
  • 网络systems genetics;syst genetics
  1. 森林生态系统遗传学

    Ecological system genetics of forestry

  2. Rh血型系统的分子遗传学及其医学应用

    Molecular genetics and clinical application of Rh blood group system

  3. Lutheran血型系统的分子遗传学基础

    Molecular Genetics of Lutheran Blood Group System

  4. 细菌人工染色体载体系统在反向遗传学中的应用研究进展

    Progress on Application of Bacterial Artificial Chromosome System in the Reverse Genetics

  5. 群体遗传学和分子系统学是遗传学研究的重要内容。

    Population genetics and molecular phylogeny are the important contents for research of mollusc genetics .

  6. 通过建立综合性、设计性、开放性的遗传学实验体系,开发设计遗传学实验显微图像采集与演示系统,编制遗传学实验的计算机模拟软件等方式改革了遗传学实验教学,促进学生创新能力的提高。

    By establishing a comprehensive , designing and opening genetics experimental system , the micrographs capturing and showing system was designed , the software of computer simulation was programmed for the reformation of the genetics experimental teaching , which improves students ' creative abilities .

  7. 系统回顾了医学遗传学的发展历程,从形式遗传学、细胞遗传学、生化遗传学直到近代的分子遗传学;

    The history of medical genetics was reviewed in this article , through formal genetics , cytogenetics and biochemical genetics to molecular genetics .

  8. 组合性状(对)是在选择指数理论基础上,随着多元统计分析和系统科学思想在遗传学领域的渗透,丰富和发展起来的。

    With the developing of statistical multi-analysis and science system in genetics , the theory of combined traits and twain traits are abundance and development based on the theory of selection index .

  9. 神经系统遗传性疾病是人类所有遗传性疾病中非常重要的一类,也是神经系统疾病和医学遗传学的重要组成部分,在所发现的遗传性疾病中约占半数以上。

    Neurogenetic disorders , which constitute an important part of neurological disorders and medical genetics , are the most vital type in all of the human genetic diseases . More than a half of found genetic diseases involve in nervous system .