
  • 网络medical geography;Health geography
  1. 本文运用医学地理学、医学气象学及医学磁学等新兴交叉学科的基本原理,分析武汉市36a来机动车辆交通事故与太阳黑子相对数的相关关系。

    Using medical geography , meteorology and magnetism , the paper analyzed the relationship between the relative number of sunspot and traffic accident of power driven vehicle over last 36 years .

  2. 医学地理学模型与区域人类生态系统模型的探讨

    The models of medical geography and territorial anthropo - ecosystem

  3. 本文从统计学、地理学和医学地理学相结合的角度出发,探讨不同地区青年军人经空运进驻高原时AMS的发生情况,以研究人群发生AMS的医学地理差异。

    To find the difference of AMS from different regions for young soldiers and study the relationships of AMS entered altitude by air and the medical geography condition of the solider were lives , we have this research .

  4. 对城市康体保护空间的研究涉及医学地理学、健康地理学(或保健地理学)。

    Research on urban health space involves medical geography and health geography .

  5. 某部常驻地区医学地理学与传染病防治调查研究

    Investigation on The Relationship between Medical Geography and Infectious Diseases Control in A Military Unit

  6. 现代医学地理学研究中大量与宏观系统有关的数据都具有空间分布特点,使地理信息系统成为医学地理学研究中有力的辅助工具。

    Data related to the macroscopically system in modern medical geography have the property of spatial distribution which serve as the potent assistant in the research of medical geography .

  7. 探讨人群健康状况和生命现象或过程的空间模式及其与环境因素的关系,在医学地理学的研究中具有重大的理论意义。

    Exploring the spatial patterns and its relationship with environmental factors in health status and life phenomenon or process , is of great theoretical significance in the study of medical geography .

  8. 自然疫源地理学是医学地理学中新兴起的一个分支,以研究自然疫源性疾病的地理分布、致病的地理因素和自然疫源地的成因、结构、地理特征及其演化为目的。

    Natural focus geography is a new branch of medical geography , the aims of this branch being to discuss the geographical distribution and geographical factors about diseases of natural foci , and to discuss the reason , structure , geographical features and the evolution of natural foci .

  9. 分形理论已广泛应用于各个领域,如:数学、物理、化学、材料科学、生物与医学、地质和地理学、地震和天文学以及计算机科学等。

    Fractal theory is extensive applied to many fields , such as mathematics , physics , chemistry , material science , biology and medicine , geography , earthquake and astronomy , computer science and so on .