
  • 网络Efficient Cause;causa efficiens;nimitta;causamovens
  1. 一般而言,动力因不是质料的原因,因为动力因以质料为先决条件。

    Ordinarily , however , the efficient cause is not the cause of the matter since it presupposes it .

  2. 我为什么要因为快成为奶奶而高兴?一般而言,动力因不是质料的原因,因为动力因以质料为先决条件。

    Aurora Greenway : Why should I be happy about being a grandmother ? Ordinarily , however , the efficient cause is not the cause of the matter since it presupposes it .

  3. 教育作为一种制度性和社会性实在,意识在其形成和发展中起着动力因的作用。

    Education as a social and institutional reality , consciousness plays a role of dynamic cause in its formation and development .

  4. 再通过对问题现象的指认、问题的概念界定以及问题内在动力因的论述最终完成对于城市空间增长过程中生态安全问题的提出过程。

    And then through recognizing the meaning of question phenomenon , we define the question one concept and not inherent power in issue .

  5. 正是由于这些动力因,主体才得以积极地去进行科学接受活动,去认真对待每一次科学接受活动。

    It is because of these motivations , that the subject is willing to actively carry out scientific acceptance activities and to take them seriously .

  6. 现代的技术不同于传统意义上的技术,现代技术不只是人类的行为,也不只是人类行为过程中的单纯工具,而是一种隐蔽的潜能,一种动力因,一种累积的过程。

    Modern technology is different from the traditional one . Modern technology is not only human behavior , not just simply tools in the process of human behavior , but a " hidden potential ", a " power intention ", and a " cumulative process " .

  7. 这一情形要成立,当且仅当被仰慕的目的促使动力因产生出所涉及的结果,如果目的没有同时贡献出因果性这一手段,那动力因将不会作用。

    Now this situation obtains if , and only if , the end as loved moves the efficient cause to give existence to the effect in question , so that the efficient cause would not give existence if the end were not simultaneously contributing its measure of causality .

  8. 本田(Honda)将首席执行官伊东孝绅(TakanobuIto)的薪酬砍掉五分之一,此前该公司的飞度(Fit)混合动力汽车因存在安全隐患而在一年里第五次被召回。

    Honda has cut the pay of Takanobu Ito , chief executive , by a fifth - following the fifth recall of its Fit hybrid model in a year owing to safety issues , writes Kana Inagaki .

  9. 动力工厂因上次安检未过而被科罚金。

    Power Factory was fined for safety violations from its last inspection .

  10. 在此背景下,融合传统内燃机汽车和纯电动汽车优点的混合动力汽车因其低能耗、低排放等优点,成为21世纪汽车工业发展的主要方向。

    Under this background , hybrid electric vehicle ( HEV ), which combines the advantages of conventional fuel vehicle and electric vehicle , becomes the main flow of automobile industry for its high fuel economy and low emissions in the 21st century .

  11. 前沿技术进步已经成为TFP增长的最重要动力,企业因前沿技术进步平均每年提高全要素生产率高达14个百分点;

    The contribution to TFP growth by Frontier Technology Progress reached as much as 14 percentage points a year on average ;

  12. “行动”决定了你需要鼓舞,“行动”也是你出发的最原始动力,只因它知晓你惊人的潜力。

    DO finds you need cheering and dares you to get off , because it knows how amazing you could be .

  13. 由于钢结构人行桥的动力特性往往因自身结构和质量的不同而有差异,因此需要有针对性的进行分析。

    As the dynamic properties of the steel pedestrian bridge are different because of its structure and quality , it need targeted analysis .

  14. 方法按动力、伤因、神经损伤部位、神经损伤数及有无肌腱移植,进行列表统计,以找出规律。并强调了转移肌腱的方向应与拇短展肌轴线方向一致。

    Methods Statistical analysis and evaluation were done in regard to the muscle strength , injury cause , injured parts , injured nerves and tendon transfer .

  15. 超声速燃烧冲压发动机是一种新型的吸气式动力装置,因其良好的性能和巨大的潜在优势,在未来的军事和民用的航空、航天领域中具有广阔的应用前景。

    The scramjet is a new type of air-breathing Propulsion device , which has remarkable performance and great potential superiority , and has a good prospect in the field of military aviation in the future .

  16. 水动力附加节能装置因成本较低,安装简便等优点,在实际应用中已取得明显的效益。

    With lost cost , easy installation and etc , hydrodynamic additional energy-saving devices have been proved to have clear benefits .

  17. 被动式动力吸振器因其减振效果好,无需外部能源,且造价低、可靠性高的特点有着广泛的应用。

    Passive vibration absorber because of its damping effect , no external energy , low cost and high reliability has been widely applied .

  18. 低应变动力测桩法因其测量周期短、耗资小、应用简便,目前已被广泛应用于检测桩身完整性的检测。

    Due to its simplicity , speed of execution and low cost , Low Strain Integrity Test has been widely applied in pile integrity test .

  19. 大型动力系统中常因局部的高频振动及非线性等特性限制了系统的积分步长而导致整体计算量激增,针对此问题提出一种分区域异步长显式&精细混合积分方法。

    Large-scale dynamic systems with local high-frequency vibration and local nonlinearity require small integration time step which greatly decreases the effeciency of the direct integration method .

  20. 闭式循环柴油机作为不依赖空气动力系统之一,因柴油机技术成熟而具有技术成熟、成本低的优点。

    As one of the Air Independent Propulsion ( AIP ) and the mature technology of diesel engine , Closed Cycle Diesel Engine ( CCD ) system has the advantages of mature technology and low cost .

  21. 同时又要保证汽车在不平路面行驶、突然加减速、转弯等工况下,发动机始终保持在设计位置,使整个动力总成不因发动机与车架之间的相对运动过大而受损。

    In order to prevent the powerplant from damaging , the mount should keep the engine at the design location in the condition of car driving on uneven road , speeding up and down suddenly and swerving .