
yí tǐ
  • body;remains;bone;remains of the dead
遗体 [yí tǐ]
  • (1) [remains of the dead]∶死者的尸体

  • 向遗体告别

  • (2) [body]∶指自己的身体,古人认为自身为父母的遗体

遗体[yí tǐ]
  1. 他的遗体被从纽约市皇后区的墓地里挖了出来。

    His remains have been exhumed from a cemetery in Queens , New York City .

  2. 他的遗体葬在墓地。

    His remains were interred in the cemetery .

  3. 他指示马蒂尔达的遗体必须葬在家族墓穴里。

    He ordered that Matilda 's body should be buried in the family vault .

  4. 她丈夫的遗体埋葬在两千英里外一个陌生的国度。

    Her husband 's body lies buried 2,000 miles away in a strange land .

  5. 在陡峭的隘谷谷底找到了3名登山者的遗体。

    The bodies of the three climbers were located at the bottom of a steep gully .

  6. 他不是来筹备葬礼的,只是过来向遗体告别的。

    He had nothing to do with arranging the funeral , but came along to pay his last respects .

  7. 在长达一小时的悼念仪式结束后,他的遗体被抬到了城南的一所公墓。

    After the hour-long service , his body was taken to a cemetery in the south of the city .

  8. 已故主教的遗体安放在教堂的墓穴里。

    The corpse of the dead bishop was placed in the vault .

  9. 他们赶来向那位深受尊敬的老教授的遗体告别。

    They came to bid farewell to the body of the highly respected professor .

  10. 她对着父亲的遗体嚎啕大哭。

    She wailed over her father 's remains .

  11. 我们把他的遗体安放在他的祖坟中吧。

    Let us rest his body in his family grave .

  12. 蝙蝠、燕子以及更多的动物遗体以化学方式保存成他们死亡时的姿势,被密封在水里的碳酸钠沉积物中。

    Bats , swallows and more are chemically preserved in the pose in which they perished , sealed in the deposits of sodium carbonate in the water .

  13. 在坦桑尼亚格雷戈瑞裂谷的一座山脚下,纳特龙湖呈现出火焰燃烧般的亮红色,周围都是不幸落入咸水中的动物遗体。

    At the base of a mountain in Tanzania 's Gregory Rift , Lake Natron burns bright red , surrounded by the remains of animals that were unfortunate enough to fall into the salty water .

  14. 在此石块下长眠的是他的父亲的遗体

    Below this stone reposes the mortal remains of his father .

  15. 玛丽·居里的遗体被移出葬在先贤祠中

    Marie Curie 's remains were exhumed and interred in the Pantheon .

  16. 我们向他的遗体告别

    We did the last honors to his remains .

  17. 我做了这么多整容手术,等我死了以后他们可以把我的遗体捐给特百惠(家用塑料制品公司)。

    I 've had so much plastic surgery , when I die they will donate my body to Tupperware .

  18. 据传,雅各的遗体被运到西班牙的圣地牙哥-德康坡斯特拉,该地的圣雅各祠长久以来是一个朝圣地。

    By tradition , his body was taken to Santiago de Compostela , Spain , where his shrine3 has long been a place of pilgrimage .

  19. 古DNA是指从已经死亡的古代生物的遗体和遗迹中得到的DNA。

    Ancient DNA is DNA sequences extracted from ancient biological remains .

  20. 对医务人员关于器官移植及身后(遗体)捐献的KAP调查分析

    Survey on KAP of Health Workers towards Organ Transplant and Remains Donation

  21. 目前遗体的身份还没有正式确定,但是警方推论此人正是AnnieLe。

    The remains haven 't been identified thus far officially , but police are they are hers .

  22. 研究人员分析了五名尼安德塔人硬化的牙菌斑,这五名尼安德塔人遗体在西班牙北部的ElSidróncave被发现。

    Researchers analyzed hardened dental plaque from five Neanderthals found in El Sidr ó n cave , in northern Spain .

  23. 在三天的时间内,他的遗体将在一座军方医院和一处名为联合大厦(UnionBuildings)的建筑之间来回运送,南非民众将在运送沿线向曼德拉致哀。

    For three days , his remains will be transported back and forth between a military hospital to a complex there called the Union Buildings , with South Africans expected to line the route to pay their respects .

  24. 其中一个显著的特点就是葬有苏丹人民解放运动前领袖JohnGarangdeMabior遗体的墓碑。

    A prominent feature is the mausoleum containing the body of John Garang de Mabior , former head of the Sudan People 's Liberation Army .

  25. 在法医解剖过程中,前后共拍摄遗体照片61张&这可比电视上的CSI:犯罪现场调查和NCIS:海军罪案调查处里那些调查人员们拍的多得多。

    There are61 photos were taken of Jackson 's body before and during the procedure-way more than you see taken by examiners on CSI or NCIS .

  26. 现在,贝尔彻的家人告诉堪萨斯城“明星”队他们也怀疑CTE作祟,而就在上周五,贝尔彻的遗体被从宾州的墓地里挖出来用以检查他的大脑。

    Now , the Belcher family tell the Kansas City " Star " that they too , suspect CTE , and on Friday , Belcher 's body was exhumed so his brain could be examined .

  27. 这位爸爸JoseAlvarenga对每日电讯的记者说,我打开棺材想看看他的遗体,结果发现他在呼吸,我就开始哭了。

    I opened it to look at his remains and found that the baby was breathing , the father , Jose Alvarenga , told the Telegraph . I began to cry .

  28. Serorrey殡仪馆位于墨西哥北部城市蒙特雷。殡仪馆主管佩德罗雷耶斯说,Serorrey拥有唯一能处理乌里韦遗体的火化设备。

    Funeral home director Pedro Reyes said Serorrey 's cremation facility was the only one in the northern city of Monterrey able to handle Uribe 's body .

  29. 但是那个女的遗体是完整的?

    But the , uh , girlie parts are still intact ?

  30. 这些是我处理过的最小的遗体。

    These are the smallest remains I 've ever worked on .