    It is suggested that the chromosomal structure varia-tion plays the most important role in speciation .

  14. (生物学种或物种形成)发生在同样的或重叠的地理学区域。

    ( of biological species or speciation ) occurring in the same or overlapping geographical areas .

  15. (生物学种或物种形成)在各区发生的。

    ( of biological species or speciation ) occurring in areas isolated geographically from one another .

  16. 物种形成研究的新动态

    Recent developments in speciation studies

  17. 热水溶液中的物种形成(热液流体中的矿物溶解度测定、电势测量和谱学研究);

    Speciation in hydrothermal solutions ( mineral solubility determination , potentiometric and spectroscopic study of hydrothermal fluids );

  18. 结果表明,小麦异源六倍体物种形成诱发迅速且广泛的基因组遗传变异和表观遗传变异。

    The result indicated that speciation ofallopolyploid wheat induced rapid and extensive genetic and epigenetic changes in thegenome .

  19. 究竟正常的物种形成是通过遗传漂变还是通过自然选择达到的,是现在正在进行热烈讨论的话题。

    Whether speciation is achieved normally via genetic drift or natural selection is the subject of much ongoing discussion .

  20. 种特异性信息素通讯系统的遗传与进化过程往往是物种形成的组成部分。

    The processes for inheritance and evolution of species-specific sex pheromone communication are always a part of the process of speciation .

  21. 如此大量的结构异染色质的来源及其在染色体组型进化和物种形成中的任务仍是一个谜。

    The origin of such large amounts of constitutive heterochromatin and their role in karyotype evolution and speciation remain a mystery .

  22. 研究表明生境差异在同域物种形成过程中起到了至关重要的推动作用。

    A large number of studies have shown that habitat differences played a crucial role in the process of sympatric species .

  23. 但是,基于物种形成原理的小生境技术的引入使多模优化问题的求解决逐步实现。

    Then , the niche technology which is based on the principle of speciation is introduced to solve the multi-modal optimization problem gradually .

  24. 这有助于进一步区别近缘的水蚤种类,这也可能是一个水环境中同素异形的物种形成的例子;

    This contributes to further differentiate closely related Daphnia species and is likely to be an example of allotropic speciation in aquatic systems ;

  25. 马先蒿属植物以其丰富的花部变异为研究植物的花部进化与传粉适应,传粉生物学以及植物的物种形成提供了理想的材料。

    Pedicularis species provide ideal materials to study flower evolution , pollination biology , and plant speciation for their substantial variation in floral design .

  26. 10月2日出版的《自然》杂志中的一项研究表明,鱼儿之间的看法能促使新物种形成。

    Because a study in the October2nd issue of Nature suggests that how fishes see one another can drive the formation of new species .

  27. 分子系统学利用分子生物学方法探究生物的分类、系统发育、进化规律,是现代生物多样性、系统进化和物种形成机制研究的重要依据。

    The result of a molecular phylogenetic analysis is expressed in a phylogenetic tree , which is the base of revealing the mechanism of speciation .

  28. 通常,突变和物种形成的进化,取决于环境和竞争来,哪些新特性普遍传播则取决于自然选择。

    Mutation and speciation have usually been evolved responses to the environment and competition , with natural selection determining which new traits become widely disseminated .

  29. 理解与基因流相关的适应性进化及其内在机理将有助于我们更好地认识生物物种形成和多样化的原始动力以及真正原因。

    Detailed information about gene flow dynamics on adaptive evolution can help in understanding the underlining mechanisms and critical factors driving speciation and diversification in nature .

  30. 本文对蛾类性信息素通讯系统的遗传与进化的研究进展作了评述,并对性信息素通讯系统进化与物种形成之间的关系进行了讨论。

    In this paper , we reviewed the research progresses of inheritance and evolution of sex pheromone communication system and discussed the role of pheromone communication system for speciation .