
yí chuán piāo biàn
  • genetic drift;genetic shift
  1. 它们通过一种称为遗传漂变(geneticdrift)的过程积累它们的DNA的突变,而且几乎没有抑制这些突变的选择压力。

    They accumulate mutations in their DNA by a process known as genetic drift and there are few selection pressures around to curb these mutations .

  2. 基于FST,间接估计基因流(Nm)值约为7.3。Nm>1,说明基因流足以抵制遗传漂变的作用,也同时防止了居群分化的发生。

    Based on FST , mean gene flow Nm is about 7 . 3 . Nm > 1 , it is enough to resist the effect of genetic drift and prevent population from subdivision .

  3. 认为群体迁移、融合而产生的基因流动是HLA基因频率变化的主要动力,但隔离导致的遗传漂变以及自然选择也有重要影响。

    We proposed that the migration and mixing are the dominant driving force of the HLA gene flow while the genetic drift caused by isolation and the nature selection have an important influence on HLA genetic structure .

  4. 文化漂变是一个与进化生物学中的遗传漂变大致类似的过程。

    Cultural drift is a process roughly analogous to genetic drift in evolutionary biology .

  5. 遗传漂变减少人口差异的速度比变异要快得多。

    Genetic drift reduces diversity in populations more quickly than mutation can introduce it .

  6. 我们所称为遗传漂变的遗传变异的随机损失过程如何?(等等问题都应该予以考虑。)

    And what about the process of random loss of genetic variants , which we call genetic drift ?

  7. 究竟正常的物种形成是通过遗传漂变还是通过自然选择达到的,是现在正在进行热烈讨论的话题。

    Whether speciation is achieved normally via genetic drift or natural selection is the subject of much ongoing discussion .

  8. 不同初始基因频率下闭锁群体遗传漂变的模拟预定假期,比如白水漂流(即漂流)。

    Simulation of Genetic Drift in Closed Population under Different Initial Gene Frequencies Book a holiday , possibly white-water rafting .

  9. 另外,也可能是在其进化过程中,由于居群的缩小而发生了遗传漂变。

    Another possible reason of high differentiation , could be from the reduced population size that induced the genetic drift .

  10. 遗传漂变的作用大于选择压力而使同种寄主不同世代种群间的遗传分化更大。

    More intense effect of genetic drift than selection leaded bigger genetic differentiation among generations than that between two host populations , 3 .

  11. 究其原因有随机交配发生偏移、遗传漂变及选择等因素,其中选择所造成的影响最大,其次为随机交配发生的偏移以及遗传漂变。

    The reasons may be that the excursion occurred in random mating , the random genetic drift and breeding was existed in 6 populations .

  12. 年龄结构对群体近交遗传漂变的作用不同初始基因频率下闭锁群体遗传漂变的模拟

    Effect of Age Structure of Inbreeding and genetic Drift in animal Populations Simulation of Genetic Drift in Closed Population under Different Initial Gene Frequencies

  13. 这表明红镜鲤群体仍具有较高的变异水平,但遗传漂变和人工选择已对群体产生了较大影响。

    This study results indicated that high level genetic variation was still in Red mirror carp population , but genetic drift and artificial se-lection had much effect on population .

  14. 这可能是由于连续对开花期性状定向选择的结果,也可能还与群体有效含量和选择强度引起的遗传漂变有关。

    This might be due to the continuous , oriented selection for the flowering traits and might also be due to the genetic drift induced by selection intensity and effective population size .

  15. 由少数个体的基因频率决定了他们后代中的基因频率的效应,是一种极端的遗传漂变作用。

    Founder effect & A high frequency of a mutant allele in a population founded by a small ancestral group when one or more of the founders was a carrier of the mutant allele .

  16. 降低贮藏种子基因突变的累积效应,控制种质资源繁殖更新过程中由于遗传漂变、选择和污染所引起的遗传改变,对制定科学的种质资源繁殖更新策略十分重要。

    It is important to decide how to rejuvenate reduced mutation accumulation of stored seed , and counteracted the genetic changes by drift , fitness selection and contamination with alien pollen or seed that may occur during regeneration .

  17. 转位因子与居群动态、选择和遗传漂变等密切相关,它可以使宿主获得新的机能,同时也可从宿主中丢失,甚至使居群或物种绝灭。

    There is a close relationship between TE and population dynamics , natural selection , and genetic drift . TE can make the host to get new function , meantime may get lost from the host even the extinct of population or species .

  18. 通常认为,生境片断化使植物残遗种群由于经历随机遗传漂变和高水平的近交以及基因流的下降,而发生遗传侵蚀,遗传多样性下降,遗传结构改变,变得更加分化。

    It is generally thought that habitat fragmentation will lead plant population to experience an erosion of genetic variation , reduction of genetic diversity and change of genetic structure , and make plant population more divergent due to random genetic drift , high level of inbreeding and reduced gene flow .

  19. 但种群世代间遗传分化可能由取样误差导致的遗传漂变所产生。

    However , the genetic differentiation might be attributed to sampling deviation .

  20. 相对较低的基因流可能是造成居群间遗传分化的主要原因,但是我们也不能排除遗传漂变的因素。

    The low gene flow was probably a main factor for genetic diversity between populations , but the affect of genetic drift cannot be expelled .

  21. 外来入侵物种对遗传多样性的影响主要体现在:种群破碎化,导致遗传漂变和近亲交配;

    The impacts of biological invasion on genetic resources are as following : local population is fragmented , causing genetic drift and inbreeding ;

  22. 居群间存在较高遗传变异可能是由于七筋菇本身的生物学特性、有限的基因流以及遗传漂变等原因造成的。

    The high level of genetic diversity was probably related with its wide geographical distribution and its evolutionary history .

  23. 生境片断化对植物种群遗传效应包括生境片断化过程中的取样效应及其后的小种群效应(遗传漂变、近交等)。

    Genetic effects of habitat fragmentation on plant populations include the sampling effect during habitat fragmentation and small population effect .

  24. 通过对R2和R3代遗传特性进行田间观察和分析,突变株系到R2代性状就已经稳定,没有发生遗传漂变的现象,选育时间大为缩短。

    With the observation of the traitS inheritance of R2 and R3 , no drift was found .

  25. 四合木种群较高的遗传多样性和极低的种群间分化,说明不同的种群可能有共同的起源,随机遗传漂变和近交衰退不是影响遗传多样性的主要过程。

    The high intrapopulation variation and low interpopulation differentiation could explained that the different populations might originate from the same one and genetic drift or inbreeding depression had not influenced primary process of genetic diversity .

  26. 遗传变异性是遗传保护研究的主要内容,在小种群中,往往由于瓶颈效应、近亲繁殖、奠基者效应和遗传漂变等使得遗传变异性减少。

    Genetic variation is major study content in conservation genetics . In small population , genetic variation loss because of bottleneck effect , inbreeding , founder effect , and genetic drift .