
  • 网络zoogeography;Animal Geography
  1. 中国(鱼叚)虎鱼类动物地理学的初步研究

    A preliminary study of the zoogeography of the Gobioid fishes of China

  2. 方法采用昆虫分类学和动物地理学原理与方法。

    Methods Entomological taxonomy and zoogeography principles and Methods were used in this study .

  3. 新疆陆生贝类区系及动物地理学分析

    Fauna and Zoogeographical Analysis of Terrestrial mollusks in Xinjiang

  4. 青海祁连山地区兽类分布格局及动物地理学分析

    Distribution Pattern and Zoogeographical Analysis of Mammals in Qilian Mountain Areas , Qinghai , China

  5. 广西十万大山地区的鱼类区系及其动物地理学分析

    Fish fauna and zoogeographical analysis of Shi Wan Da Shan Mountains , Guangxi , China

  6. 湖北省淡水蟹类的动物地理学分析及新亚种的记述(软甲纲:十足目)

    Zoogeographical analysis of the freshwater crab from Hubei province , with descriptions of new subspecies ( malacostraca : decapoda )

  7. 陕西省陆生贝类的动物地理学分析及二新种记述(腹足纲:中腹足目:柄眼目)

    Zoogeographical analysis of the land mollusks from Shaanxi province , china , with description of two new species ( gastropoda : Pulmonata : stylommatophora )

  8. 对奉新县在九岭山脉中段溪蟹的分布格局及其动物地理学意义进行了探讨。

    Further discussion should be focus on the distribution and zoogeographical significance of freshwater crABS in Fengxin County that located in the middle section of Jiuling Mountain .

  9. 根据国内外文献报道,对土壤原生动物研究的方法学、动物地理学、生态学以及土壤环境生物学等多个方面进行了综述。

    Based on the references reported , the methodologies , zoogeography , ecology and environmental biology on the soil protozoan studies have been reviewed in the paper .

  10. 长期以来,国内对这两个亚科鸟类系统分类和演化的研究,一直采用传统的形态学、声学、动物地理学等方法,并多沿用郑作新分类系统(19942000)。

    Studies about the phylogeny and evolution of two subfamilies birds have been based mostly on morphological , acoustical and zoogeographical characters in China , and continued to use the system of Cheng Tso-Hsin .

  11. 长江下游地区若干动物区系的发现及其在动物地理学上的意义

    Some Faunal Discoveries in the Lower Yangtze Basin and their Zoogeographical Significance