
dònɡ wù xínɡ wéi xué
  • Animal behaviour;animal ethology
  1. 胶原基材料植入后各组动物行为学观察结果:各组动物全麻后均清醒,未出现死亡。

    Observational result of animal ethology of every group after the collagen membrane implanted : All animals waked up after anaesthesia , no death .

  2. DNA指纹图谱技术在动物行为学研究上的应用

    Applications of DNA - fingerprinting in animal behavioral ecology

  3. 神经干细胞移植对Alzheimer病大鼠脑形态及动物行为学影响

    The brain structure and behavior changes of Alzheimer disease rat after neural stem cell implantation

  4. 综述了DNA指纹图谱技术在动物行为学研究中的应用,介绍了DNA指纹图谱的产生、实验操作方法、应用实例及其优缺点。

    This article reviewed the appliance of DNA fingerprinting on animal behavioral research , and introduced its method , applied examples , advantages , and disadvantages , etc.

  5. 结果动物行为学观察,生理盐水对照组无明显癫痫发作,IL-1β组I、L-6组发作程度达中度。

    Results The behaviour observation indicated that no seizure happened in control group , seizure in middle degree was observed in IL-1 β group and IL-6 group .

  6. 这一动物行为学结果暗示,时间不相干而空间相干的低强度ELF噪声磁场能长程抗拮大鼠对连续微波的负作用。

    These behavioral results suggested that temporal incoherent but spatially coherent ELF magnetic field with lower intensity can mitigate the adverse response of rats to CW fields .

  7. 观察不同天数用不同药物诱发对动物行为学的影响,45d后分别测定各组黑质区GSH-Px、MDA和ROS水平。

    To observe the effects of evoking with different drugs during different days on behaviors of rats . The level of GSH-Px 、 MDA and ROS in substantia nigra were tested after 45d .

  8. 分别在鞘注前后观察记录动物行为学变化、脊髓诱发电位(SCEP)和脊髓标本病理学检查。

    The toxic effects were observed by ethology , spinal cord evoked potential ( SCEP ) and pathologic changes before and after intrathecal injection .

  9. 结果动物行为学观察显示IL-1β组、IL-6组癫痫发作程度达中度,GC+IL-1β组、GC+IL-6组和单纯GC组则无明显癫痫发作。

    Results Observation on the animal behaviors revealed that the extent of epileptic attack was moderate in IL-1 β and IL-6 groups . There was no epileptic attack in control group , GC + IL-1 β group , GC + IL-6 group and GC alone group .

  10. 跳台反射法耳鸣动物行为学模型的建立

    Establishment of animal behavioral model of tinnitus with step - down test

  11. 创伤性脑损伤动物行为学评价方法研究进展

    Advance in Study Methods of Behavior Assessment Following Traumatic Brain Injury in Animals

  12. 根据动物行为学理论合理设计畜禽舍

    Applied the Theory of Animal Behavior Science to Design Livestock and Poultry System

  13. 耳鸣动物行为学模型的制作

    Fabrication of a Behavioral Animal Model of Tinnitus

  14. 方法动物行为学观察和免疫细胞化学染色。

    Methods Animal behaviour observation and immunocytochemical staining .

  15. 采用动物行为学观察方法测试并评价其子代鼠生理发育及行为学能力;

    Neuro-behavioral development of offspring was assessed by observation of offspring 's behavior performance .

  16. 我有动物行为学博士的头衔。

    I have a doctorate in animal behavior .

  17. 方法动物行为学观察、免疫细胞化学方法和放射免疫分析法。

    Methods Animal behaviour observation , immunocytochemical staining and radioimmunoassay ( RIA ) were performed .

  18. 感觉系统的适应进化机制一直是动物行为学研究的焦点。

    Adaptive evolutionary mechanisms of sensory systems are the focus of the animal behavior research .

  19. 但在动物行为学的研究中,这种玩耍的现象是不平常的。

    Yet in the study of animal behaviour , the phenomenon of play is an anomaly .

  20. 结果:1、动物行为学表现同第一部分。

    Results : 1 . The animal behavior is the same with first part . 2 .

  21. 古老的动物行为学研究与环境毒理学的交叉,为毒理学研究指明了新的道路。

    Ancient animal behavioral research is applied in toxicology filed , which opens up a whole new way .

  22. 霍尔的跨文化传播思想来源于文化人类学、语言学、生理学、动物行为学及精神分析理论。

    Hall 's thought on IC studies originated in cultural anthropology , linguistics , physiology , ethology and Freudian psychoanalytic theory .

  23. 本大学部课程提供给人类动物行为学未来的研究者兼具广度及深度的内容。

    This undergraduate class presents human ethology for future researchers in the field , and is designed to be both broad and deep .

  24. 74%的狗主人相信他们的狗狗会觉得内疚,但是动物行为学专家称狗狗没有感到愧疚这项功能。

    Seventy-four percent of dog owners believe their dogs experience guilt , but animal behaviorists say dogs lack the ability to feel shame .

  25. 虽然本课程主要聚焦于人类,但由于人类动物行为学和动物行为间有许多相似处,本课程也探索两学科间的交集。

    While the course focuses primarily on humans , it explores the intersection of human ethology and animal behavior , because there are many similarities between the two disciplines .

  26. 观测动物行为学指标:观测实验过程中各组大鼠的体重、摄食量、敞箱试验、糖水消耗试验和情绪性行为评分,并观察复方刺蒺藜苷的影响。

    The behaviors of rats were evaluated by open-field test , and the consumption of saccharose , emotional behavior test , body weight , and appetite were observed too .

  27. 方法应用动物行为学实验原理,采用开场、1àt迷宫、跳台等实验方法,初步观察SHR/WKY大鼠在自主活动、非选择性注意以及学习记忆等方面的行为特征。

    Methods To characterize behavioural alterations , we studied motor activity , as well as attention and cognitive behaviours in juvenile SHR by using open-field environment test , lat maze and step down test .

  28. 剑桥大学动物行为学专家,帕特里克·贝特森教授说:“长久以来人们就知道动物可以像人一样为了得到这些酬劳而完成任务。”

    Professor Patrick Bateson , an expert on animal behavior at Cambridge University , said : " It 's been known for a long time that animals will work like anything to get these rewards . "

  29. 应用光化学原理,以自制冷光源(LG150B)诱导大鼠大脑中动脉血栓形成,并观察其后动物行为学改变、脑水肿程度、脑梗塞面积以及尿激酶和水蛭提取物的治疗作用。

    Cerebral thrombus model was duplicated by applying cold light to middle cerebral artery to induce thrombus in rats , and the effects of urokinase ( UK ) and an extract of Whitmania pigra Whitman were observed .

  30. 同时进行旷场行为测试、洞板试验、甩尾试验、步下法试验等动物行为学实验,旨在研究这些基因在整体动物水平上的功能表现。

    Meanwhile , carry on the animal behavior test , including Open Field Behavior , Hole-board test , Tail Flick Latency ( TFL ) test and Step-down test to discover the gene function on the whole animal level .