
yí chuán mì mǎ
  • genetic code
  1. 科学家们找到了破解决定各种身体特征的遗传密码的密钥。

    Scientists provided the key to understanding the genetic code that determines every bodily feature .

  2. 这一块的RNA可以直接合成的蛋白质通过遗传密码。

    This piece of RNA can then direct the synthesis of proteins via the genetic code .

  3. 遗传密码在上一代确实很少有人知道。

    A generation ago genetic codes were certainly unknown .

  4. 他们的测试寻找从肿瘤中泄漏到血流中的零星的遗传密码的化学变化。

    Their test looks for chemical changes to bits of genetic3 code that leak from tumours into the bloodstream .

  5. 核糖体蛋白质的翻译特异性&遗传密码翻译装置对信使RNA的选择性

    Translational Specificity of Ribosomal Proteins & The Selectivity of Translational Apparatus Towards mRNAs

  6. DNA计算的最大优点是充分利用海量的DNA分子中的遗传密码以及巨量的并行性。

    The appealing characteristics of DNA computing are vast genetic codes of DNA molecules as well as massive parallelism of bio-chemical reactions .

  7. 人类基因组计划的研究表明,人类基因中99.9%的遗传密码DNA都是一样的,只有大约0.1%的基因不同,具有个体差异。

    Human gene group plan shows that 99.9 % genetic codes of whole DNA are common other than nearly 0.1 % of DNA different , exhibiting specificity .

  8. 但下个世纪我们将能根本改变DNA,能在构建新的生命时把我们的种种想象、种种出于虚荣的要求,都编入遗传密码。

    But in the next century we can change the DNA radically , and put our diverse imagination as well as requirement into the code of gene .

  9. 他描述得很清楚,自己的宗教信仰和惊奇感是如何随着写有DNA的遗传密码被破译而得到加深的。

    He writes well about how , as the code on which DNA is written began to reveal itself , his faith and sense of wonder increased .

  10. DNA或rna串上的三个相连的离子,可为特定的氨基酸提供遗传密码信息。

    A specific sequence of three adjacent bases on a strand of DNA or RNA that provides genetic code information for a particular amino acid .

  11. 通过对遗传密码所形成网络与Linux操作系统之间的对比,我们得以洞悉生物性和计算机程序两者的根本区别。

    A comparison of the networks formed by genetic code and the Linux operating system has given insight into the fundamental differences between biological and computational programming .

  12. 其目标是产生以DNA计算模型为背景、具有海量的存储遗传密码以及极快运行速度的新一代计算机。

    Tts goal is to produce a new generation computer which takes the DNA computing model as the background and has the magnanimous memory genetic code and the extremely quick running rate .

  13. 中间的mirna指代的是mRNA,让细胞合成蛋白质的遗传密码片段,在这里蛋白质指的是新冠病毒纤突蛋白。

    mirna = mRNA , the snippets of genetic code that tell cells to build proteins . In this case , the proteins on the COVID-19 spike protein

  14. 因为其指定的神经氨酸酶遗传密码H1N1中的N1控制着被感染细胞的病毒扩散。

    It codes for the neuraminidase enzyme the N1 in H1N1 which controls the expansion of the virus from infected cells .

  15. 随着人类基因组计划对人类遗传密码的揭示和分子流行病学对肿瘤复杂基因机制的阐明,有关DNA的研究将在疾病的预防、早期诊断与治疗中起到关键作用。

    With the reveal of human genetic code by human genome scheme and the illumination about complex gene mechanism of tumour by molecule epidemiology , the research of DNA will play a important role in disease defend , early diagnosis , and therapy .

  16. 这一新的先导编辑方法的基础是被称为逆转录酶的酶,CRISPR系统也利用这种Cas9酶切割DNA链,插入替代遗传密码。

    The basis of the new prime editing method is an enzyme called reverse transcriptase . The CRISPR system also uses an enzyme - Cas9 - to cut DNA strands , so that alternative genetic code can be inserted .

  17. 美国军事病理研究所的杰弗里·陶本伯杰(JefferyTaubenberger)和他的同事用了8年时间找到了1918年流感病毒的遗传密码。

    Jeffery Taubenberger , of the US Armed Forces Institute of Pathology , and colleagues have spent eight years working out the1918 virus 's genetic code .

  18. 正常情况下,TDP-43表达在正常脑细胞的胞核中,被认为在转录遗传密码中扮演重要角色。

    TDP-43 is normally present in the nuclei of healthy brain cells , and is believed to play a role in transcribing the genetic code .

  19. Ostrander博士说,“如果我们能够破译象狗的毛发一样具有复杂特征的遗传密码,那么我们同样能够破译在复杂疾病中起作用的遗传密码。”

    Ostrander said . " If we can decipher the genetic basis for a complex trait such as the dog 's coat , we believe that we can do it as well with complex diseases . "

  20. 但遗传密码对这种避险措施的效率究竟有多高呢?

    But just how efficient is the code in this regard ?

  21. 遗传密码的对称性和氨基酸的疏水性

    The Symmetry in Genetic Code and the Hydrophobicity of Amino Acids

  22. 氨基酸的进化与遗传密码系统的分化

    Evolution of Amino Acids & Differentiation among Genetic Code Systems

  23. 模糊极值与遗传密码的亲水-疏水性和突变危险性

    Extremum of Mutation Deterioration Function of Genetic Code Over a Fuzzy Domain

  24. 遗传密码格式的组合编码数分析

    Analysis of combinatorial coding numbers of the genetic code patterns

  25. 有些人遗传密码有毛病。

    Some people carry a disease in their genetic code .

  26. 分子序列的突变危险性与遗传密码的编码规则

    The Mutational Function of Molecular Sequence and the Coding Rule of Genetic Code

  27. 遗传密码起源的一个新假说

    A New Hypothesis of the Origin of Genetic Codes

  28. 被偷走的仪表板上有遗传密码。

    There were genetic codes on that stolen panel .

  29. 基因及其表达调控中遗传密码选择的偏爱性

    Codon Usage Bias in the Gene Expression and Regulation

  30. 线粒体并不使用通用的遗传密码。

    Mitochondria do not use the universal genetic code .