
yí chuán xìnɡ zhuànɡ
  • Genetic traits;hereditary feature;hereditary character;heritable character
  1. 方法调查湖南境内汉族男女7对正常遗传性状,并用Hardy-Weinberg定律和分离定律计算男女每一性状的基因频率。

    Methods : Investigated the normal hereditary character with seven pairs of male and female of the Hans in Hunan province and calculated the gene frequency of each character using the law of Hardy-Weinberg and separating .

  2. 奶牛育种的选种和选配工作,是改善后代优良遗传性状、改变群体基因频率的前提条件。

    Prerequisite for dairy offspring hereditary character improved and cow herd gene frequency changed was the work of dairy cattle breed selection and individual planned mating .

  3. 东北马鹿与东北梅花鹿杂交F1遗传性状的研究

    Characters of hybrid f_1 between sika deer and Wapiti

  4. 应用浸苗法导入外源DNA转化烤烟遗传性状变异的初步研究(Ⅱ)

    A preliminary study on using the seedling soaking method to induce the genetic characters in flue & cured tobacco (ⅱ)

  5. 草鱼×赤眼鳟F1与其亲本遗传性状的比较研究

    Comparison of Genetic Characteristics between the F_1 Hybrid ( Ctenopharyngodon idella × Squaliobarbus cursiculus ) and its Parents

  6. 结果筛选到一株遗传性状稳定的高产氢突变株,具有良好的耐酸性,在pH值3.0时仍能生长。

    An aciduric mutant with steady hydrogen-producing capability , which was able to grow at acidic pH of 3.0 , was obtained .

  7. F基因剔除小鼠已近交培育到第12代,遗传性状稳定,并有自发出血倾向。

    F ⅸ knockout mice were developed 12th generation and there were spontaneous bleeding in the factor ⅸ knockout mice .

  8. 经过连续五个世代的选育,培育出生长速度快,繁殖性能强,成活率高,且遗传性状稳定的白色獭兔R新品系。

    The growth rate of the new strain is fast , reproductivity is strong , survival rate is high and the genetic character is stable .

  9. 海岛棉清除剂SOD、POD活性性状是由多效基因控制的不完全显性遗传性状。

    The characteristic about Ensure system of zyme SOD , POD activity changing were dominant heredity incompletely and controlled by many gene .

  10. 本研究主要探索了~(12)C重离子束辐照对油菜生长发育和遗传性状的影响,为其在油菜上的应用提供依据。

    This research is mainly explore the effects of ~ ( 12 ) C heavy ion beams irradiation to the growth , development and genetic character of rapeseed and provide scientific basis for application .

  11. VH遗传性状稳定,是具有潜在应用价值的优良菌株。

    The strain VH was genetically stable and had potential value .

  12. 分离到F3,因带有球外叶镶嵌这一不良遗传性状,使研究处于困境。

    Global outer leaf mosaic genetic character existed in segregation of F2 and F3 was a problem one faced .

  13. 昆虫对Bt的抗性是一种遗传性状,其抗性基因就位于昆虫体内,参与体内各种代谢过程。

    The resistance of insect pests is a genetic character ; its resistance genes are in the body of insects and they participate in various kinds of metabolic processes .

  14. 通过琼脂迟播共培法考察了水稻RIL各家系及亲本的化感作用,结果表明,各家系对稗草的根长和茎长抑制率呈连续变异,证明了化感作用是数量遗传性状。

    And inhibitory effects of all entries on barnyardgrass root-length and shoot-height showed continuously variant , implying that allelopathy is a quantitative character .

  15. 分别提取野生株和变异株的基因组DNA,通过分子标记RAPD技术扫描野生株和突变株的基因组DNA,来从分子水平上观察高压引起菌株遗传性状的改变。

    Extracting genomic DNA from the wild and mutant strain , through the RAPD molecular marker technology to scan control and mutant strain genomic DNA , to observe the molecular level changes of the mutant caused by high pressure in the genetic trait .

  16. 经生产性能鉴定和遗传性状实验,获得两株适宜做酸奶发酵剂的nisin抗性嗜热链球菌9.31和9.4。

    The two nisin-resistant Streptococcus thermophilus strains 9.31 and 9.4 , fit for two yogurt culture were gained and assayed by production performance identification and genetic stability test .

  17. 目的观察Toll样受体4(toll-likereceptor4,TLR4)基因突变型小鼠与野生型小鼠急性肺损伤(acutelunginjury,ALI)模型中肺组织损伤差异,分析不同TLR4遗传性状对ALI发生的影响及机制。

    Objective To observe the difference in lung injury between toll-like receptor 4 ( TLR4 ) mutant mice and wild type mice in a model of hypovolemic shock resuscitation plus lipopolysaccharide ( LPS ) attack induced acute lung injury ( ALI ) .

  18. 当操作IQ小于85或大于99时,两种测试方法的言语IQ和总IQ无差异。在任何生物中进行遗传学分析时总是需有稳定的遗传性状的差别。

    While the Performance IQ is above 99 or below 85 , the Verbal IQ and Full IQ got from Digit Span are not different from that of IQs got from Vocabulary . Genetic analysis in any organism requires stable heritable differences .

  19. 建鲤还具有其它许多优良特性,能自繁自育,遗传性状稳定,其主要遗传性状稳定性和一致性可达99%以上,LDH与EST同工酶具有一定的特异性和稳定性。

    As the stability and identity of main hereditary properties for Jian carp had reached above 99 % , this new variety was able to self & reproduction . The LDH and EST of Jian carp had its particular biochemical hereditary properties and stability .

  20. RILs种子萌发性状的次数分布呈连续变异,表明种子萌发性状是由多基因控制的数量遗传性状,且多数RILs偏向于盐敏感型。

    The frequency distributions of germination traits in RILs population showed continuous segregation , suggesting these were quantitative traits controlled by several genes , and more RILs were skewed to salt sensitive type .

  21. 科学史学家长久以来知道19世纪的Augustinian僧侣格里哥•孟德尔他发现了遗传性状是如何遗传的“伪造”了一些数据。

    Historians of science have long known that Gregor Mendel , the19th century Augustinian monk who discovered how genetic traits are inherited , 'fudged'some of his data .

  22. 融合体HL-5及Gl-1较其直接亲本具有良好的生理及遗传性状,二者的赤霉烯酮合成能力均接近高产亲本。

    The results of investigation for fusants indicated that HL-5 and GL-1 had good physiological and genetic characteristics . The Zearalenone productivity of the fusants was close to that of the high-producing parents .

  23. 综合比较99K-5-2-2、99K-5-2-1、99F-1-1-2遗传性状稳定,株型好,综合抗性较强,产量产值及上中等烟比例超过或接近cK,外观质量较好。

    The genetic character of 99K-5-2-2 , 99K-5-2-1 , 99F-1-1-2 was stable , and the plant type was rational . The comprehensive resistances were the highest . The yield and production value and high and middle class leaf ratio were than that of cK or close to cK .

  24. 经传代实验证明,其遗传性状较为稳定,4代平均转化率可达95.0%。

    The average convertion rate of four generations was 95.0 % .

  25. 黄瓜新组合“海大2098”遗传性状分析遗传性甲状腺呆小症

    Genetic Character Analysis on a New Combination of Cucumber Variety-Haida 2098

  26. 大麦遗传性状与花药离体培养反应之间的关系

    The relationship between genetic characters and anther culture response in barley

  27. 新疆四个民族八对遗传性状的基因频率

    The Gene Frequencies of 8 Genetic Traits in 4 Populations of Xinjiang

  28. 血型是一种十分稳定的遗传性状,具有孟德尔式的遗传特点。

    Blood type is a very stable genetic form with hereditary feature .

  29. 这表明海带叶片厚度是一个遗传性状。

    Evidences collected showed that the frond thickness was a genetic character .

  30. 柴胡变异类型主要遗传性状的比较研究

    Contrastive Study on Main Genetic Characters of Aberrance Types of Bupleurum chinense