
  • 网络systemic financial crisis;systematic financial crisis
  1. 因严重违规章经营、内部制度不健全或长期经营管理不善,造成金融机构被接管、被迫合并或宣告破产,或者引发区域性或系统性金融危机;

    Financial institution taken over , forced to merge or declare bankruptcy , or causing regional or systematic financial crisis due to severe illegal operation against regulations , unhealthy internal system or long-term poor management ;

  2. 欧美股市跌破了3月份的最低价位,当时对系统性金融危机的恐惧达到了高峰。

    Stock markets in Europe and the US fell below their lows set in March , when fears of a systemic financial crisis peaked .

  3. 而且,这一分析也支持系统性金融危机确实会造成更严重、持续时间更长的衰退这一观点。

    Again , the analysis supports the view that systemic financial crises do cause deeper and longer-lasting recessions .

  4. 衍生金融工具创新的同时,其风险监管也应同步发展,只有这样,才能避免风险积聚造成系统性金融危机。

    Synchronization development of financial derivatives innovation and regulation is the only way to avoid accumulated systemic risk .

  5. 这并不是因为她认为学生贷款即将引爆一次系统性金融危机。

    This is not because she thinks that student debt is about to detonate a systemic financial crisis .

  6. 如果信贷扩张期间发生严重冲击,这些溢出效应会引发自促成的系统性金融危机。

    If a sufficiently severe shock occurs during a credit expansion , these spillovers can potentially generate a systemic financial crisis that may be self-fulfilling .

  7. 莱因哈特教授和罗格夫教授以房地产泡沫和高债务率为特征辨别“系统性金融危机”。

    Profs Reinhart and Rogoff distinguish a " systemic financial crisis " as one characterised by a real estate bubble and high levels of debt .

  8. 为此,笔者对关于全球系统性金融危机的英汉财经报道中使用的隐喻进行了对比分析。

    To this purpose , the author has carried out a comparative study of the conceptual metaphors of the Global Systemic Crisis in both English and Chinese .

  9. 日本央行还认为,在上述实体经济问题未解决的背景下,货币政策只能是治标之策,最多能成为一种阻止系统性金融危机的工具。

    Against these real economic forces , the BoJ view goes , monetary policy is a mere palliative , at best a tool to prevent systemic financial risk .

  10. 最终,一场系统性的金融危机得以在中东欧地区避免。

    In the end , a systemic financial crisis in the region was avoided .

  11. 书中他认为所有系统性的金融危机都是人们对于银行债务缺乏信心所造成的。

    All systemic financial crises , he argues , are the result of a broad loss of confidence in bank debt .

  12. 这表明,传统以控制通胀为目标范围的货币政策与微观监管机制所形成了宏观监管框架,并不能有效防范系统性风险和金融危机。

    This suggests that the monetary policy in order to control inflation as the target in the past , and the macro-prudential financial supervision framework which was formed by the micro-prudential financial supervision , does not effectively prevent systemic risk and the financial crisis .

  13. 该名单由监管机构在“金融稳定委员会”(financialstabilityboard)的主持下拟定,旨在预防系统性风险在未来金融危机中向全球扩散。

    The list has been drawn up by regulators under the auspices of the financial stability board , in an effort to pre-empt systemic risks from spreading around the world in any future financial crisis .

  14. 论文主要由系统性金融风险的成因理论研究、系统性金融风险和金融危机的历史考察和比较、我国当前系统性金融风险的现状分析和对策三部分组成。

    This thesis consists mainly of three parts : a theoretical research on the formation of systemic financial risks ; a survey and comparison on systemic financial risks and history of financial crisis ;