
  • 网络kinetic energy theorem;theorem of kinetic energy;work-energy theorem
  1. 普通物理学中动能定理的几个层次及其应用

    Layers and application of kinetic energy theorem in common physics

  2. 用动能定理讨论三线摆的扭转振动

    A discussion of the torsion vibration of three-line pendulum using kinetic energy theorem

  3. 不同参考系中的功和动能定理

    Work and the theorem of kinetic energy in different reference framework

  4. 动能定理与第二类拉格朗日方程的推导方法

    Theorem of kinetic energy and deduction method of the second Lagrange equation

  5. 关于质点系动能定理的商榷

    On the Work and Energy Principle of a Particle System

  6. 运用系统的动能定理处理传送带的牵引力和功率问题。

    A note on the applications of the theorem of kinetic energy ;

  7. 动能定理与惯性参考系的选取无关

    Kinetic energy law is irrelevant to the selection of the inertia reference frame

  8. 运用动能定理解决变质量问题

    Solve problems of variable mass using kinetic energy theorem

  9. 质点系动能定理应用解析

    Application of kinetic energy theorem of mass point system

  10. 动能定理和传送带问题

    Work - energy theorem and conveyor belt

  11. 这就是动能定理。

    This is the work-energy theorem .

  12. 刚体绕定轴转动动能定理的验证

    Test and verification on the kinetic energy theorem of the rotating rigid body round fixed axis

  13. 根据冲量定理和动能定理,对冲击压实机的冲击力和冲击能进行研究。

    The paper uses impulse theorem and Kinetic energy theorem to study impact power and impact energy .

  14. 运用动能定理,有一个物体,从A移动到。

    Applying this work-energy theorem , I have an object B that I want to move from A to B.

  15. 从变质量物体的动力学方程出发,推导出变质量系统的动能定理。

    The kinetic energy theorem of mass variable system is derived from the kinetic equation of mass variable body .

  16. 功和动能定理在求解相关的物理问题时有着重要作用。

    Work and the Theorem of Kinetic Energy play an important role in solving the problem of related physics problems .

  17. 笔者经过必要的推导得出结论:动能定理与惯性参考系的选取无关。

    The author concludes by necessary inference that Kinetic Energy Law is irrelevant to the selection of Inertia Reference System .

  18. 本人从教学角度推导了刚体绕定点转动的动能定理。

    In this paper the kinetic energy formula of rigid body in rotation round a fixed point is derived in teaching on physics .

  19. 给出变质量质点的动能定理和一对反推内力作功的表达式,并由此给出软绳问题的正确解释。

    A theorem on kinetic energy for variable mass-point and formula of work of recoil internal forces are given and the reason of soft-rope query is discussed .

  20. 应用动能定理建立了常速率运动航天器的数学模型并求出两组稳态解。

    The mathematical model of a spacecraft moving in a constant speed is established based on the kinetic energy theorem , and two steady solution are obtained .

  21. 质点和质点系动能定理是能量守恒与转换定律的一个形式。

    Theorem of the change in the kinetic energy of a particle or a particle system is a special form of the law of conservation and transformation of energy .

  22. 将质点系动能定理和液体粘性摩擦理论应用于湿式永磁圆筒磁选机驱动电机功率的计算,推出了在目前的教科书中尚为空白的磁选机驱动电机功率的计算公式;

    Particle series kinetic energy theory and liquid viscous friction are used to establish driving motor power computing formula for wet tube permanent magnetism separator . This formula did not exist in textbooks .

  23. 指出从动能定理出发直接推导具有理想约束的质点系的第二类拉格明日方程的方法是错误的,并分析了其错误的原因。

    This paper points out that the method Lagrange Equations of the second kind for the system of particles from the theorem of kinetic energy is wrong , and analyses the causes of the mistake .

  24. 从动量定理、动量守恒、动能定理、动量矩定理和质心运动定理等方面入手,结合具体实例,系统地分析和讨论了经典变质量问题。

    This paper analyzes and discusses classical mass-variable problem by using some specific examples through the law of momentum , the law of kinetic energy , the law of angular momentum , the law of momentum conservation , the moving law of mass-center .

  25. 第三章农地制度与农村社会保障整体变迁的理论分析,利用超模博弈、制度互补、动能定理以及放宽约束后的模型介绍农地制度与农村社会保障制度的互补性。

    Chapter III is theoretical analysis of agricultural land system and rural social security overall change , using supermodel game complementary system , kinetic energy theorem , as well as to relax the constraints of the model describing the complementarity of the Land Tenure and Rural Social Security System .

  26. 在此运动分析的基础上,应用动能定理的功率方程,分别考虑游梁式抽油机各部件对曲柄输出轴扭矩的影响,得到求解曲柄输出轴扭矩的表达式。

    On the basis of kinematic analysis , the power equations of kinetic energy theorem are introduced to calculate the influence of each part of the beam pumping unit on the output axle torque of crank respectively , and the expressions for solving the crank output axle torque are derived .

  27. 而功和动能与惯性参考系的选取有关,那么,经典力学的重要内容之一&动能定理与惯性参考系的选取是否有关?

    So , does Kinetic Energy Law-one of the most important laws in Classical Mechanics , relate to the selection of Inertia Reference System ?