
xì tǒnɡ shēnɡ wù xué
  • systems biology
  1. 本文设计了一种应用于系统生物学的编程语言&B语言,并开发了B语言的解释器及仿真环境。

    In this thesis , B language & a programming language applied to systems biology is designed with its interpreter and simulator developed at the same time .

  2. Granger因果关系的理论及其在系统生物学中的应用

    The Theory of Granger Causality and Its Applications in Systems Biology

  3. miRNA靶标预测的系统生物学方法研究

    Study on Systems Biology Methods of miRNA Target Prediction

  4. 目的:探讨皮肤基底细胞微管作为Alzheimer病非神经系统生物学诊断指标的意义。

    Objective : To evaluate the clinical significance of diagnosing Alzheimer ' sdisease with microtuble of basal cells as biological marker .

  5. Firebird冠脉涂膜支架系统生物学安全性评价研究

    Biological Safety Evaluation of the Firebird Coronary Drug Coated Stent System

  6. 基于Visualc++.NET平台,开发了用于Petri网代谢研究的系统生物学软件,实现了计算机的Petri网代谢模型的建模和仿真。

    Then we developed a package of Systems Biology software for Petri Net modeling on Visual C + + . NET , which enables us to construct and simulate Petri Net metabolic model on computer .

  7. 以类风湿性关节炎(Rheumatoidarthritis,RA)为例,在流行病调查和RCT临床试验的基础上,开展了RA中医证候分类学的系统生物学基础研究。

    In this study , rheumatoid arthritis ( RA ) based clinical investigations and clinical trials are made evidences for analyzing the systems biology of TCM syndrome differentiation .

  8. 系统生物学是研究一个生物系统中所有组成成分(基因、mRNA、蛋白质等)的构成,以及在特定条件下这些组分间的相互关系的学科。

    Systems biology is a field that focuses on the study of all the components inside an organism , including genes , mRNA and proteins . It is also interested in the relationship between these components under specific conditions .

  9. B语言的建模语法根据系统生物学标记语言设计,符合当前通行标准,并且B语言具有交互性解释型编程语言的特征,配合构建的仿真环境,就能方便的对模型进行仿真和计算。

    The modeling grammar of B language is compatible with Systems Biology Markup Language ( SBML ), current actual standard . As an interactive interpreting programming language , B language , combined with its simulator , provided a convenient way for calculation of the complex biological model .

  10. 系统生物学在中药ADME性质研究中的应用

    Application of Systems Biology to Absorption , Distribution , Metabolism and Excretion in Traditional Chinese Medicine

  11. 网络motif识别技术作为研究生物网络的结构设计规则及网络发展规律和趋势的有力工具,已成为当前系统生物学领域的研究热点之一。

    Network motif detection technology is exactly a powerful tool to uncover the structural design principles of biological networks as well as the law and trend of their development . Now it has become one of the hottest issues in systems biology field .

  12. 中医临床研究方法的思考与实践&系统生物学湿干研究模式与中医临床研究

    Design and Practice of Wet-Dry Approach in Clinical Research of TCM

  13. 这个过程可能需要一个世纪或更长时间,因此常把系统生物学称为21世纪的生物学。

    This process may persist for a century or even longer .

  14. 慢性乙型肝炎证候系统生物学的研究思路与方法

    Technology and Research Progress of Chronic Hepatitis B Syndrome System Biology

  15. 传统中医学与现代系统生物学的有效碰撞

    System biology based understanding key issues of traditional Chinese medicine science

  16. 系统生物学的概念由来已久。

    Many of the concepts of systems biology are not new .

  17. 基因调控网络的系统生物学建模

    Modeling of the Gene Regulation Network with a Systems Biology Approach

  18. 我们采用了一种系统生物学的方法来研究艺术史。

    We are taking a systems biology approach to art history .

  19. 系统生物学和中医证的研究

    Study on Systematic Biology and Syndrome of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  20. 组建昆虫系统生物学的目的性和可行性探索

    Exploring the intentions and the feasibility 0f establishing the systematic insect biology

  21. 蛋白质相互作用网络是后基因组时代系统生物学研究的重要内容。

    Several representative methods of clustering in protein-protein interaction network are reviewed .

  22. 该研究于本周在《分子系统生物学》上网上发表。

    The study is published online this week in Molecular Systems Biology .

  23. 关于二十一世纪菌物系统生物学的目标与任务的思考

    The goal of systematic biology of Pan fungi in the 21 century

  24. 属于神经系统生物学研究或与之相关。

    Of or relating to the biological study of the nervous system .

  25. 随着高通量生物学技术的发展与普及,系统生物学得以建立,并且迅速发展。

    Systems biology was established and developed through high-throughout biological technique nowadays .

  26. 接触系统生物学意义的再认识

    Revision of the Biological Significance of the Contact System

  27. 系统生物学&生命科学的新领域

    Systems Biology : a New Field of Biological Science

  28. 浅谈系统生物学与中医体质学的关系

    Relationship between system biology and traditional Chinese constitutional medicine

  29. 系统生物学是从系统的层次上研究生物系统。

    Systems biology tries to understand the biological systems at the systematic level .

  30. 系统生物学的发展与医学本科教育改革

    Development of systems biology and innovation of medical education