
dì lǐ xué
  • geography;areography
地理学 [dì lǐ xué]
  • [geography] 研究地球及其生命的科学;尤指对陆地、海洋、大气的描述,对动植物、包括人类的分布状态以及人类根据种种自然力的相互关系所从事的劳动的描述

地理学[dì lǐ xué]
  1. 那时正是地理学真正开始发生改变、许多新观念兴起的时候。

    It was just when geography was really beginning to change and lots of new ideas were coming in

  2. 她研究政治地理学。

    She studies political geography .

  3. 他们不是地理学方面的工作者,而是城市应急中心的调度员。

    They are not workers on geography , but dispatchers on Emergency Center of the city .

  4. 历史生物地理学重建生物区系历史。

    Historical biogeography attempts to reconstruct the biota history of the earth .

  5. 的确,地理学帮了我很大的忙。

    and it is true that geography has been very useful to me .

  6. GAP分析:保护生物多样性的地理学方法

    GAP Analysis : A Geographic Approach to Protect Biological Diversity

  7. GIS在历史地理学中的应用

    The Application of GIS in Historical Geography

  8. 基于GIS的城市地理学研究方法革新探讨

    The discussion for the reformation of the study way of urban geography based on GIS

  9. GIS与历史地理学

    GIS and Historical Geography

  10. 地理学家G·泰勒首次把有关北京城的建址问题提到现代城市地理学的研究上来进行。

    At the first time Geographer G.Taylor studied the problem about choicing place of Beijing City from the angle of geography of modern city .

  11. T.论人文地理学的三大支柱

    On the Three Posts of Human Geography

  12. 这些都是一些比较传统的研究。而基于新经济地理学视角下的贸易成本对FDI区位选择的影响研究却少有人关注。

    However these are all old-fashioned research , seldom are there any studies conducted from the perspective of New Economic Geography .

  13. 新经济地理学视角下的FDI区位选择&基于中国省际面板数据的实证分析

    The Selection According to the New Economic Geography of FDI Regions : A Case Study Based on China 's Inter-provincial Panel Data

  14. 利用生物多样性保护的地理学方法(Geographicapproachtoprotectionofbiologicaldiverstiy,GAP)分析了自然保护区的布局和现状。

    We examined the data on the actual situation of nature reserves using the method of GAP analysis ( geographic approach to protection of biological diversity ) .

  15. 历史生物地理学中的BPA分析法Ⅰ:初级BPA

    The Application of BPA in Historical Biogeography Part One : Primary BPA

  16. 地理信息系统(GeographicInformationsystem,GIS)是地球科学和信息科学等学科交叉的产物,涉及了地理学、制图学、遥感、CAD技术、数据库技术等技术。

    Geographic Information System ( GIS ) is a combination of the space science and information science , and is involved many technologies such as geography , graphics , CAD , database technology .

  17. 近年来,随着分形理论在地理学领域的应用及计量地理学与分形地貌学的兴起和GIS技术的深入应用,流域地貌分形学研究也日益深入。

    In recent years , with the fractal theory in geography and the application of quantitative geography and fractal geomorphology of the rise and in-depth application of GIS technology , fractal basin geomorphological study has become more in depth .

  18. 地理信息系统(GIS)作为集计算机科学、地理学、环境科学、城市科学、空间科学、信息科学和管理科学为一体的学科,可为水土保持规划设计与管理提供强有力的技术手段支持。

    Being as an integrated discipline of incorporating the sciences of computer , geography , environment , urban , space , information and management , GIS can provide powerful technical support for the planning , design and management of soil and water conservation .

  19. 与此同时,由于新经济地理学首次把运输成本纳入到一般均衡分析框架中,从而为FDI的区位选择研究提供了新的理论框架和研究视角。

    At the same time , since the new economic geography for the first time transport costs into general equilibrium analysis framework , so as to FDI Location Choice of study provides a new theoretical framework and research perspectives .

  20. 人文主义地理学的一个主要目标是协调社会科学与人之间的关系,容纳知性(understanding)与智慧(wisdom),客观(objectivity)与主观(subjectivity)以及唯物主义和唯心主义。

    It is the first collection work on this field . One of the main aims of humanistic geography is corresponding the following relations : social sciences and human , understanding and wisdom , objectivity and subjectivity , materialism and mentalism .

  21. 此外对生物地理学优化算法的设计原理、算法流程及相应迁移和突变操作进行了详细介绍,论述了该新型算法与传统优化算法之间的差异以及BBO算法有待解决的问题。

    In addition , the design principle , process , migration and mutation operators are detailed . The paper also discusses the difference of the BBO and the tradition optimization algorithm .

  22. 土地利用/土地覆盖变化(LUCC)在全球环境变化和区域可持续发展中占有重要地位,是地理学目前研究的前沿和热点。

    Land Use and Land Cover Change ( LUCC ) not only play an important role in global environmental change and sustainable development , but also has become the frontier and the focus of researches on global change .

  23. 本文运用医学地理学、医学气象学及医学磁学等新兴交叉学科的基本原理,分析武汉市36a来机动车辆交通事故与太阳黑子相对数的相关关系。

    Using medical geography , meteorology and magnetism , the paper analyzed the relationship between the relative number of sunspot and traffic accident of power driven vehicle over last 36 years .

  24. 从地理学到地质学,只有几何学能组织这些有机体。

    From geography to geology , only geometry organizes the organic .

  25. 建设地理学探索的回顾与思考

    Some thinking and review of the probe course on constructive geography

  26. 环境遥感对地理学研究方法的拓展

    The Environmental Remote Sensing and Researching Method of the Geographic Science

  27. 国际经贸地理学研究进展及其理论创新

    Research progress and theory innovation of International Economy And Trade Geography

  28. 关于我国湿地资源可持续发展渔业地理学研究的探讨

    A Study on Sustainable Fishery Geography for Wetland Resource in China

  29. 地理学在全球变化研究中的学科地位及重要作用

    The subject position and role of Geography in global change study

  30. 关于我国城市统计区重建的地理学研究

    A Geography Study on Reconstruction of Urban Statistical Area in China