
yí chuán
  • inheritance;inherit;heredity;hereditary
遗传 [yí chuán]
  • (1) [heredity]∶通过细胞染色体由祖先向后代传递的品质

  • 遗传学

  • (2) [inheritance]∶先人所流传下来的

遗传[yí chuán]
  1. 人的道德品质不是遗传的,而是由环境塑造而成。

    The moral characters of men are formed not by heredity but by environment

  2. 有些病是遗传的结果。

    Some diseases are present by heredity .

  3. 这种疾病很可能有遗传因素。

    It is probable that the disease has a genetic element .

  4. 这种疾病易在家族里遗传。

    There is a tendency for this disease to run in families .

  5. 人类生来有学习某几种语言的遗传因素。

    Human beings are genetically programmed to learn certain kinds of language .

  6. 脱氧核糖核酸带有决定有机体形成方式的遗传型板。

    DNA carries the genetic blueprint which tells any organism how to build itself .

  7. 身体的特征取决于基因遗传。

    Physical characteristics are determined by genetic inheritance .

  8. 癫痫是她家族的遗传病。

    Epilepsy is hereditary in her family .

  9. 肥胖往往有遗传性。

    Fatness tends to run in families .

  10. 发胖至少有一部分是源于遗传。

    The tendency to become obese is at least in part hereditary

  11. 我们的许多身体特征都是从父母那里遗传而来的。

    We inherit from our parents many of our physical characteristics

  12. 这些化合物在肝脏中与遗传物质实现结合。

    These compounds bind with genetic material in the liver .

  13. 家族遗传的精神错乱困扰着他。

    The insanity which ran in his family haunted him .

  14. 镰状细胞贫血通过隐性基因遗传给后代。

    Sickle-cell anaemia is passed on through a recessive gene .

  15. 湿疹是一种常见的皮肤病,通常具遗传性。

    Eczema is a common skin complaint which often runs in families .

  16. 子女身上遗传了父母双方的基因型板。

    The offspring contain a mixture of the genetic blueprint of each parent

  17. 这种癌症和遗传无关。

    Heredity is not a factor in causing the cancer .

  18. 他遗传了其父暴躁的脾气。

    He 's inherited his father 's explosive temper .

  19. 平足会在家族中遗传。

    The condition of flat feet runs in families .

  20. 医生说该疾病可能是遗传而来,但在出生时无法查出。

    Doctors say the disease is probably inherited but not detectable at birth .

  21. 男性脱发属于遗传。

    In men , hair loss is hereditary .

  22. 导致他英年早逝的原因是吸烟而非遗传。

    Smoking , rather than genetics , was the cause of his early demise .

  23. 囊性纤维化是美国最常见的致命遗传疾病。

    Cystic fibrosis is the most common fatal genetic disease in the United States .

  24. 科学家利用遗传工程保护番茄免受严寒天气的影响。

    Scientists have used genetic engineering to protect tomatoes against the effects of freezing .

  25. 眼睛的颜色显示你的基因遗传特征。

    Eye colour shows your genetic inheritance .

  26. 口吃很可能是一种遗传性缺陷。

    Stammering is probably an inherited defect .

  27. 遗传工程师将某一生物的小段遗传物质调换到另一生物,或与其互换。

    Genetic engineers transpose or exchange bits of hereditary material from one organism to the next

  28. 科学家们找到了破解决定各种身体特征的遗传密码的密钥。

    Scientists provided the key to understanding the genetic code that determines every bodily feature .

  29. 他们两个都得了一种罕见的遗传病,这种病在他们30多岁时发作。

    Both of them were afflicted with a rare genetic disease , which struck in their thirties

  30. 人类的长寿具有家族遗传性。

    Human longevity runs in families