
  • 网络System Management School;System approach
  1. 最后,介绍了由系统管理学派提出的,经营管理的层次结构体系,并对其进行了展开和讨论。

    At last , a new system of " administrative level structure , " which is proposed by the school of system management is introduced and expounded .

  2. 首先,借鉴系统管理学派的理论将企业的质量管理作为系统进行研究,认为质量管理体系的良好运行需要管理环境的配合和支持,并提出质量管理的系统论观点。

    According to the theory of system management , take enterprise quality management as a system for research . Assimilate quality management to a sub system of the enterprise management system , a benign environment system is needed for smooth running of the quality management system .