
yī yào xué
  • pharmacology
  1. 中医药学的未来走向因特网在医药学研究中的应用

    Future Trend of Traditional Chinese Medicine Application of Internet in Iatrology and Pharmacology

  2. 作为崭新的方法学,代谢组学已在医药学、生物学等众多领域得到广泛应用。

    Metabonomics has been widely used in the research of pharmacology and biological sciences .

  3. 研究人员表示,充分了解新陈代谢的变化对于医药学可能有意义。

    The researchers said fully9 understanding the shifting metabolism could have implications in medicine .

  4. 俄罗斯教育与科学部报告称,教育学、信息技术和医药学是2019年最受俄罗斯大学新生欢迎的专业。

    Pedagogical faculties1 , IT specialties2 , and Medicine are the most popular majors for Russian university entrants in 2019 , reports Russian Ministry3 of Education and Science .

  5. 如何利用Internet检索医药学文献

    How to Use Medical Literature in Internet

  6. 因此,寻找安全有效的抗HBV药物已成为当今医药学界一项重要任务。

    So researching for safe and effective anti-HBV medicine has been an urgent task in the medicine world .

  7. 小动物PET是一种无创伤性的分子影像学技术,是连接实验科学和临床科学的桥梁,在医药学研究中具有独特的价值。

    Small animal PET is a noninvasive molecular imaging technique , which provides an important bridge between experimental sciences and clinical sciences , and plays an unique role in medicine and drug development .

  8. 星期一,浦那市报道了第三例H1N1病毒感染死亡案例,一个35岁的传统医药学医生死于猪流感。

    The city of Pune reported its third death due to the H1N1 virus on Monday , when a35-year-old doctor of traditional medicine succumbed to swine flu .

  9. 结果与结论:CAonCD是医药学及化学工作者不可或缺的数据库之一,而主题检索方式具有较高的查全率和查准率,在实际工作中可作为首选。

    In the end , it put forward the limitations of it . RESULTS & CONCLUSION : CA on CD is the fundamental database for medicinal worker and its descriptor retrieval means has very high recall and precision ratio , so we should choose this means first .

  10. 昨天我幸运地收到俄克拉荷马大学发出的I-20表格,同意我攻读医药学的研究生课程。

    Fortunately , yesterday , I received another I-20 form issued by the University of Oklahoma which admitted me to graduate study in Hospital Pharmacy .

  11. 吴茱萸(EvodiaRutaecarpa(Juss)Benth)是重要中药材,其药效和药理在医药学中发挥着重要的作用,市场对吴茱萸的需求也越来越大。

    Fructus evodiae ( Evodia rutaecarpa ( Juss ) Benth . ) is an important Chinese medicinal plant . Its efficacy and pharmacological medicine play an important role in the market on the Evodia the demand is also growing .

  12. 数理医药学与生物学:数学及其应用学会杂志。

    Mathematical Medicine and Biology : A Journal of the IMA .

  13. 中国医药学有着数千年的历史。

    Traditional Chinese medicine has a history of thousands of years .

  14. 他开始对传统医药学产生了极大的兴趣。

    He began to take a great interest in conventional medicine .

  15. 中国的医药学在世界上独树一帜。

    The Chinese medicine is a unique school of its own .

  16. 对照银杏学的研究分析沙棘现代医药学的现状和发展趋势

    The Current Situation and Developing Trend of Modern Pharmaceutics of Seabuckthorn

  17. 中国医药学是我国优秀文化的一个重要组成部分。

    Traditional Chinese medicine is an important part of Chinese culture .

  18. 生物学、物理学与医药学的磁共振材料。

    Magnetic Resource Materials in Physics , Biology and Medicine .

  19. 会给能源与医药学领域带来巨大进展

    will bring about advancements in power , advancements in medicine

  20. 1991~1996年期间国家自然科学基金医药学资助项目分析

    Analysis of aid projects from NSFC on medicine during 1991-1996

  21. 纳米技术在医药学领域中研究应用进展

    Progress on the Study and Application of Nanotechnology in Medical and Pharmaceutical Fields

  22. 阿拉伯医药对中国医药学的发展有着重要影响,中阿医药交流过程中,有几种实现途径颇为显著。

    Arabian medicine played an important role in the development of Chinese medicine .

  23. 壳聚糖在医药学方面的研究进展

    Research on the Chitosan and its Application in Medicine

  24. 任职资格:专科以上学历,医药学及市场营销等相关专业优先;

    Requirements : Diploma above , major in medicine and marketing or equivalent qualification .

  25. 中国傣族传统医药学概论

    The Summary of Dai Traditional medicine of China

  26. β-环糊精衍生物及其在医药学上的应用

    β - Cyclodextrin Derivatives and Their Pharmaceutical Applications

  27. 传统医药学在良好的政策环境下得到了空前的发展和传播。

    Traditional medicine in a good policy environment has undergone an unprecedented development and dissemination .

  28. 景教与中国医药学

    Nestorianism and Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology

  29. 国际军事医药学委员会

    International Committee of Military Medicine and Pharmacy

  30. 本文综述了近年来原子吸收光谱法在医药学中的应用进展。

    This review has reported recent advance of atomic absorption spectrophotometry in medicine and pharmacy .