
  • 网络System purchase;Systems buying
  1. 使用iPhone6、某些型号的iPad以及AppleWatch且搭载近场通信的用户,将可以在中国指定的商店使用这套系统购买商品。

    Users of the iPhone 6 , certain iPads , and Apple Watches equipped with near field communication , or NFC technology , will be able to use the system to buy items in certain stores in China .

  2. 本周,经纪公司halifax宣布,在年内剩余时间里,任何客户通过其sharebuilder系统购买股票,都将免收交易费。

    This week , Halifax announced that anyone buying shares through its sharebuilder scheme would be charged no dealing fees for the rest of the year .

  3. 在每次交易时,你通常会透过网上购票系统购买多少张票?

    How many tickets you usually buy from the online ticketing services in each transaction ?

  4. 联合国系统购买大量货物和服务,一年超过40亿美元。

    The UN system is a major purchaser of goods and services , totalling over $ 4 billion a year .

  5. 对于参与分期预付式系统购买纯平电视和电冰箱等商品的顾客,该公司会收取1.9%的手续费。

    It charges customers 1.9 per cent to take part in a layaway-type system for items that include flat-screen televisions and refrigerators .

  6. 在容量规划需要做出有关CPU数量的正确决定时,它也涉及到将CPU信息与每一个系统所购买的内存和磁盘存储数量相平衡。

    While capacity planning involves making sound decisions about the number of CPUs , it also involves balancing the CPU information with the amount of memory and disk storage purchased for each system .

  7. 这些集中供水灌溉系统的购买和使用成本都比较高,ChrisSchaefers家就拥有8个这样的系统,他说使用这个系统,农作物的产量提高了,在银行也能获得更好的信用,完全可以收回投入的成本。

    These center-pit irrigation systems are expensive to buy and operate . But Chris Schaefers whose family owns 8 of them says they get their money back in better yields and better credit at the bank .

  8. 每个超电压客户会议以外的前四个系统需要购买适当的服务器许可证,这是否是一个标准版或企业版的授权许可。

    Each Hyper-V guest session beyond the first four systems requires the purchase of the appropriate server license , whether that be a Standard Edition license or Enterprise Edition license .

  9. 我们在巴塞罗那地铁项目中为银行服务,就斯堪的纳维亚的私营铁路承包提供咨询,我们还正在为爱尔兰政府的铁路购买署就都柏林的地铁系统的购买提供法律服务。

    We have acted for bankers in relation to the Barcelona metro , provided advice on private rail franchises in Scandinavia and are currently acting for the Irish governments ' Railway Procurement Agency in the procurement of a metro system for Dublin .

  10. 系统将初始化购买物品流程(PurchaseItemprocess)。

    The system will initiate Purchase Item process .

  11. 创新跟踪系统将终结购买血汗钻石。

    Innovative tracking system aims to end blood diamond buys .

  12. 目前,以网上购物为重要形式的电子商务得到了迅猛发展,个性化推荐系统可望提升购买商品的便捷性与销售效率,已成为目前研究的热点。

    Nowadays , E-commerce , which has an important form as shopping based on Internet , has been developed rapidly . The personalized recommender system can improve the convenience and efficiency for shopping and becomes the hot research domain .

  13. 目前一些成熟的嵌入式操作系统大都需要购买且价格昂贵,将免费实时操作系统μC/OS-Ⅱ应用于无线固话的开发中,降低了系统成本,在性能和可靠性等方面也能够达到要求。

    This paper applies the real-time OS μ C / OS - ⅱ in the development about the wireless immobile telephone . Some mature real-time OS almost need purchase and be expensive . Contrast to them , the real-time OS μ C / OS - ⅱ is free of charge .

  14. 从技术上讲,在XP系统诞生之际购买的很多电脑都能运行Windows系统的最新版本。

    Lots of computers from the age of XP can technically run the latest version of Windows .

  15. 在手工系统中,赊账购买被记录在进货日记账,现金支付被记录在现金支付日记账。

    Credit purchases in a manual system are recorded in a purchases journal and cash payments in a cash disbursements journal .

  16. 研究结果表明,改进后的温度控制系统,不用专门购买A/D转化芯片,可通过编程直接实现。

    The result of the study indicates that the improved temperature control system can actualize A / D without buying the special chip .

  17. 这种环境的花销包括购买和维护操作系统的费用、购买和升级硬件的花费以及管理支出。

    Costs for such environments include the purchase price and maintenance for the operating system , initial outlays and upgrades for hardware , and other administration expenditures .

  18. “我们鼓励承建商到耕种区帮助农民,并敦促一些公司从那些没有加入合同系统的种植者那里购买作物”,马替比瑞博士说。

    " We are encouraging contractors to go into the farming areas and assist the farmers and urging some companies to purchase the crop from growers who are not on the contract system ," Dr Matibiri added .

  19. 联合国大学可持续循环项目人员鲁迪格·库尔向法新社透露,减少电子垃圾的最可行的方法是构建一个系统,在这个系统中消费者不再购买设备,而只享受其带来的服务。

    Perhaps the most promising approach to reducing e-waste is a system where consumers no longer purchase devices , but instead only the services they provide , Ruediger Kuehr of UNU 's Sustainable Cycles Programme told AFP .